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Sight & Insight: The Art of Burton Silverman
Published in Paperback by Madison Square Press (2000)
Authors: Robert L. McGrath, Philip Saietta, Burt Silverman, and The Butler Institute of American Art
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $38.99
Average review score:

Excellent discussion of the creative process in art.
"I purchased Sight & Insight ;the art of Burton Silverman several months ago, but just came across his listing with Amazon. I think it's a beautiful book with some of the best paintings I've seen that uses representational realism. The people depicted are both very real and very arresting in a thoughtful, reflective way. It's like reading a good book and looking up to conjure the image of the character in ones mind only this artist does that for you. He doesn't exclude the viewer though, because there's a lot of ambiguity in his characters that leaves room for ones own speculations as to the meanings of the paintings. The writing, by both Prof. McGrath and Philip Saietta are excellent if sometimes difficult sledding, particularly with the Professor. But it's really a very readable and informative collection of essays. Silverman also writes about his career with compelling honesty. It's a real treat to go through this book and well worth the price, many times over."

The work of a true Maestro
Sight and Insight! As a painter this book is invaluable to me, as an appreciator of art and a viewer it is an opportunity to view some of the most magnificent and masterfully executed paintings all bound together in a spectacular reproduction of artwork in itself. The execution in his draftsmanship, the use of form and the genius of the use of color by Mr. Silverman is incredible to behold. The narrative is clear and thoughfully written. I have purchased not just one book but two, one for use in my studio as a reference book. The other is a special edition signed by the Master. All who pick up the book have a delightful treat in store for them, for each time one gazes at his art, there are new discoveries to be made. As an artist I am in awe and hold a great deal of admiration and respect for his art, to have this treasure to enjoy and learn from in the form of a book is indeed a feast.

Why Insight?
As the art director of the Merrill-Johnson Gallery, we are privileged to exhibit Mr. Silverman's work including several of the paintings in the book, "Sight and Insight". The paintings depicted in the book are fine example of the work that has made Mr. Silverman one of America's most respected realist painters. There are many books that are "how-to" paint (in fact Silverman has written two wonderful ones himself), but there are few "why-tos." "Sight and Insight" provides the reader an insight into the interpretive and artistic motivations behind his paintings. The book deserves to be in every serious art book collection for both the artist and the art appreciator.

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