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Book reviews for "Towery,_Twyman_L." sorted by average review score:

The Wisdom of Wolves: Natures Way to Organizational Success
Published in Hardcover by Wessex House Publishing (2000)
Author: Twyman L. Towery
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $12.47
Buy one from zShops for: $13.83
Average review score:

if only we were like wolves...
The Wisdom of Wolves yes, was a one night read. Very brief, Very broad, Very general - BUT - very unique. And thats what I am looking for, and so too are you right? Something different will brighten up our days, it always does - try this book out.

The Wisdom of Wolves, is Towery's theory of natures way to organizational success. He does it well. THe book is broken up into roughly 20 short chapters. Some chapters are Patience, Failure, Strategy, Play, Loyalty, and Communication. By using the wolf as a metaphor for our lives and organizational behaviour, you and I will not only learn valuable principles but also have a great time in the process. The lessons of the wolf pack visually demonstrate a management philosophy that every organization should want to foster among its members.

I was inspired and really did for the first time, look upon the wolf as more than just someone who red riding hood met. Enjoy the read - it really is a classic!

not just any old management book... a lot of uniqueness here
Let me begin by saying that I really did enjoy reading the book. The book really, felt great in my hands, and when I was reading it - I was thinking to myself - this author has obviously done a lot of research about the wolf. It's a very simple read, a one-night job to say the least. But you will get something out of you, whether it be - a few ideas for organizational success, a new way of looking upon the wolf, or even the way you should approach your family and personal self. As you can see, the book covers alot, but its very general. (But I like that!)

We are faced with some 20 chapters, but each chapter is about 2 pages each. But then again, that is all that is needed I think. Patience, Curiosty, Strategy, Loyalty, Teamwork and Attitude, are just some of the topics Towery is addressing. Nice general topics of management, and organizational success - that will help you out if you are looking for an introduction to it all.

By using the wolf as a metaphor for our lives, and organizational behaviour, people not only learn valuable principles, but also have a great time in the process. The lessons of the wolf pack visually demonstrate a management philosophy that an organization should want to foster among its members.

I loved it! Happy Reading!

Great team building insights
Wolves come in pack.
So do human. We live in group and work in team.
You may think we should be far more better in terms of living / working together than wolves for we are more intelligent.

Better think again.

May be we are too intelligent, or may be we just think we do or we just think too much...

From the author Twyman L. Ph.D. Towery's years of study, there's a lot actually we can learn back from the wolves of how to live and work together more in harmony.

Especially when we apply the insights to the business world. The wisdom of wolves will definitely serve as an extremely useful guide.

The book is written in a very simple format and it's really interesting and easy to read. But the impression it leaves behind for sure will stay forever.

Power of Eagles
Published in Hardcover by Wessex House Publishing (01 April, 2000)
Author: Twyman L. Towery
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $13.99
Buy one from zShops for: $14.91
Average review score:

The power of eagles will really bring out the power in you
Well, let's cut to the point here. It's a good book. It's got a great idea to it. It uses Eagles as a metaphor, to relate the way they live their lives to our own individual accomplishment in our lives. This is the second book I have read of Towery's. The first one I read was the Wisdom of Wolves. Towery divides the books into chapters on several different topics - symbolism, vision, celebration, mentoring, teamwork - and so on and so forth. They are all very general topics.

I didn't like how Towery was quoting 7 year olds and such alike saying stuff like - 'When I think of the eagle, I always think of my dad because he's going places.' I really didn't see a point to this.

But I will use it for various papers I write at uni, and I thank you Mr.Towery for writing this book - very interesting indeed. Your writing is on a personal basis - and I suppose thats what made me buy the second book. I appreciate your personal signature at the beginning of the books too! Keep up the good work!

An interesting concept. Give it a try.

Male Code: Rules Men Live and Love By
Published in Hardcover by Glenbridge Pub Ltd (1992)
Authors: Twyman L. Towery and Nate T. Winston
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
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Wisdom of Dolphins
Published in Hardcover by Wessex House Pub (1996)
Authors: Twyman L. Towert and Twyman L. Towery
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $190.93
Average review score:
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