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Book reviews for "Robbins,_Richard_H." sorted by average review score:

Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (2nd Edition)
Published in Paperback by Allyn & Bacon (01 August, 2001)
Authors: Richard H. Robbins and Richard Howard Robbins
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $39.95
Average review score:

Excellent book for anyone who cares about the world today!
I admit I'm a little biased. Richard Robbins was actually a professor of mine at SUNY Plattsburgh, and I had the opportunity to read this book while at the same time taking his global issues class. This book not only changed my mind about a few of the world's issues, it also gave me a broader perspective about the world in general. I now think about things such as 'where do my clothes come from?' and 'how did my fruit cup get here?'. Robbins is an extremely talented man and writer who asks the question, 'Is Disneyland for Everyone?' The answer: a resounding 'No, and here's why!' This book would benefit anyone seeking to gain an understanding about the world and his/her place in it. It truly is a global world, and Robbins' book is the first step to living in it.

Great textbook!
At last: a textbook which confronts the cultural power of capitalism. Robbins looks at how capitalism shapes cultures and how it has evolved into the most powerful cultural influence on the planet. A great resource for anthropology, geography, or history. Not your run of the mill textbook, it offers forceful critiques and compelling history. An excellent book for college students.

Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach
Published in Paperback by F E Peacock Pub (01 January, 2001)
Author: Richard H. Robbins
Amazon base price: $37.95
Used price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
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