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Book reviews for "Townsend,_Elsie_Doig" sorted by average review score:

None to Give Away
Published in Paperback by Herald Pub House (1970)
Author: Elsie Doig Townsend
Amazon base price: $0.60
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $5.25
Average review score:

A Touching Story of One Woman's Life in Montana
I bought this book at a bookstore in a little town in Montana while traveling through the state. It was in the "regional selections" category, but it really was so much more than that. This story is a moving (true) story of a young woman in Montana who marries a rancher in the period when the West was still being settled. Widowed at an early age and left to fend for herself and her young children, grit and a sense of purpose keep her going. It was a true joy to follow the life of this heroic woman through difficult circumstances. This book is a gem and I would highly recommend it, as I intend to read it again and again through life. Perhaps women will enjoy it more than men, and mothers will likely appreciate it the most.

Always the frontier
Published in Unknown Binding by Herald Pub. House ()
Author: Elsie Doig Townsend
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:
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