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Book reviews for "Weiss,_Ellen" sorted by average review score:

For Every Child, a Better World
Published in Hardcover by Goldencraft (1993)
Authors: Kermit the Frog, Louise Gikow, Ellen Weiss, and Bruce McNally
Amazon base price: $17.93
Average review score:

This book was recommended in Harvey and Goudvis's book "Strategies That Work". What a beautiful book! It is so powerful in presenting these statements, yet the use of Muppet characters does not present a grotesque picture for young children. I've never seen a book impact students' thinking of the world in the way that this book does. Could great reviews like the ones published on your site possibly encourage the initial publisher to re-print this book once again? I believe every classroom teacher and parent should have a copy of this book as we continue to become a more global society.

I purchased this book for my daughter when she was 3. It has become a favorite. She has taken it to school for Show-n-Tell. Her teacher read it to the class and I was told it brought tears to many of the children. Each time I sit down with my daughter to read it, she has so many questions about it. What a shame that this book has gone out of print. What a wonderful opportunity for children to learn about others who are less fortunate. Our copy will be a forever treasure indeed.

Too bad it's out of print - a very impactful book!!!
I was so disappointed to find out this book was out of print. It is a book every parent and every teacher should share with their children. In fact - many adults should keep one on their coffee table - a great conversation piece... an inspiration to realize and treasure what we have in life and realize that so, so many people do not have these basic necessities!! (I heard rumor that they were going to reissue this book. If they do - I'll buy a stock for gifts!!!)

My Teacher Sleeps in School
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Leatie Weiss and Ellen Weiss
Amazon base price: $11.08
List price: $13.85 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $6.79
Buy one from zShops for: $6.25
Average review score:

A great book- I have always liked this one. A girl named Molly thinks her teacher lives at her school. Molly and her friends look for clues to see if she is right. This book has good plot elements and a nice ending. Four students suprise their teacher with a home made card and a snack. Soon, the whole class thinks their that their teacher, Mrs. Marsh, sleeps in school. Who ever thought that their teacher lived at school? This book is definitely worth reading. Does Mrs. Marsh really sleep in school? Read the book to find out!

My Teacher Sleeps In School
My Teacher Sleeps In School helps us to see the more human side of teachers. It brings out the wild imagination but makes sense at the same time. It makes the reader wonder about the real after school life of teachers. A very intersting book, never a dull moment.

The teacher
I think this book is great book. I like how the characters are like in this book, because it seems that they very enjoy school. And also i like it because it something different having elephants going to school, and this reminds me of my friends and I having fun at school.

Bye-Bye, Bottle
Published in Hardcover by Golden Books Pub Co Inc (1999)
Authors: Ellen Weiss and Tom Cooke
Amazon base price: $4.99
Average review score:

Bye Bye Bottle
I bought this book for my daughter who is 191/2 months old. She was still taking a nightime bottle. The day this book came we read it several times. The next day I asked her if she was ready to say "Bye Bye Bottle" and she said she was. We packed up the bottles as Kermit does in the book and said bye bye to each one. She has not had a bottle in almost three weeks!

Babies Are On the Wagon, Says Muppet
For a long time "Bye Bye Diapers" was my favorite Muppet Babies story (I could recite it in at least three languages) but this book has grown on me until it threatens to overtake that tale.

"Bottle" features Kermit, who--although Ms. Piggy would no doubt argue the point--has always been the leader of the late Jim Henson's muppets. Kermit loves his bottle, and although the motivation seems a bit shallow, he has an epithany of sorts midway through the book and decides to try drinking from a glass. Realistically, it would be wise proceed slowly, perhaps moving up to a sippy cup, but of course Kermit is a dreamer and, by the end of the story, imagines that soon he will be drinking from any cup he chooses. Don't each of us have these kinds of simple, distilled dreams? When I think of my own personal quest to become a top-ranked reviewer at ..............--how impossible that seems at times, particularly since my reviews don't seem to get published--the story of the little frog who dares to dream of drinking like a grownup never fails to inspire me to charge on toward that distant horizon!

Wonderful book for saying bye, bye bottle!
We tried for a long time to get our daughter to give up the bottle at nap time. Since she never took a pacifier or had a special toy or blanket, this was very hard for her to give up as it was her only "comfort" for nap times. She loved this book, having me read it to her again and again. We followed saying bye, bye to the bottle just like they did in the book - making an event of boxing them up and saying bye, bye. She felt very proud making the decision that she was a big girl and it made what had been a such a hard thing, much easier!

