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Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (June, 1998)
Author: Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.21
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.45
Average review score:

I panicked the day I sprung a whisker
but I feel better now, and I attribute my new outlook to having read The Silent Passage.

Tells You What Other Women Are Experiencing
Chapters are short and easy to read. This book deals not only with the technical aspects that most books do, but primarily with particular women's experiences with those various aspects--especially their feelings. This is what is left out of most of the other books. I recommend this book together with a more techinical book. But if you can only buy one book, buy this one instead. The main thing this book left me with was a feeling that instead of menopause being something that will just happen to me, there are a lot of things I can do, in a proactive sense, to manage the menopause. This is the most positive book I have seen on the subject, and helps me decide about all the questions to discuss with my doctor. Without reading this book, instead of being ready with a list of questions for my doctor, I would have passively listened to whatever he said, and thought that was it.

Sheehy knows of what she speaks!
I nodded; I smiled in sympatico; I grimaced in the knowledge that I too have experienced the same swings she describes. This book, like her others, tunes into the women's viewpoint. I have followed her career and her publications since Passages was first released and I believe her to be such a wonderful advocate for women's well-being both physical and psychological. What an asset we have. What seems to be this new realm of natural products and herbal supplements has become a great breakthrough for women's health. Just dosing yourself with a high powered birth control pill and "hoping for the best" is no longer the only option. It should go the way of male gynocologists. The Silent Passage should be a joyful one without fear of brittle bones or of cancer. A site that gives additional links and documentation to the use of herbals and natural supplements for all the areas of women's health is iHerb. They give women their due respect in offering products and good service and substantuating it all with documentation. This isn't just a store on line - it is a reader's resource as well.

The New Older Woman: A Dialogue for the Coming Century
Published in Paperback by Ten Speed Press (December, 1995)
Authors: Peggy Downes, Patricia Faul, Virginia Mudd, Ilene Tuttle, Peggy(Et Al) Downs, and Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $1.24
Collectible price: $2.21
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

This is a brief book that doesn't fetishize fifty
{This is} a brief book that doesn't fetishize fifty and that collages different voices. Though its contributors rarely object or probe or mention negatives--nor ask how and why 'women' are changed into 'older women'--some present important facts and perspectives succinctly. Gwen Yeo, director of the Stanford Geriatric Education Center, notes that 'Women over fifty are less prone to epression than any other age or gender group.' Artist Claire Falkenstein, trying to undermine the prejudice that creativity wanes with age, says that before her eighties she had never been able to use 'a symbolic language in the way I do now.'

From Margaret Morganroth Gullette - Women's Review of Books

Discussions cover sexuality, beauty, politics and more
{The} candid conversations found in this volume inspire, amaze, and challenge attitudes about women and aging. . . . Skillfully woven by the authors, discussions cover sexuality and enopause, beauty, eccentricity, housing, politics, careers, mentoring, risk-taking, and more.

Despite the acknowledged lackof socioeconomic and ethnic diversity reflected here, these proceedings make an important contribution to understanding women's place in the world today. Thoughtfully designed with large clear type. Detailed participant biographies appended.

From Paulette Bochnig Sharkey - Small Press

Beyond Superwoman: Twenty-Five Top CEOs Show Us How to Get a Life
Published in Paperback by Carmel Pub Co (24 April, 2003)
Authors: Karin Strasser Kauffman, Peggy Downes Baskin, and Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $13.21
Buy one from zShops for: $13.21
Average review score:

A must read for anyone searching for family/career balance!
Even though this book is based on 25 of the top female CEO's in Northern California, the intimate life experiences shared are beneficial to women all over the world. The fact that Strasser Kauffman and Downes Baskin were able to tap into the personal experiences of these women at the top of their game is a coup for all women.

The inspirational quotes from these dynamic women are priceless.

