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Book reviews for "Schick,_Joel" sorted by average review score:

Fairy Tales (Sesame Street)
Published in Hardcover by Ctw Books (1999)
Authors: Jane Vecchio, Tom Leigh, and Joel Schick
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $9.44
Average review score:

new twist on old favorites
This book is great! The stories are similar to the "classic" fairytales I grew up with, but each has its own fun and unique "sesame street twist". The pictures are funny and colorful. I'm not sure who enjoys it 14 month old or me!

Joel Schick's Christmas Present.
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (1977)
Author: Joel. Schick
Amazon base price: $6.20
Used price: $19.46
Collectible price: $26.47
Average review score:

A different kind of tradition!
Each "present" is an imaginary creature representing one of the 12 days of Christmas. For instance, instead of five golden rings there are five moldy things. The illustrations are terrific. What an imagination this guy has. Every year we pull this out of the Christmas box and read it aloud. Better yet is when we all sing along. Too funny. As the creatures increase in number the Christmas setting takes a bit of a beating. A great kids (and adults) classic at our house.

Santaberry and the Snard
Published in Hardcover by Bookstore Pr (1976)
Authors: Joel Schick and Alice Schick
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $5.75
Average review score:

This is a classic. Both of my daughters grew up with it!
Santaberry and the Snard is one of the most delightful children's books I've seen. The illustrations are superb, the story is fun and our kids had a lot of fun with it. We nearly wore out the local library's copy of it over the years. Both of our daughters grew up on this one and their children will too. Lots of interaction here for parents to utter neat sounds while reading aloud and really get into it. We love this book and will assure that our grandchildren have copies.

Wayside School Is Falling Down
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Louis Sachar, Salmon, and Joel Schick
Amazon base price: $11.08
List price: $13.85 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.63
Buy one from zShops for: $9.58
Average review score:

Q's Views
Wayside school is Falling Down is a hilarious book. The book is about a classroom on the 30th story. There are 29 kids and 1 teacher, Mrs. Jewls. They have many adventures together that they think are every day adventures. The book is very different from others because Louis Sachar, the author, really used her imagination. A lot of people really like that. Other books are true, but nothing in this book is true. Like cows living in your school.
The author, Louis Sachar, has written a lot of books. Like Holes, Sideways Stories from Watside School, Wayside School gets a little Stranger, Sideways Arithmitic from Wayside school, Dogs don't tell Jokes, Boy who Lost his Face, 6th Grade Secrets, Marvin Redpost: Alone in his teacher's House, and Kidnapped at Birth? and many others.
Most people would find this very amusing. This book is so funny. Like when Mrs. Jewls pushes a computer that Louis, the yard teacher, had worked hard at getting up there, out the window. That was really funny and you can find more stuff like that by checking out more books by Louis Sachar. I think that everyone will really like this book.
I would think that people at the age of 8-11 year olds would like this book.

The Best Book I've Read This Year
Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar is a very interesting book about kids and the problems they have at school, such as a child bringing in a hobo for show and tell, and having a thirty stories high building instead of thirty classrooms next to each other! These are only two of the problems children at Wayside school face. So if you like adventures this book is right for you.
I really liked this book because every time I read it I would just crack up because it was so funny. Unfortunately this book is really short. Also it's more child-like than I had expected. .....

Wayside School is Falling Down
Wayside is falling down

My book, Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar is a story about a class on the thirteenth story Wayside School. Their teacher Mrs. Jewels is the nicest teacher in Wayside School. There is one very big problem at Wayside School there are dead rats living in the basement. They go through a lot of funny problems.
I like Todd in Mrs. Jewel's class because he always gets in trouble and has to ride home on the kindergarten bus early at noon. I like all the characters in this book. I think book really deals with you need to be happy that you go to school and some kids don't get that chance. What I liked about the book is that there is funny in every chapter. What I didn't like is how changed the whole plot every chapter. I was satisfied with the ending because I was surprised.
Louis Sachar keeps the reader entertained. It made me keep reading the book. The vocabulary is easy. This book would appeal from the ages between 9 and 13. It is very funny. I love this book and I recommend it to the people who like to have a good laugh I give the book five stars I really liked this book and I think you read it.

