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Book reviews for "Thomas,_Kurt" sorted by average review score:

Gas Turbine Engines for Model Aircraft
Published in Paperback by Traplet Distribution USA Ltd. (06 December, 1994)
Authors: Kurt Schreckling and Keith Thomas
Amazon base price: $16.20
Used price: $39.95
Buy one from zShops for: $39.00
Average review score:

Great Book
This book by Kurt Schreckling is very informative, and I could not have built my engine without it.

A selection for anyone who wants to learn about jetmodels.
I had always been in the dark when it came to jet engines, and with one of my phD siblyings only telling me little of what I really wanted to know, I asked a some modelers what book they would recomend to get started. Each pointed to Kurt Schreckling's book and now I point to it as well. He gives a basic introduction into thermaldynamics and other information that is needed to understand the "why's" of the book, but always keeping in mind teh truth that most people who read it are not enginers or physics majors. The book also gives explainations of the asembly prossess the tools one would need, the parts, and in the back of the book: the plans. The book cold almost be called "The Jetmodelers Cook Book"

Excellent reading, easy to understand
I found the book easy to follow and I've found that Kurt Schreckling and Keith Thomas have made an excellent job of bringing the complexities of the gas turbine to a level the average person can understand and learn from.

Reality & Evangelical Theology: The Realism of Christian Revelation
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (1999)
Authors: Thomas Forsyth Torrance and Kurt Anders Richardson
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $10.64
Buy one from zShops for: $10.29
Average review score:

Essential Reading
This is a must read; Torrance cuts right to the heart of "evangelicalism" by calling the very nature of Scripture into question. To what extent do evangelicals engage in "Scripture worship?" Borrowing philosophy's well known linguistic/semantic relationship between "sign" and "thing signified," Torrance argues that evangelicals all too often may stop short of -- and indeed confine -- the ontological Reality of the One True God ("thing signified") in their defense of the authority of the Scriptures ("sign"). That is, awareness of the reality of God in its totality may be compromised when evangelicals continue to insist on finding this reality in the Scriptures alone.

There exists a Reality of God that language -- and thus Scripture -- is impotent to convey. It is this Reality, Torrance suggests, that Christians should be seeking, and not stopping short at the signs that point to it.

A concise defense of Christian epistemology
T. F. Torrance has been an important voice in Protestant theology for over 50 years. This relatively brief book offers an accessible summary of what he takes to be theology's claims to speak truth about reality. His writing is marked by an impressive awareness of historic Christian theology combined with an equally impressive awareness of contemporary writers such as Dummett, Gadamer, and (above all) Polanyi. Anyone interested in Christian epistemology should be aware of Torrance, and this book is a fine place to start.

The Essence of Stigler
Published in Hardcover by Hoover Inst Pr (1986)
Authors: Kurt R. Leube, George Joseph Stigler, and Thomas Gale Moore
Amazon base price: $34.95
Average review score:

It's worth
This is a set of papers written by Stigler in his marvelous career. It is divided into 5 parts: I. Contributions to economics; 2. contributions to political economics; 3. contributions to industrial organization; 4. history of economic thought; 5. the wit of George Stigler.

It is very difficult to gather all these 23 articles in only one place. The book is worth because you can find a bunch of deep knowledge.

Enjoy the book, revisit old ideas very clear and well written, and perhaps get other ones.

Pariah: A Kurt Muller Mystery
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (08 August, 2000)
Author: Thomas Zigal
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.59
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $2.89
Average review score:

A good read...
Thomas Zigal's books evoke the wild beauty of the Colorado Rockies while gently mocking the glitz and artifice of Aspen's weathy elite. His characters are well-rounded, the plots are articulate and interesting, and his writing is lively and articulate (high praise from a voracious reader who bemoans the grammar faux paws of so many of today's popular writers).

A page-turner from start to finish!
Tom Zigal has written real joy ride of a mystery novel with Pariah (the third installment in the Kurt Muller series). He has crafted a tightly woven story that includes aging hippies, rock groupies turned yuppies, greedy developers, burned-out rock n' rollers, conniving politicians, ghosts of rock stars past, New Age Buddhists and Aspen social climbers in a plot that has more twists than the mountain roads that he describes. Zigal has a real feel for Aspen and the surrounding country. This book is a lot of fun to read

great addition to A new series
Politically ambitious Ben Smerlas heats up his campaign to remove Kurt Muller from being Aspen's sheriff because he knows that this is a perfect stepping stone to a House seat. A desperate Kurt Muller agrees to do almost anything to abort the politically motivated voter recall. Knowing how close the vote is and encouraged by his attorney, Kurt attends a charity benefit in which society's ladies are bidding on a date with him. Wealthy recluse Nicole Bauer bids ten thousand dollars to gain the evening with Kurt.

