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Book reviews for "Stevenson,_Tom" sorted by average review score:

Christie's World Encyclopedia Of Champagne & Sparkling Wine
Published in Hardcover by Wine Appreciation Guild (01 October, 1998)
Author: Tom Stevenson
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $35.00
Buy one from zShops for: $36.20
Average review score:

comprehensive list of all French champagne houses
This is the bible about all what you always wanted to know about champagne. Who invented it (Dom Perignon), who is the oldest wine producer in the Champagne (Gosset), which is the oldest champagne company (Ruinart) and which is the best champagne (Krug)? Find out all about the difference between Grand Crus, Premier Crus and Grand Marques. But also learn all about the history and the production process of the methode champagnoise. Lastly, there is a comprehensive list of all French champagne houses, including a brief description and rating, as well as a concise overview of the other sparkling wine regions in the world which, however, are not allowed to call their produce champagne anymore nowadays. The real champagne is restricted to the world-famous region East of Paris.

A Monument to Hedonism
Champagne connoiseurship is probaby one of the most hedonistic pursuits (or occupations) anyone could dream of. Although clearly opinionated, the reviews are agreeable and, as far as books specializing in Champagne go, probably the most complete. It's not a book that tries to evaluate individual wines on a 100 point scale, but it gives relative ratings for the domaines as well as certiain luxury cuvees. It's not for everyone, or even every wine enthusiast, but it is indispensable for any Champagne nut.

The ultimate sparkling wine reference guide
This book mentions every sparkling wine you've ever heard of and many more that you haven't. I own several other good champagne books, but if I could only choose one, this would be it. My favorite feature: Stevenson mentions the best wines for each vintage -- something no other book I've found does. Highly recommended.

101 Essential Tips: Wine
Published in Paperback by Dk Pub Merchandise (1997)
Authors: Tom Stevenson, Dorling Kindersley Publishing, and Deni Bown
Amazon base price: $5.00
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $3.18
Buy one from zShops for: $1.20
Average review score:

Cute and Useful Wine Book!
The information in this book is not too dense but helpful in quickly understanding the process of wine making and many extras. It is decorated with pictures relating to the respective subjects covered. This book tells you easily how wine works - without the manuscripts you find in other books. It is organized in understandable sections. The diagrams are in color and are specific. If you have absolutely no knowledge on wine (like how I was), I recommended this book to anyone who wants to get a better understanding of wine.

Excellent source for beginners
I checked this book out of the library, and liked it so much I had to get a copy for myself! I am organizing a wine tasting group, and my hope is to educate as well as learn along with everyone else. We range from novice to experience wine tasters in our group. This little guidebook is one that I will bring to every tasting as a quick reference for those who want to learn an overview.

My favorite section is "Assessing Wine," which touches on color, tasting do's and don'ts, smell, and wine flavors. I wish DK Publishing would put out a poster with this information on it! I guess I will have to let people flip through this book when I want to make a point.

As with all DK books I own, this book is graphically excellent and it uses photography to illustrate its text in a very effective way.

I think this a great book!

Great Book
I am currently using this book at work. When I started reading it I knew nothing about wine. I am only half way into the book and feel that I know more then most people would about wine. It is an excellent source for anyone who would like to know more.

A Century of Wine
Published in Hardcover by Wine Appreciation Guild (2000)
Authors: Stephen Brook, Hugh Johnson, Michael Broadbent, Joanna Simon, and Tom Stevenson
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $39.18
Buy one from zShops for: $40.00
Average review score:

A Great Gift for Wine Lovers
I originally intended to give this book to my uncle for his 65th birthday, but when I started leafing through it, I found myself completely drawn in. An incredible lineup of wine writers have contributed to this book, making for some truly fascinating reading on the history of wine. I kept a copy for myself, and bought another one for my uncle (who told me he much preferred it to the ties and golf paraphrenalia he received...!)

Tom Thumb (Ladybird Favorite Tales)
Published in Hardcover by Ladybird Books (1996)
Authors: Audrey Daly and Peter Stevenson
Amazon base price: $2.50
Used price: $2.82
Average review score:

tom Thumb
Tom Thumb has always been my all-time favorite book when i was younger.