"Beyond Superwoman" is an Eye Opener!
I love this book! And for me - a female on the brink of a major career change - it came at the right time. It's true that there is a blatant lack of "woman-to-woman" mentorship for females in the corporate world. Northern California, which for better or worse, revolves around the success and downfall of Silicon Valley, is no exception. It's interesting to read what drives the female top executives in the Valley - and to find out that they agree on the fact that "a woman cannot do it all at the same time". I never heard of the concept of sequencing before but certainly it is in my vocabulary now. A big thank you to the authors for spending two years on the heels of these top CEOs and for creating an intimate picture of what drives them, exploring their often quirky personalities, how they were raised and for revealing the at times dramatic personal challenges they face while at the top. I like especially the individualistic approach Kathy Levinson (President of E*Trade) has taken. On the other hand, Martha Kanter's dedication (President of De Anza College) falls nothing short of martyrdom and is not appealing to me. There is much food for thought here - no solutions are offered to those searching for a stereotypical female corporate role model to follow, but ample of solid advise from those "who have been there" and still are. "Beyond Superwoman" is inspiring in the sense that there is no right or wrong way for a woman to succeed in what is still a testosterone driven corporate world. Individuality, paired with education, the willingness to push personal limits, a solid personal support network and fearlessness of possible failure are the essentials. The implicit message that authors Strasser Kauffman and Downes Baskin are sending is clear: women are still isolated in absence of "old girls' networks" and have to rely on themselves on their upward bound career tracks. Mentors are scarce, mostly male if available, often even undesired by female professionals on the track to corporate stardom. However, to attract, groom and sustain increasing numbers of female top executives throughout the country, mentors and mentor programs are needed. For me, this book has had a mentoring effect: to see how other women have achieved their goals is an inspiration in itself. The rest is up to me.

Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (January, 1975)
Author: Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $0.95
Collectible price: $7.55
Average review score:

HUSTLING by Gail Sheehy
HUSTLING, by Gail Sheehy, is a rich and in-depth exposè of the world of prostitution that existed in New York City in the early and mid-seventies. Spanning all levels of the prostitution industry, from street-pros to high-class call-girls, the pimps, johns, the police dept. and even the political end of the spectrum, City Hall, Sheehy weaves a wonderfully detailed account, without the clinical "documentary" approach, of a city and its people being eaten from the inside out. Extremely well researched, with a plethora of interviews, this book introduced and explained a world so far away from my own, yet so intriging, that it remains a favourite of mine to this day. If I could give an example of the "feel" of this book I would instantly recall the motion picture "TAXI DRIVER", by Martin Scorcese, for both mood (dark), setting (street-level, New York City of the 1970's), style (emotional, realistic, gritty), and , of course, subject matter. I highly recommend this outing by an excellent writer, Gail Sheehy.

Published in Hardcover by Bantam Doubleday Dell ()
Author: Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.22
Average review score:

It finally makes sense
After trying to figure out why the disenchantment with work as I hit 40, this book has explained it! Although some of the data used is out of date, the findings are still very valid.

I recommend it to those trying to figure out how to navigate through life.

Passages book review
My Father gave me the book Passages to read when I was a teenager. I could not put the book down and have referenced it multiple times since then. I am now planning on including it as one of my daughter's highschool graduation presents. It touches your mind, your heart and your soul.

Universality of Passages
If you are a teacher, or a student of literature, you might consider the connection of Passages to Ibsen's, "A Doll's House," written 120 years ago. Sheehy's book is timeless and imporant literarily and sociologically.

Discovering the Power of Self Hypnosis: The Simple, Natural Mind-Body Approach to Change and Healing, Second Edition
Published in Paperback by Newmarket Press (September, 2002)
Authors: Stanley Fisher and Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.50
Buy one from zShops for: $9.73
Average review score:

Booorrringg!!! I want my money back!
I bought this book hoping to learn how to use self hypnosis, and how to do it myself. Instead, I spent reading chapter after chapter of stories that just repeat themselves on how others found self hypnosis to be very helpful. Well, duhhh, if I didn't know that already I wouldn't have bought the book! It's a waste of time and money. If you're looking for a practical guide on how to use self hypnosis, this is not it. If you just need something to help you fall asleep, well, stick with it - It would do the trick! Can I have my money back?

I bought this book when I was doing research for a stress management class at the University of Utah. The information in this book is so useful and readable. It takes the mystery out of hypnosis by explaining the mind-body connection. It also explains how hypnosis can be used to break habits and to enhance your imagination. No matter how far in trance you get, you can still use hypnosis for self improvement. He explains how, with practice, you can use self hypnosis for even controling you automatic nervous system by diverting blood flow. Even the Psychologist I work for found this book to be very useful because of the stories about self-hypnosis to prepare for surgery. He also explains about how our belief systems cause us stress and how to overcome these thoughts so that we can live happy lives. He has a test to measure your hypnotic capacity, that went over great with my class. There are few books written on self hypnosis that you can accually sit down and read, this book excelled in this area.

