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Book reviews for "Watson,_Jane_Werner" sorted by average review score:

The Tall Book of Make-Believe
Published in Library Binding by HarperCollins Children's Books (1950)
Authors: Garth Williams, Jane Werner, and Jane Werner Watson
Amazon base price: $8.89
Used price: $250.00
Collectible price: $317.65
Average review score:

Why is this book out of Print???!!!
This is a wonderful, imaginative collection of stories and poems for kids. "Bad Mousie" and the story about the girl who lived on the flying city were two of my favorites from this collection. The illustrations are marvelous. This was one of my favorite books as a child, and it is strange that it is no longer available. It is such a timeless classic...

I've got a copy of this- it's a great book. My grandma gave it to my mother and her sister in 1957, and it's still with us....a little battered, but still there. My mum used to read it to me and my brother, the illustrations are beautiful and they sparked off my imagination many times. It's a wonderful collection of original stories- I wish they'd do a reprint so children today could enjoy it.

A solid foundation for a beginning imagination!
This is an excellent book. I am very disapointed to find that it is out of print. My Mother used to read me this book over and over again. I still can't get enough of the wonderful stories and illustrations. My new daughter loves it too. This book shaped my imagination in such a way that I still wonder if faieries and elves are real. This book added mystery and and spark to nature for me as a child. My Mother and I still enjoy reciting the passages we can remember. It was this book that encouraged me to read and I enjoy reading it to myself to this day. The stories are like no other new children's book I have read. A timeless collection of classic fiction and verse! This book is a must have bonding agent for mums and babes. " Somewhere, somewhere. Can you tell me the way to somewhere, the Somewhere that's meant for me?" J Warnock

The Jolly Barnyard (Little Golden Treasures)
Published in Hardcover by Golden Books Pub Co Inc (1999)
Authors: Jane Werner Watson, Tibor Gergely, and Annie North Bedford
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.74
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.42
Average review score:

A true American children's classic
I remember my grandfather reading this book to me countless times. What fun poetry for young and old kids alike.

A fun book for kids and an easy read for their parants.
The lines page after page are easily read and remembered. Although I have not read it in 11 years I can still remember it. "Said farmer Brown tralah tralee, today is my birthday lucky me" etc. This book should be in every child's collection.

The Fuzzy Duckling
Published in Hardcover by Golden Books Pub Co Inc (11 February, 2003)
Authors: Jane Werner Watson, Martin Provensen, and Alice
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $0.95
Collectible price: $0.97
Buy one from zShops for: $5.50
Average review score:

Darling classic
This book is an adorable, classic Golden Book. The illustrations are beautiful, the story is sweet, and it also teaches counting and animals. The duckling encounters 2 colts, then 3 cows, then 4 roosters, then 5 geese ... and so on until the lost little duckling is reaquainted with his mommy and 9 little brothers and sisters, making 10 little ducklings! A darling, and educational, little book.

My Big Book of the Outdoors
Published in Hardcover by Goldencraft (1983)
Author: Jane Werner Watson
Amazon base price: $12.60
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.99
Average review score:

A Darling Book
This is a darling book with true life illustrations. This book was recommended by the Before Five In A Row book. I ordered it used and received the book in perfect condition. It's a good book for exploring nature for children ages 2-5. Also, the illustrations provide good examples of nature, in the case you want to do nature journaling.

The Golden Books Treasury of Elves and Fairies: With Assorted Pixies, Mermaids, Brownies, Witches, and Leprechauns
Published in Library Binding by Golden Books Pub Co Inc (01 February, 1999)
Authors: Jane Werner Watson, Garth Williams, and Jane Werner
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $139.99
Collectible price: $139.99
Average review score:

Fairy Tales that adults love too. It's back.
An old reviewer, with a sour look

Went out looking for his favorite book.

It was full of fairies, brownies, too.

But it couldn't be found, So what to do?

I spent years looking for the original, which commands $200-300. (It's worth it, too. I just don't have it.)

What do the readers do, when a book is out of print?

As they go through the years, and never see,

The Cannery Bear, or the house tomte,

Or the Littlest Mermaid again. Oh, gee!

I wouldn't be one - would you?

Well, now you don't have to be - it's back. That's all I need to tell the people who read it before, when it was called The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies.

For the rest of you, please understand that it's hard to describe this book objectively. Seeing it again is an incredibly joyous reunion. Garth Williams paints elves so that the sense of wonder is palpably displayed. The stories and poems are exciting, moving, pensive, and fun. The children in your life will love it. The grown-ups won't mind reading it to them. I do not know anybody who had this book as a child who isn't in love with it.

So the Elves and Fairies now live on my shelf.

And I read it all day, and I like myself.

The Golden Books Treasury of Elves and Fairies: with Assorte
My sister and I formed all our mental images of fairies and elves from this marvelously enchanting book. Our mother gave us the 1951 edition, which we treasured throughout our childhood. My sister has the original, and I was prepared for a lengthy search of used bookstores. But, lo and behold, Amazon had the reissued edition at a discount! Once again I'll be able to read about the magic scarves and mourn the Fairy Queen, whose body lies in the stream. Garth Williams drew pictures that emblazon themselves in the minds of children, who forever after remember the magic of the things unseen and unbelieved by most adults. The stories cultivate the imagination and expand the conscience. This is one book that no child should ever miss and one that no adult should ever forget.

Magical illustrations that have stayed with me for 35 years!
I've held my childhood memories of the illustrations from this beautiful book for years, and I've periodically searched for another copy. I was thrilled to see it re-issued, and prayed that the illustrations hadn't been "modernized". What a thrill when it arrived! My five year old daughter is as entranced with it as I was at her age, and will ask to replace her night-time tv program with the "magic fairy book". The stories are somewhat long for small children, but they hold the attention of my daughter very well. When we've finished reading, we keep the book open to look at the beautiful illustrations. Every picture in my mind of "Elves or Fairies" is drawn from this book, and there isn't a better place to find them.