The Wines of Alsace (Faber Books on Wine)
Published in Paperback by Faber & Faber (1994)
Authors: Tom Stevenson and Julian Jeffs
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $9.98
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

the book is dated but very well written
For Alsace wine enthusiasts this is a wonderful read, and has just about all the pertinent facts about the region, among them all the famous and less well known varietals, all the major producers, the villages, the grand cru vinyards complete with maps, technical information about the Vendanges Tardive and Selection de Grains Noble and how they compare to the German QmP designations, extensive tasting notes, and a detailed vintage chart up to 1992. Needless to say a new edition with more recent vintages would be very welcome.There is over 570 pages of detailed information, including a linguistic analysis. The author wears his considerable scholarship lightly and his sense of humor is used judiciously. Recommended with enthusiasm.

The New Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia
Published in Paperback by Penguin Books Ltd (09 October, 1997)
Author: Tom Stevenson
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

New Guide is Not So New
I bought the 1997 (or brown covered) encyclopedia a few years back (which I love by the way) and decided to purchase the updated version to find new and updated information such as new wineries or ones that were upcoming and warranted coverage in the new book. I am so dissapointed. The only change I could find is a box containing information on wine quality from 1997 to 2000. Tom Stevenson didn't even change one word in his cover letter! Even the page numbers in each book have the same information! The winery ratings didn't change - or not from what I could tell. Unless I can actually see what's inside the next version, I will never purchase an version again. If you own an earlier version, do not purchase this book - it's a waste of money.

I rated it 2 stars, not because of the content, but because it is not updated as the cover indicates (see red circle). I do however question just how much Tom Stevenson puts into research with each book edition if nothing c

Truly an encyclopedia!
A wonderful gift for the wine lover in your family, this book starts with the "history" of wine and is divided into geographical regions around the world. There are many illustrations and photographs detailing the winemaking process, grapes, various regions and wine labels, and much more. I bought the book to put on my coffee table (it's that heavy and thick!), but have spent much time reading through it and can say that one will learn a great deal about wine. The writing may be a bit dry, but overall, this is an excellent work on wine.

The ultimate tutorial and reference for novices & experts
Sotheby's encyclopedia includes detailed maps, photos, diagrams, wine labels, ratings, and just about anything anyone would want to know about wine in a very user-friendly format. Absolutely the best wine book available.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Published in Audio Cassette by Newman Communications (1986)
Authors: Robert Louis Stevenson and Tom Baker
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $15.00
Average review score:

An Enjoyable Classic
Let me first echo the sentiments expressed by others and comment on what a beautiful edition the Univ of Nebraska Press has produced. The margins are indeed wide and the type very readable. This edition is easily held, the illustrations nicely complement the text and the binding is quite durable. The introduction by Joyce Carol Oates is helpful albeit pedantic. Also, those who've read the Univ of Calif Press edition of Frankenstein will notice some overlap between this introduction and the one that Ms. Oates wrote for that particular edition. Nonetheless, the introduction is valuable.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one of those stories, like Frankenstein and Dracula, that seemingly everyone has heard of and believes they understand("mythopoetic " in the language of Joyce Carol Oates). Much like the aforementioned works, the actual details of the story may come as a surprise to those who assume they know the story based solely on the popular understanding. For that reason alone I think the book is worth reading.

Dr. Jekyll is a respected if somewhat reclusive London doctor who has, through the course of years of experimentation, managed to create a solution which brings to the fore his evil alter-ego. Unlike many gothic literary villains, Hyde is not imbued with superhuman strength or exceptional gifts of any kind. In fact he is of a smaller and less imposing stature than most men. What he does possess however is a complete lack of compunction with regards to others. Hyde for example ruthlessly runs down a small child who gets in his way. As is the case with Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll creates something that he can't control and which eventually destroys its creator.

The inhumanity that the fictional Hyde displays can be seen in the non-fictious world on a daily basis. As such, there is a realism to the story which is missing from many horror stories past and present. The fact that such a short and captivating work exists in an attractively packaged edition makes this one classic that will be a joy to read for all.

The strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a clasic so, naturaly, I had high expectations. I certainly was not let down. It has a totally unique style with much detail and extensive writing. Yet, this novel is a very quickly read novel, unlike other excessively detailed books like Dracula. This book is not boring. This book is fun. It doesn't ruin the plot with too much detail like other books. Other fantasy books are usually not even close to realistic. Whereas Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is close to being conceived realistic. This book has a general morbid feeling to it where other fantasies are sometimes cheerful and happy. Robert Louis Stevenson is a realy good writer in my opinion.
He uses a very wide range of vocabulary. Stevenson uses many 19th Century terms that seem weird and different to me.
One thing bad about his writing is his punctuation. He uses way too many semicolons and comas. He makes one sentence out of six or seven sentences.
This book was not the best book I ever read, but was not the worst either. it was mediocre. however It was miles ahead of Dracula. Dracula is boring, whereas Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is fast paced, quick, and fun to read. its pritty morbid which is kind of a down side, but Since it is very short it is a good book on my list.

beautiful edition of classic story
The University of Nebraska Press edition of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is beautiful! The illustrations by Barry Moser, woodcuts that progress chronologically through Dr. Jekyll's life as it is described in hints throughout Robert Louis Stevenson's story, are atmospheric and evocative; a picture of a boy being guided by his father, for example, echoes Dr. Jekyll's comments that he has a "fatherly" interest in his alter-ego, Hyde, while Hyde has a son's "indifference" to the father; the cover illustration is a portrait of Dr. Jekyll's father destroyed by Mr. Hyde on a rampage.

Joyce Carol Oates's introduction is worthwhile, especially for those readers who know the story, as most English-speaking people do, in its basic framework, but who have not yet actually traveled the dark road with Dr. Jekyll and his friends.

It is a pleasure to read a classic book in such a carefully crafted edition. Too often books such as this are printed in cheap editions with narrow margins and lousy type; this one fits comfortably in the hand and is easy on the eye as the reader is drawn into this allegorical nightmare.

This review refers to the University of Nebraska Press edition only.

The Bottle Imp
Published in Hardcover by Booklines Hawaii, Ltd. (1994)
Authors: Tom Hann and Robert Louis Stevenson
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $12.00
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

The bottle imp review
This book had a very creative storyline, and was exciting and a little humoruos at times, but did not provide a very interesting novel. I wouldn't recommend this unless you're a big fan of Robert Louis Stevenson.

Careful what you wish for
Stevenson wrote this tale of the islands in 1891 and it appeared in Samoan before being published in English.

The story is one of want and envy. Although it ends happily, the narrator comes perilously close to living eternally with the devil--all for his envy. There is poetry in this prose, love, and of course magic.

The tale opens as Keawe the Great--a poor, brave, mariner, a reader and writer, shipped on a vessel to San Francisco where he saw a house "smaller than some others, but all finished and beautified like a toy." Its steps shone like silver, the borders of its gardens bloomed like garlands and the windows shone like diamonds. Keawe could see the man who lived there "like a fish in a pool upon the reef."

Of course the owner's life was perfect in every respect, except that he owned a magic bottle which must be sold for less than he bought it, or else in death he would be condemned to hell. He was ill, and therefore desperate to sell the bottle. Keawe bought it.

Small children may not appreciate this story, which seems best suited for independent or sophisticated readers of 11 and up.

But the tale (beautifully illustrated) is as much a treasure as Stevenson's most famous classic, Treasure Island. Alyssa A. Lappen

The Millennium Champagne and Sparkling Wine Guide
Published in Paperback by Penguin Books Ltd (15 October, 1998)
Author: Tom Stevenson
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Champagne & Sparkling Wine Guide - FLAT!
I expect more from Tom Stevenson as a proclaimed Bubble expert. The book is filled with errors and avoidable mistakes. His opinions are worthy of debate, but by no means definitive. Read at your own risk.

A good, nuts-and-bolts guide.
As someone seeking information on champagne, this book gives a good overview of the different champagne houses and bottles.Considering this subject has so few books on this matter, it's good that this book provides a solid, nuts-and-bolts overview on champagne. If only there were more...

Published in Hardcover by Sotheby Parke Bernet Publications (1986)
Author: Tom Stevenson
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $74.95
Collectible price: $78.50
Average review score:
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