Nicole informs Kurt that she is the recipient of death threats that she insists comes from former rock star Rocky Rhodes, who died two decades ago. Nicole was the prime suspect in Rocky's death, but she beat the rap. The next day, Nicole is lying dead at the bottom of the nearby cliff eerily as Rocky did twenty years ago.. In spite of the negative publicity associated with Nicole, Kurt begins to investigate her death. He soon finds a link between Rocky,s band and many of the elite of Aspen. However, his new-found knowledge places more than a job in jeopardy as an unknown assailant wants to add the sheriff to the death list.

PARIAH is a very entertaining police procedural that will leave readers feeling a Rocky Mountain high. The story line intermingles Kurt,s personal problems with a well-designed investigation that requires the sheriff to work it. A sprinkling of jocularity makes the characters seem more human even as it eases the growing tension. The myriad of suspects all contains viable motives and means as the plot twists and turns with every new discovery. With novels like this one, Thomas Zigel will gain many zealous fans.

Harriet Klausner

Access 2002 Development Unleashed
Published in Paperback by Sams (12 October, 2001)
Authors: Stephen Forte, Tom Howe, James Ralston, Paul Kimmel, Russ Mullen, Kurt Wall, and Thomas Howe
Amazon base price: $49.99
Used price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.77
Average review score:

Missing CD hurts...
A good book to have on the shelf- will stimulate the thinking of intermediate level Access developers onto greater things.

Nice chapters dedicated to using Access 2002 as a front end to SQL Server and Oracle. If you are planning to do that, by all means this book is a great guide. Also, the first couple of chapters about application development are great for those developers who must spend as much time in the corporate board room pitching their ideas to computer illiterate bosses as they do with actual programming.

BUT: In several places in the book, the authors make reference to the 'CD included with the book.' Well guess what? There is none, but if you want to learn about and use Active X controls through the use of working examples, you will have to look elsewhere.

Most painful is that the authors tantalize you with nice definitions and screenshots of ActiveX controls, and then tell the readers that they should "See this chapter's application on the book's CD-ROM for code examples." ARG! No examples makes learning this stuff really tough!

If you don't care about Active X, or already know your stuff, then you won't be missing anything. Presumably though, you are purchasing this book precisly BECAUSE you want to learn this stuff. The lack of CD hurts especially when the authors omitted printed details from the book, fully expecting those details to appear in CD form.

I don't fault the authors. I fault Sams Publishing. On the bright side, the lack of Active X examples is the only major sore part in this otherwise useful intermediate guide.

Great introduktion
The first 100 pages where realy great for all kind of developers.
It's not just for Access people.
Missing the CD and there are some copying from the 2000 version.
Still an importent book

Netscape Navigator 6 Introductory Concepts and Techniques
Published in Paperback by Course Technology (20 March, 2001)
Authors: Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Kathleen Shelly, and Kurt A. Jordan
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $7.45
Collectible price: $14.56
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

Netscape 6.0 book not worth the price
I have purchased this book used and I must say it's very disappointing. It is more geared for a novice , first time Netscape user rather than someone who has been using Netscape and upgraded the software. IF you can find anything from IDG books or Maran books buy that !! I cannot recommend this book for those who need solutions however I can recommend it to those who need first time, novice help!

Pictured in My Mind: Contemporary American Self-Taught Art from the Collection of Dr. Kurt Gitter and Alice Rae Yelen
Published in Hardcover by Univ Pr of Mississippi (1996)
Authors: Gail Andrews Trechsel, Roger Cardinal, Lee Kogan, Susan C. Larsen, Tom Patterson, Regenia Perry, Deborah Gilman Ritchey, Gary J. Schwindler, Thomas Adrian Swain, and William Ferris
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $49.99
Average review score:

how can i write a book
what does it take to put a book together and get an exhibition done at a regional museum, with funding from a major foundation? apparently nothing. this book does nothing to further the cause of art and artists of the south. why doesn't somebody do a good survey book on self-taught art? and why does the university of mississippi press publish every book on self-taught art? black folk art 1930-1980 was a decent book on a then emerging field, but that was done in 1981. that was almost twenty years ago. and here we are in the year 2000, and no one has done a book that is any better than that. there is great art out there by these talented artists, there must be someone out there with half a brain to do a good book. when they do, email me and i'll buy it. i wonder if because the artists are self-taught, someone out there thinks it is cute to let elementary school students write about them. much of the art is very sophisticated and cerebral, and it is time the scholarship in this field rises to the level of quality that the art deserves.

Netscape Navigator: An Introduction (Shelly Cashman Series)
Published in Paperback by Boyd & Fraser Pub Co (1995)
Authors: Shelly Cashman Jordan, Thomas J. Cashman, Kurt A. Jordan, and Gary B. Shelly
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $18.55
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Adenauers Gegner : Streiter für die Einheit
Published in Unknown Binding by D. Straube ()
Author: Rainer Zitelmann
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Ancient History: Recent Work and New Directions (Publications of the Association of Ancient Historians, 5)
Published in Hardcover by Regina Books (1997)
Authors: Stanley Mayer Burstein, Ramsay MacMullen, Kurt A. Raaflaub, Allen M. Ward, and Carol G. Thomas
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:
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