Odd Jobs
Published in Paperback by Aladdin Library (1900)
Authors: Ellen Weiss and Damon Ross
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $7.97
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

I wish I'd had a book like this when I was a kid!
Delightful and original. Ellen Weiss explodes the idea that a "job" need be drudgery or obligatory. By interviewing people in unusual jobs who love their work, she shows kids that imagination and love count when thinking about a career. Her enthusiasm, amusement, and affection for her subjects make the book fun and swiftly readable. I bought this for my 9-year-old, but my 12-year-old gobbled it up, too, and read it in one sitting, laughing all the way. The author's choice of odd jobs -- bug wrangler, professional scary guy, sound effects man, etc. -- are perfectly tuned to kids' sensibilities. This is a rare book that can be a great birthday gift for kids from 4 to middle school (even high school). I hope we'll see a sequel.

Wow...I can be ANYTHING I want to be!
I shared this book with a group of ten and eleven years olds and they were entralled. Their imaginations went wild. No longer did they want to be firefighters and rock stars just because that's what their friends wanted to be...suddenly there was a whole new world of jobs open to them. This is a wonderful book...well written, funny, informative, and filled with all kinds of great stuff that kids will love. I can't recommend it highly enough.

A really GREAT book
Ellen Weiss has written an amazing book. The photographs are great too. This book teaches a lesson. You need not decide early in life what you want to do for the rest of your life. You can have an interesting, rewarding and enjoyable career if you follow your heart, your interests, your dreams. It's a great read. I personally know of a school where ninety plus second graders are enjoying this book. There is a copy in each of their classrooms and one in the school library, The children each have their own preferences. "Bug-Wrangler" and "Armpit-Sniffer" seem to be the top two favorites, but all the jobs receive mention. I cannot say enough good things about this book. Thank you Ellen Weiss. Thank you Damon Ross and the other contributing photographers. I especially enjoyed the photos of the "Feather Guy" by Karen R. Coles. To sum this book up in one word....."Wowee".

Bear Loves Water! (Bear in the Big Blue House)
Published in Hardcover by Simon Spotlight (1999)
Authors: Ellen Weiss, Cary Rillo, and Mitchell Kriegman
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.60
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.44
Average review score:

What a wonderful book...
My daughter who is 10 months old LOVES this book. She loves looking at bear and hearing the great sound of the words of the book. The words flow and are lovely to hear... Everyone should own a bear book...

Bear Loves Water!
Bear Loves Water is a good simple book for small children. It teaches about how water can take on many different shapes and also about the various things that water can do for us. Bear has a simple, yet wonderful way of talking to children that teaches them while letting them learn on their own.

My 8 month old, loves looking at this book. The pictures are bold & colorful. Bear takes you through this book with his friends help. My daughter loves to sit on her blanket and look at this book. The pages are easy for her to turn. I would also recommend "Bear Loves Food" These are bearific books for young readers.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer: A Survivor's Guide for When Treatment Ends and the Rest of Your Life Begins
Published in Paperback by Times Books (1998)
Authors: Marisa C. Weiss and Ellen Weiss
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.59
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.24
Average review score:

The Very Best for Metastatic Information!
I've been reading and researching breast cancer on and off for 4 years. A year ago my breast cancer metasticized, and it's hard to find honest information (or any information) about metastatic disease. The title to this book is misleading, because it doesn't mention the fantastic, updated metastatic information. It is by far the most comprehensive, readable treatment of this I've found. I'm ordering several copies to give away.

A comforting guide in the privacy of your home!
My daughter was sitting with my husband and myself in the office of my radiation oncologist. She spotted "Living Beyond Breast Cancer" on the bookshelf. She like myself was so lost when we found I had breast cancer. Neither my husband, daughter or myself knew what was going to happen. She began reading the book and could not put it down. When the Dr. came into the room he made comment about the book she was reading. She was so elated with all the facts, which are printed in such simple language that we could understand. The Dr. saw her enthusiasm and offered for her to take it home. Since that time I have not been able to seperate myself from this book. As I progress thru my mastectomy, I find new items of interest. It also helped me understand what my partner, my husband, was feeling. I read one of the chapters to him, at our breakfast table. We sat and cried and agreed that the way he was feeling was as written in the book. I never realized just how much he hurt and how comforting it was to him to know there was a book written that could tell me how he felt.

I have since recommended this book to others. If you cannot get out to support groups or are afraid to go, this book gives you all the support you could ever ask for in the comfort of your home or office. I am 62 years old and a very active business woman. I wondered if my business life was over. The book proved my fears to be very wrong.

For myself and my daughter, it is our lifeline! Thank you Dr. Marisa Weiss and also Ellen Weiss. You have done a tremendous favor to women like me.