A Fascinating and Useful Book
This is a "review" I was sent via a book owner from a reader in Paris. I wanted to share it with you. "We want to give our warmest thanks to Lynne for lending us her book about self-hypnosis, we learned yesterday morning that Marc's surgery should be today instead of Monday so I read the book very fast (it is realy fascinating) and we tried the surgery preparation yesterday evening and this morning before I brought him to the hospital. And I could even talk to him on the phone this afternoon where he told me he has awakened much better than usual.! Thank you so much!"

Understanding Men's Passages: Discovering the New Map of Men's Lives
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books (Trd Pap) (May, 1999)
Author: Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.24
Collectible price: $2.64
Buy one from zShops for: $3.96
Average review score:

A Psycho-Social Primer on Adult Male Development
Gail Sheey's "Understanding Men's Passages" is a good book to read to grasp the basic developmental stages that men go through in life. Other books on men's issues sometime fail to recognize the importance of these sequential and natural passages of early, middle, and later male adulthood.

I enjoyed the book, but Sheey sometimes overuses examples from men who, quite frankly, do not quite fit the norm (rich, famous, and powerful). It appears that data supporting Sheey's book came from men in all walks of life. Why then, does she often use interview data from men who the average reader cannot identify with? When reading through this book, I sometimes wondered if Sheey met the elusive "every man" in each of us, but truly does not know the common personality characteristics that we, as men, exhibit. She also mentions virtually nothing about single men.

Strengths: The cover is eye-catching. And in general, Sheey is a gifted writer who draws the reader into her train of thought. She has also really done well in connecting with medical personnel who are familiar with men's health issues. Parts IV, V, and VI were perhaps my favorite parts of the book to read.

Years ago, I read Sheey's "Passages" for a class on adulthood and aging. She goes beyond that book in "Understanding Men's Passages," but not quite enough.

An essential guide about middle-aged men for both sexes
Ms. Sheehy has done it again: she has written a book both supported by research and as interesting a read as any novel. My only problem with this book is that most of the "case histories" are about men who have the financial advantage necessary to give them the freedom to take the time to dabble in this or that while they are trying to discover how they want to spend their Second Adulthood, as Sheehy calls the years after age 50. Most of the men in Sheehy's book are definitely NOT fast food restraunt managers, security guards, or factory shift workers, etc. Men at this lower end of the income scale simply cannot afford to take 18 months (a figure estimated in the book) off from any kind of gainful employment after becoming the laid-off victims of downsizing. Still, the book puts forth a lot of helpful information for both men and the women who interact with them.

Read this book if you are ready to face the music.
Reading this book is a necessary gut-wrenching experience. Nobody likes to hear exactly the idiotic things we men sometimes do. Especially from a woman...right guys?

Sheey is right on the money. You will find your father, brother, GRANDFATHER and buddies all here. As well as yourself. And *that* is the gem this book will leave behind: finding yourself, situating your thoughts and realizing that you are not all that crazy..that, yes, you can stay in the saddle or get back on it. You are hardly alone.

Two comments: One, don't take the age ranges literally (Sheely advises the same thing). Two, enjoy the book while it lasts, because "the meaning of life" is not described at the end of the book. The book reads like a novel at some points, BUT it is not. If you get to the end and are still clueless. Put it down and think hard. You will get IT. Read it. You will be glad you did.

New Passages
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Publishing (December, 1998)
Author: Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $11.94
Average review score:

She keeps going and going and going....
Gail Sheehy provides a new perspective on aging...yet she repeats the same points continuously throughout the book. You get the main idea of her whole book in the prologue and learn nothing more after. If you are under 40 this will bore and depress you like nothing else.

Our beliefs shape our future....
"New Passages" gave me added enthusiasm as well as an explanation for what I, a woman at age 50, am feeling and experiencing. How wonderful that I am metamorphosing into a "second adulthood!" That the last few years of culling out what I don't want to do are leading towards a powerful purpose: living the rest of my life with ever-greater meaning and enjoyment. As with "The Silent Passage," which has given so many men and women a healthier perspective of menopause, "New Passages" has helped define a brighter and more exciting future for all of us who are growing into our 50'and beyond. Even my 86 year old mother understands better where she has been in her "2nd adulthood," enabling her to define the significance of her continuing just live in integrity and serve as an example for all those around her. Sheehy quoted research which shows that our genetic heritage profoundly affects us until 60-65....but, after that, what we think and beleve is what most profoundly affects how well we live. As in golf, "the game" is controlled by the 6" between our ears....