The Gobble-Uns 'll Git You Ef You Don't Watch Out! - James Whitcomb Riley's Little Orphant Annie: James Whitcomb Riley's Little Orphant Annie
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (1975)
Authors: James Whitcomb Riley and Joel Schick
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $29.95
Collectible price: $74.12
Average review score:

A lot of fun to read out loud
I picked up this book at my local library. The author uses and Indiana dialect that I, who have lived in IN all my life have never heard. No matter. It's a great deal of fun to read aloud. Very rhythmic with a good refrain. If you can find a copy anywhere, read it to a group of kids.

The Gobble-uns'll Git You Ef You Don't Watch Out!
I first became aware of this book when I took my then three-year-old son to our library's halloween story time. Both of us fell in love with this illustrator's vision of the James Whitcomb Riley standard. Little Orphant Annie comes alive to remind us all to: "say our prayers", "help the poor and needy ones", "cherish them that loves us", and all manner of good behavior....or suffer the consequences! We checked this book out on a weekly basis until we both could recite it by heart as we drove around town. Quite an accomplishment for such a little guy. I'm glad it's still available--I'd like to give him a copy when he graduates from high school.

child`s memories
I`m 44 and I use to live in Indiana My mother got me this book when I was little and I loved it. I still remember it today and because of this book I love to read. I wish I still had it today. I have read 100`s of book but Mr. Riley has stayed with me. If you have a chance to read this book please do adults and children both. thank you Dlight

Pumpkin Patch Party: A Chunky Flap Book
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Merchandising) (1997)
Authors: Joel Schick, Stephanie St Pierre, and Cernilli
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.53
Average review score:

A Great Party
My 20 month old loves this books. The flaps lift in different directions and she likes the challenge of determining which way to lift the flap. A fun read for the adults as well.

My Robot Buddy
Published in Paperback by HarperTrophy (1992)
Authors: Alfred Slote and Joel Schick
Amazon base price: $13.89
Used price: $26.16
Collectible price: $5.40
Average review score:

Blast Off Into This Book
The book I read was, My Robot Buddy by Alfred Slote. It takes place in Jacks home. Jack wanted a robot for his birthday. He got one and they almost got robot napped. Read this book to find out if they got saved or not. I disliked the story because it didn't catch my interest

Slightly Outdated Sci-Fi Still Fun
All Jack wants for his birthday is a robot. When his parents give in, he's thrilled. Feeling only a little guilty, he orders exactly what he wants in a friend in Danny One. But what will happen when trouble follows them home?

This is a simple, straight forward book. In fact, it's a little two simple. The book is more the pilot for a series then a story all its own since it sets up the characters for future books. Still, it's a fun, fast read that kids will enjoy. I know I sure did.

Originally written in 1975, there were a few things about this future world that made me laugh, especially the conflict over getting a mobile phone because of how expensive they are.

I spent about a year obsessed with these characters growing up. I even took every opportunity I could to walk stiff in the knees myself. Rereading this book, I easily found the fun again. It's a shame the others aren't still in print so everyone can enjoy the adventures of Jack and Danny One.

Blast Off Into Fiction
The book that I read was My Robot Buddy by Alfred Slote. It takes place in Jack's home. Jack wanted a robot for his birthday. So his parents took him to the robot factory to pick one out. When Jack and Danny got home they were playing outside and then a robot napper came and almost robot napped Jack by mistake. Read more to find out if Jack got saved or not!

Elmo Jumps (Chunky Book With Legs)
Published in Hardcover by Ctw Books (1999)
Authors: Stephanie St. Pierre, Kristen Mathieu Mello, Stephanie St Pierre, Random House, and Joel Schick
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $5.99
Average review score:

Cute Book
This is a very cute book, with legs attached, but it is really tiny - much smaller than I expected. It is a decent book for the price.

How to Eat Fried Worms, and Other Plays
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (2000)
Authors: Thomas Rockwell and Joel Schick
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $21.18
Collectible price: $21.80
Average review score:

I didn't really like this book because it was gross and old
but this is my opinon and jugde it for you selves.I sort of
like it becaues it was a bit funny and it had a lot of funny

The 17 Gerbils of Class 4A
Published in Hardcover by Putnam Pub Group (1976)
Authors: William H. Hooks and Joel Schick
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $2.50
Average review score:
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