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Book reviews for "Ajilvsgi,_Geyata" sorted by average review score:

Butterfly Gardening for the South
Published in Hardcover by Taylor Pub (October, 1991)
Amazon base price: $38.00
Used price: $15.00
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $26.36
Used price: $15.00
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $26.36
Average review score: 

This is a buy now book for the southern gardener who wants to encourage flocks of butterflies into their garden or who wants to know more about native plants with a butterflies view in mind. The author has extensive color pictures of the butterflies and their habits as well as cultural information about the food plants of the larvae and nector plants of the adults. She has taken beautiful pictures of the plants, butterflies, catapillar, and egg stage of almost all the butterflies she details. The information is invaluable. Many butterfly plants are so common as to be considered weeds well many of them are weeds but if you want to grow them and collect them it helps to have a color picture to identify them and cultural information about growing them. She includes layouts for garden design in each of the southern zones covered and gives alot of good organic practical gardening advice. I especially like the part where she shares her experience on how to take pictures of butterflies. Great stuff for someone who does not know alot about SLR cameras and wants an insiders advice on how to take pictures of butterflies. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in gardening with native trees and plants as well as adapted non natives who wishes to encourage butterflies in their garden.

Wild Flowers of the Big Thicket, East Texas and Western Louisiana
Published in Hardcover by Texas A&M University Press (December, 1979)
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $114.40
Used price: $114.40
Average review score: 

All field guides should be like this book, which gives details about habitat types and plant communities. For individual plants, the blooming periods are given, along with other information. A winner!

Wildflowers of Texas
Published in Paperback by Shearer Pub (February, 1989)
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $5.28
Collectible price: $15.40
Used price: $5.28
Collectible price: $15.40
Average review score: 

A truly beautiful book. I walk in the fields and identify most of the flowers. There is one however, that I can't seem to find in the book. Will send a picture of it, if you like. Please advise. rosalee

This book was a great help to my classmates and I. We had a project and had to look up flowers the names and scientific names and it was so easy to use it took us no time at all.

I have found this wildflower ID book extremely useful to my students because they do not have to wade through the selections by families but can narrow down their searching and time by going directly to the color section for the flower they have. The page size of the book makes it more useful for field ID than bigger sized books. A few of the photos lack definitive pictures of leaf, bud, and stem structures and may give a mistaken impression of flower size.
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