Powerful Book!
Half way reading this book, and I had to give it a thumbs up already. Sheehy's analysis and narrative is hard hitting and brilliant. Your very life passage is written out in this book. Virtually everyone will identify with at least one of her narratives/passages. A must read for anyone interested in the philosophical aspects of LIFE!

Hillary's Choice
Published in Digital by Random House ()
Author: Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

good book/bad friend
Much as I treasure the right of free speech and a free press in our country, I have real reservations about anyone assigning themselves the job of being the biographer/interpreter of a political figure.

After reading Gail Sheehy's latest book, I've got to say I lost respect for her. Although well-written, as usual, throughout I felt "creepy-crawly" to imagine what a connection would be like with a well-known writer who takes it upon her self to tell us who Hillary Clinton "really is," after establishing a personal friendship with her subject. As a friend, I would never speak to her again again. I would feel most certainly used. I would feel that my life was simply useful to her as a means to exploit me for profit and celebrity. This strong feeling overrode, for me, my appreciation of the book's good writing.

It looks like the book will receive wide reading and recognition. I would say to the reader, keep in mind, this book was written for entertainment and money, disguised as "educational and compassionate." After the flurries settle down, I wish the best possible outcome for Hillary.

A Well Balanced and Not Entirely Flattering Look Hillary!
Hillary's Choice by Gail Sheehey 2000

A Balanced Portrait (five stars)

I think Gail Sheehey has done a remarkable job of combining her interviews, the second hand sources and published materials in preparing this portrait of Hillary Clinton.

This book most certainly will raise Hillary's ire because it is not entirely flattering, yet it is not a condemnation of Mrs. Clinton either.

I think Sheehey is quite fair in her overall account of Hillary Clinton's life.The book was an excellent read and kept me engaged as a reader.

Mrs. Clinton is certainly no innocent in the political world and in her personal relationship with Bill Clinton.

I have to remark that my views of Mrs. Clinton have wavered over the years of the current Presidency. At the start I had the impression she was an overbearing individual who indeed did want to engage in a co-presidency with her husband. Our system is not designed for a co-presidency and we elected Bill Clinton for the position, not Bill and Hillary. As a result I found her to be a bit hard to take as the first term went through its first two years.

I did support her wide-ranging vision for a National Health Care Plan and was sorry to see it fail for political reasons.

As she was taken out of the loop (at least publicly) in seeming to be at the helm of the country with Bill Clinton, I found her public behavior more appropriate.

Over the years my attitude toward Hillary has waxed and waned. This of course is how I interpreted this woman from how I saw her through the eyes of the abundant media stories about her.

I believe Sheehey offers a substantive and psychologically well nuanced portrait of Hillary. Overall, I don't feel much sorrow or admiration for the woman. She is an individual who wants to play in the big leagues and she has indeed had that opportunity. She hasn't been softened by the experienced -- rather, she seems to be an angrier and yet more determined politician who certainly doesn't intend to end her stature as a woman of high visibility with the close of her husband's publicity. She wants more -- for reasons I can't quite fathom.

All in all, I believe the Clintons are both highly dysfunctional people who continue to overachieve in order to hide their own scars. It appears they will do so at any cost; sadly using the currency of other human beings without much regard.

While there have been accomplishments during this Presidency, I am certain that this country has not deserved what it has been dragged through as a result of two unhealthy individuals with enormous amounts of power.

Daniel J. Maloney

I have had the dubious pleasure of reading and rereading quite a number of works addressing the life and times of Hillary Clinton.
While I am not a great fan of Billie, I must admit to sort of an admiration for Hillary. Be-that-as-it-may, I enjoyed this book. It was well written and I thought pretty well ballanced. Many of the "facts" presented, will have to be tested by time, but for now, I feel they are probably as close to the truth we will get.
Ms Clinton is certainly one of the more fascinating individuals of our times and I am quite sure history will continue to judge her as such. She is an interesting subject. In many ways, she is us. The author of this book is an interesting writer and between the author and the subject, we get a very interesting story. Thank you Ms Gail for writing it.

When the Man You Love Won't Take Care of His Health
Published in Paperback by Griffin Trade Paperback (February, 2000)
Authors: Ken Goldberg, David Schoonmaker, and Gail Sheehy
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.87
Collectible price: $10.13
Buy one from zShops for: $2.94
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