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Book reviews for "Rozier,_John_Wiley" sorted by average review score:

Short Protocols in Molecular Biology
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1995)
Authors: Frederick M. Ausubel, Roger Brent, Robert Kingston, David D. Moore, J. G. Seidman, John A. Smith, Kevin Struhl, and John Wiley
Amazon base price: $79.95
Used price: $47.97
Average review score:

an excellent brief reference book
This is a well-organized, clear, short reference work. Well done

The (little) Red book...
Here is the little red bok.
If the big one is too expensive for you, you can always buy this. You'll find inside all the important protocols and data for molecular biology.It's up to date, and clearly presented.
Try it, and then buy the big one!

A very good reference manual
This book is an essential tool for people in the scientific field such as Molecular Biology (obviously), Biochemistry, and Neuroscience. It is comprehensive and up-to-date as far as the techniques are concerned. It is good value in a sense that you don't have to buy the whole "Current Protocols Series" which costs an arm and a leg if you do. Although nowadays, a lot of "kits" are commercially available, the techniques found in this book explain principles and provide different alternatives suited for your needs. Molecular Cloning by Maniatis et al., although needs updating, is still a helpful reference in my opinion and it complements this book.

Digital Web 2.0
Published in Paperback by White Wolf Publishing Inc. (1998)
Authors: Roger Gaudreau, S. John Ross, Jen Clodius, and Jaymi Wiley
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $28.79
Average review score:

This book is a major overhaul of the earlier Digital Web book for Mage: The Ascension. It has lots of little detail-ey improvements over the first edition, and some nice thoughtful material about games in the web, and storytelling in general. I'm not sure I'd encourage anyone to buy it if they had the eariler edition, unless they're obsessed with running games in the Web. But a modern Mage game ought to have *some* Digital Web in it, and if you don't have any verion of this book, I highly reccomend it. Also hs plenty of cool terminology and saucy web culture tidbits, and an interesting piece of history on the "recent crash" of the Web.

A complete Guide for the Digital Web 2.0
The Digital Web 2.0 is a book full of information about de Digital Web and the virtual reality world that makes a good home for the Virtual Adepts. These creatures of magic, once followers of the traditions, now spend their time exploring this new realm. With the hope that some day they will bring all the human kind to the acension. The plans are to take all in to this digital web. The book itself doesn't explain how this will be posible, but explain te secrets areas of these realm, as well the most comon places to hang out and search for hot information. At the same time indicate waves of moving, fighting and hacking in the tree posibles ways of inmersion. The normal, the astral und the holistical. Each one have their advantages, and each one have their ones problems. The digital web, and his famous meeting place Spy Demise are the structural line of this book, and the structure is very good.

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