Finally, a resource that I can relate to and use!
This is the type of book I've been wanting. It offers wonderful support and needed information. The authors are empathetic and straight forward, guiding us to reach beyond (hence the title, of course) the psychological boundaries that women who have survived a bout with breast cancer put on ourselves. It offers clear, concise suggestions for what to do now and for facing the future, which may or may not include a recurrance of breast cancer. There are sections which are not applicable to me, but this is bound to be true when a text is so comprehensive. After checking this book out of the library three times, I have realized that this is a book all women who have had breast cancer need to own for themselves.

The Vingananee and the Tree Toad
Published in School & Library Binding by Viking Press (1988)
Authors: Verna Aardema, Clara, and Ellen Weiss
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $30.00
Collectible price: $34.00
Average review score:

the best book for kindergarteners...
I have began a tradition of reading this book to each of my childrens kindergarten class. I kind of sing it at certain times and ask the children to help me. My three year old likes to sit and read it her way and it always includes the sing song of "I am the Vingananee, I am so hungery, Give me your stew-oo or I will eat you." This is a book I am so glad I found at our local library and I am planning to add this to my library at home.

A story that can't be topped.
The Vingananee and the Tree Toad was such a favorite of my son's that I ended up memorizing it. It is a story I still tell to children of all ages. I hope it will be republished soon! Now it is time to pass it on to the next generation!

Tree Toad Saves the Day
The Vingananee and the Tree Toad is one of my favorite children's books to read because it lends itself to so much expression in the telling of the story. The kids love it because I can get them involved in reading it. I don't just read it to them, we act the whole story out. It is so much fun. They just love to play the part of the mean Vingananee or singing like the Tree Toad. The other thing I like about this story is that it has a great moral lesson in it. While all of the other animals rely on themselves to battle the Vingananee, the tree toad prays for help because he recognizes his own weaknesses. This is truly a great children's book---fun to read and has a moral to it also. We check this book out of the library (where we found this gem) on a regular basis and would love to own it but it is not currently being published. Hopefully, it will be back in publication soon.

Bear's Bedtime Wish (Bear in the Big Blue House)
Published in Hardcover by Simon Spotlight (1999)
Authors: Ellen Weiss and Joe Ewers
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.87
Buy one from zShops for: $1.87
Average review score:

Nice for toddlers
My son looooves Bear, so this is a hit. Nice story, not too long. Glows in the dark too, so as they get older you can have even more fun. And it ends with them going to bed! Good for going to bed story!

Night time Fun
My Husband reads this book to my 2 year old several nights a week. She loves it! When you turn out the lights or use a flashlight certain things glow on each page. This is one of her favoite books for 6 months now.

Secondhand Super Shopper: Buying More, Spending Less, Living Better
Published in Paperback by M Evans & Co (1981)
Author: Ellen Weiss
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $1.50
Average review score:

If I could I'd give this book 1,ooo,ooo stars. It is the best book I've ever read!

extremely good book
this book is the best book ever! live your live better and cheaper

Welcome to the Big Blue House!: With 13 Flaps to Lift (Bear in the Big Blue House)
Published in Hardcover by Simon Spotlight (1999)
Authors: Ellen Weiss, Joe Ewers, and Andy Yerkes
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $4.49
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

Great Book - AND Durable TOO
I don't usually do reviews, but this book has survived for 3.5 yrs now which is unusual for the "lift the flap books". I have 16 mo twins and my little girl twin likes these kinds of books but finds them to be the "lift and rip and tear" books. Not so with this book - the flaps have actually survived her curiosity and destructiveness! And of course, we all love Bear, Tutter and his friends. A worthwhile purchase for your kids library.

Great Book For Little Kids
I bought this book for my 15 month-old son, and he adores it. Of his many children's books this book is one of his favorites by far. The pages are easy for little hands to turn, it is a steardy board book, and the flaps are easy to lift and fun for small children. The illustrations are bright and colorful, so it keeps the attention span of little ones. He especailly loves to open the big flap at the end of the book that reveals Luna, the moon. If your child likes Bear in the Big Blue House and Lift- the-Flaps books, they will love this book.


If your pre-schoolers love " Bear in the Big Blue House" on TV, they will adore this book.

Jim Henson has over the years created some very lovable characters. The Bear has to be one of the best so far.

In this "Lift the Flap" book we get to meet all Bear's friends. We have Pip and Pop covered in suds in the bath. And then there's Treelo under the bed covers and Ojo under the sofa.

Open the shutters and look out the attic window. Who do we see? It's our special friend Luna.

A perfect bed time book for the young ones.

"Good night, my friend" says Bear.


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