My Little Book About God (The Little Golden Treasures Series)
Published in Hardcover by Golden Books Pub Co Inc (2001)
Authors: Jane Werner Watson and Eloise Wilkin
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.35
Collectible price: $1.79
Buy one from zShops for: $1.00
Average review score:

This Bombed With My Boys
The text is lovely but needs to be abridged for the attention span of the average preschooler. It starts out fine: "GOD IS GREAT." But when the text waxes poetically about light and stars and ancient mountain tops on the following pages, they lost both my boys. Usually my youngest will at least look at the pictures, but he found the baby doll-faced children, some of them with no pupils to their eyes (at least that is what I think he found scary about their eyes,) off-putting. Perhaps this is better for an older audience (mine were three and five, at the time) -- the message is certainly timeless.

It's Little, It's a Book, and It's About God.
Truth in advertising, what more could you ask for? My Little Book About God is indeed little, and avoids taking any particular dogmatic approach. God is not described as an old man in the sky, nor are any particular religions held to be true to the detriment of others. Simply put, God is presented as great and loving, no more. Comparisons between the child's world and God's make these points explicit. Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Zoraster, Joseph Smith and the like never make so much as a cameo, and on this basis perhaps some will find the book too bland. But after all, it isn't My Little Book About How My Religion Is Right and Yours Isn't And You Are Going To Burn For All Eternity Because You Are An Infidel. Certainly devout atheists will find the book objectionable, but there is even room for secular humanists (God might literally be Love, and not a separate, intelligent presence at all) in in this approach. Hopefully most will find it a message of tolerance and love from which their children will benefit--two qualities that are far too rare in today's troubled times.

This was one of my favorite books as a child so naturally I wanted my daughter to have a copy. To my delight, it has a few new illustrations now [black children are included.]

The wording of MY LITTLE GOLDEN BOOK ABOUT GOD can be at times too lengthy for a preschooler but it adds to the appeal later in life. My two-year old daughter has never complained though, she is mesmerized by the pictures just as I was at her age! Children love to listen to any story with illustrations this magnificient. Way to go Eloise Wilkin! I finally get to thank you after 30 years!

I highly recommend this book because I remember it fondly and vividly from childhood. I had countless books growing up but this is one of only a handful that I remember and that is also etched into my heart forever. Let's keep the little child in our hearts; this is a great book to help us achieve this feat!


The Golden Book of the Mysterious
Published in Hardcover by Golden Pr (1976)
Authors: Jane Werner Watson, Sol Chaneles, and Alan Lee
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $45.00
Collectible price: $65.00
Average review score:

An Average Book With Fantastic Illustrations
My mother bought this book for me from our local library about twenty years ago and remains a sentimental favorite of mine to this day. The book seems to have been written for younger readers,but is a decent introduction to the world of the paranormal. The book is 144 pages long and is broken down into 5 chapters:Creatures of Mystery(about Bigfoot,the Loch Ness Monster,etc),Mysterious Powers Of Mind And Spirit(ghosts,psychic phenomena),Mysteries Science Can't Explain(UFO's,auras,spontaneous combustion),Witchcraft,Sorcery,And The Occult,and Mysterious Disappearances.

I can't say that this book has anything new or revolutionary to offer about any of the above subjects(to be fair,it came out in 1976),but my young mind(I was about 7 or 8 years old when I got the book)was enthralled by the tales of vampires,werewolves,witches,and mermen,which the authors treat as if they may well be fact. I dug this book out recently and was reminded of how much this book grabbed me back then.

Today,I am more fascinated with the illustrations than anything else. The artist's name is Alan Lee,an artist whose work I have never encountered before or since. His greatest strength is portraying fantastic occurences and beings in a realistic manner,much like Alex Ross does with superheroes. My favorite illustrations were pages 9(a magnificent dragon),23(a beautiful mermaid),58(haunting portayal of a boy having a nightmare about his father drowning),95(aerial battle between Hindu deities),102 and 103(double page spread of a witches sabbath,complete with a depiction of Memnoch,witches flying on brooms, and lots of wild looking demons.This would make a great album cover for a metal band),136(various whimsical depictions of leprechauns and elf-like creatures),and finally 139(a sad illustration of 5 aliens stranded in a cave on Earth.One of them is injured,and the one who appears to be their leader looks at his fallen comrade with despair in his eyes. I remember thinking to myself "What's going to happen to them?",only to read below "So they hid in the caves,where it appears,they were hunted down and killed").

The Golden Book Of The Mysterous is a nice curio for those interested in cryptozoology and the unexplained and a treasure for the fan of fantasy art. Never before or since have I seen a book bring the "shadowlands" of history and science to life with such beauty and imagination.I can only hope that this book is reissued. Perhaps with new chapters and illusrations? I'd love to see Alan Lee tackle the Mothman,the Jersey Devil,the Goat Man,and the Chupacabra.Maybe a trading card set? Pleeease?

Crafts of the North American Indians; A Craftsman's Manual
Published in Hardcover by Arcade Books (1982)
Authors: Richard C., Schneider and Jane Werner Watson
Amazon base price: $4.38
Used price: $13.99
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Alternate Energy Sources: A First Book (First Book)
Published in School & Library Binding by Franklin Watts, Incorporated (1979)
Author: Jane Werner Watson
Amazon base price: $9.40
Used price: $2.01
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Canada Giant Nation of the North
Published in Library Binding by Garrard Publishing Company (1968)
Author: Jane Werner Watson
Amazon base price: $9.78
Used price: $3.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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