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Book reviews for "Noall,_Roger" sorted by average review score:

Liberty of Conscience: Roger Williams in America (Library of Religious Biography Series)
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (1991)
Authors: Edwin Scott Gaustad, Nathan O. Hatch, and Mark A. Noll
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $5.99
Average review score:

The Founders' Founder
This beautifully written book brings to light, in an understated but poetic way, the genius and greatness of the man who, as Gaustad says, "was out to do nothing less than alter the institutional structure of the Western world." It is a measure of our time that many people-especially young people educated pursuant to the fashionable bromides of contemporary social science education-have never heard of this first founder of liberty of conscience and disestablishment of religion in America. In our epoch of attempted "faith-based" governmental initiatives, Gaustad's book reminds us, by constant reference to the writings of Roger Williams, of those principles that, after a bitter struggle of more than a century, came to distinguish this nation from the government-controlled religion and thought of the rest of the world. The life of Roger Williams shows that deeply held religious belief necessarily implies an unwavering commitment to the principle of absolute separation of church and state. Williams' life also demonstrates that at least one colonial leader tried, unsuccessfully, to overcome the tendency of the Puritans to treat Native Americans as less than human or as mere subjects for conversion to Christianity. The tragedy of Williams' life consisted solely in the failure of his decades-long effort to resolve the conflict between rapacious, religiously hypocritical English settlers and the Native Americans. The triumph of his life was his original pronouncement, in this country, of the enduring but often threatened principle that government should be restricted to civil, not religious, tasks. More than a century later, Jefferson and Madison built on the foundation that Roger Williams so nobly established in his writings and in the constitutional documents of Rhode Island.

Williams Still Relevant Today!
Gaustad did an excellent job of portraying not only Williams' beliefs, politic and theology but the state of the world that led to their development and need. Very readable, never boring, practical and insightful to William's America as it is to ours. WE could learn a great deal from Williams, even so mamy years later. Gaustad truly brought him to life.

Insightful biography of Williams
Gaustad's Liberty of Conscience is the second biography of Roger Williams I have read this summer. Perhaps because the first, Covey's The Gentle Radical, was so prolix, I loved Gaustad's work. His selection of historical data, his clear sequencing, and his explication of Williams's own writings make this a delight to read. Seventeenth-century Britain and colonial America and all those names one vaguely remembers are vividly described. The prose is clear and attractive. I came away with a new appreciation of Williams. Gaustad sees him as the first to set forth those principles of religious liberty that were picked up after him by Locke, Penn, Jefferson, and others and which we take for granted today. Toleration is a subject of current conversation within the United States. This biography depicts someone who fought for toleration in a time when people were being banished and even executed for not believing what the political powers said they must believe. It really gives a healthy perspective on our times. I recommend it highly.

Sports, Jobs, and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums
Published in Paperback by The Brookings Institution (1997)
Authors: Roger G. Noll and Andrew Zimbalist
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.01
Average review score:

Statistics, Numbers, and Evidence
Andrew Zimbalist is back with his newest book on the economics of sports, Sports, Jobs, and Taxes. After writing Baseball to Billions, the Smith College professor returns with this publication on the effects of building stadiums in major markets. Zimbalist co-edits the book with Roger G. Noll, a director of the Public Policy Program at Stanford University. The two men examine many different cities and their various plans that involved new sports facilities. Using a dizzying assault of numbers and statistics, Sports, Jobs, and Taxes proves case by case how employment, taxes and urban development were either unaffected or negatively influenced by the facilities built in the respective cities. While such examples as Minneapolis, Chicago, and Cincinnati display evidence to support the editors' theories, the repetitiveness of these chapters' points begin to wear on the reader. Still, one comes away fully understanding what is continually stressed by Zimbalist and Noll. Sports facilities and the teams that play in them do not enhance local economies, do little for job creation, and never make up for the cost of higher taxes.

Beaver Dam: 1841-1941
Published in Paperback by Arcadia Books (2003)
Author: Roger Noll
Amazon base price: $13.99
List price: $19.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:
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Challenges to Research Universities
Published in Paperback by The Brookings Institution (1998)
Authors: Roger G. Noll, Wesley Cohen, William Rogerson, Linda R. Cohen, and Albert Teich
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $14.25
Buy one from zShops for: $16.95
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A Communications Cornucopia: Markle Foundation Essays on Information Policy
Published in Paperback by The Brookings Institution (1998)
Authors: Monroe Edwin Price and Roger G. Noll
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $12.50
Collectible price: $26.47
Average review score:
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Constitutional Reform in California: Making State Government More Effective and Responsive
Published in Paperback by Institute of Governmental Studies Press (1995)
Authors: Bruce E. Cain and Roger G. Noll
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $11.95
Average review score:
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Economic Aspects of Television Regulation
Published in Hardcover by The Brookings Institution (1973)
Author: Roger G. Noll
Amazon base price: $31.95
Used price: $13.72
Average review score:
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The Economics and Politics of the Slowdown in Regulatory Reform
Published in Paperback by AEI Press (1999)
Author: Roger G. Noll
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $7.17
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:
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Government and the Sports Business: Papers Prepared for a Conference of Experts, With an Introduction and Summary
Published in Hardcover by The Brookings Institution (1974)
Author: Roger G. Noll
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $19.95
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:
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Political Economy of Deregulation: Interest Groups in the Regulatory Process
Published in Hardcover by AEI Press (1983)
Author: Roger G. Noll
Amazon base price: $32.25
Average review score:
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