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Book reviews for "Noon,_Brian" sorted by average review score:

Table for Two, Please: Morsels of Inspiration and Wisdom over the Noon Hour
Published in Paperback by BookPartners Inc. (1998)
Authors: Brian Luke Seaward and Edgar Mitchell
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $6.44
Average review score:

Reading that makes you think and smile
This is enjoyable because it makes one think, but can be picked up and put down whenever one has time. I keep it on the table next to the couch, and guests enjoy reading it, too.

"Lunch with a hero?", who wouldn't gobble this up!
Who among us doesn't have that secret desire to meet a hero, some famous persona, or a loved one who has passed on? How many of us have done it? This book is your passport to this extradordinary experience of touching some very special people. And, like the best of gothic mysteries, it may well have a surprise ending when you recieve the real wisdom they have to offer us. As a bonus, there's a "coupon" for that very lunch you may have wanted to have and couldn't figure out how to bring it about! Enjoy! Bon Appetite!

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