Book reviews for "Aitken,_Amy" sorted by average review score:

The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo
Published in Paperback by Yearling Books (01 August, 1982)
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.38
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Used price: $0.38
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Average review score: 

I think this book as ok it was all about this boy being in the middle and he hates it so he trys to fit in a play can you belive this.But it was not that bad.(funny too)

This is a GREAT book for the family. Our children loved this book. It is easy for them to read and undestand. It is full of laughter and fun.
I read Judy Blume as a child and am SOOO HAPPY that my children also get to experience her work.
I read Judy Blume as a child and am SOOO HAPPY that my children also get to experience her work.

There are books to thrill you, and there are the books that warm you throughout your life. This is one of them.
Judy Blume has a broad stroke, writing for ages from elementary to Adult life. And with each book, she captures all the humiliation and comedy that those years offer. Though I was "too big" for this book when I read it, I don't regret doing so. Though I am not a middle child, I understand how it feels when, as a child, you feel that you don't matter, at that stage "not-old-enough-and-so-not-important-enough". Having read a wide scale of Blume throughout childhood, I know which books touched me, made me angry, and made me shout: "Hoooray!"
Judy Blume puts as much feeling into her books' titles as she does into her stories, and so even the most disaffected can only become interested because of her colorful titles. This is one of my favorite Judy Blume stories, and my favorite title by her. There are stories to challenge, books to think, fables that make you laugh out loud and novels to make you weep.
And there is "The One in the Middle is the Green Kangeroo". Even if you have not heard of Judy Blume or haven't read one of her titles, I won't hold it against you. It is a short life and we can't read them all, but doesn't the title sound curious enough for you to give this book a try?
Judy Blume has a broad stroke, writing for ages from elementary to Adult life. And with each book, she captures all the humiliation and comedy that those years offer. Though I was "too big" for this book when I read it, I don't regret doing so. Though I am not a middle child, I understand how it feels when, as a child, you feel that you don't matter, at that stage "not-old-enough-and-so-not-important-enough". Having read a wide scale of Blume throughout childhood, I know which books touched me, made me angry, and made me shout: "Hoooray!"
Judy Blume puts as much feeling into her books' titles as she does into her stories, and so even the most disaffected can only become interested because of her colorful titles. This is one of my favorite Judy Blume stories, and my favorite title by her. There are stories to challenge, books to think, fables that make you laugh out loud and novels to make you weep.
And there is "The One in the Middle is the Green Kangeroo". Even if you have not heard of Judy Blume or haven't read one of her titles, I won't hold it against you. It is a short life and we can't read them all, but doesn't the title sound curious enough for you to give this book a try?

Published in Paperback by Puffin (August, 1993)
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $3.99
Used price: $3.99
Average review score: 

We gave this book to our 4 year old grandson who had fallen and required stitches in his forehead. He opened his present and "read" it, immediately. When he got to picture where the stitching was done, he quietly said "ouch." The book told his story in pictures and in words. Would be nice to have a similar book that was more ethnically diverse. Benjamin was very serious while he looked at the pictures. Ah, someone understood what he had experienced.

Doug Aitken (Contemporary Artists Series)
Published in Paperback by Phaidon Press Inc. (September, 2001)
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $26.60
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $26.60
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:
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Kate and Mona in the jungle
Published in Unknown Binding by Bradbury Press ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Kate and Mona in the Jungle: Story and Pictures
Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (November, 1981)
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $27.88
Used price: $27.88
Average review score:
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My Tooth Is Loose (Hello Reading)
Published in Hardcover by Viking Press (February, 1992)
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $14.36
Buy one from zShops for: $20.40
Used price: $14.36
Buy one from zShops for: $20.40
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Please Let It Snow
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 1999)
Amazon base price: $11.55
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.83
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.83
Average review score:
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Ruby the Red Knight: Story and Pictures
Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (September, 1983)
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $33.75
Collectible price: $51.80
Used price: $33.75
Collectible price: $51.80
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Published in Hardcover by Atheneum (June, 1979)
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $17.49
Used price: $17.49
Average review score:
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Take My Picture (Stickerbook Readers)
Published in Paperback by HarperFestival (August, 1991)
Amazon base price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.85
Buy one from zShops for: $4.85
Average review score:
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