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Book reviews for "Morgan,_John_Andrew,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

Lonely Planet Mexico (Mexico, 8th Ed)
Published in Paperback by Lonely Planet (2002)
Authors: John Noble, Susan Forsyth, Allison Wright, Andrew Dean Nystrom, and Morgan Konn
Amazon base price: $17.49
List price: $24.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.37
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Average review score:

a good guide headed south
I just got back from a month in Mexico. The book was probably quite impressive back in the early 90's. However, many of the hotels and restaurants listed in the book have gotten so much business that they have lost what good attributes they originally had. Also, many of the prices quoted in the book were way off. The book prices were frequently one-half what the concierge or waiter quoted. The peso has not changed enough for a 5 dollar hotel room to become 12 or 15. Perhaps that is the risk one finds with any guidebook.

Museum hours were consistently incorrect, especially for Mondays, weekends and evenings.

This book might keep you out of trouble, but it is not the guide for a budget traveler.

Dont leave home without it
Lonely planet guides are absolutely invaluable for the independant adventurous budget-minded traveler, and LP Mexico is no exception. Included are informative sections on pre-departure info, cultural tips, etc. I travelled extensively throughout Mexico with the 5th edition last year, and it really got me to explore some of the remote places I otherwise wouldn't have found- such as the silver towns of Guanajuato, Zacatecas and Taxco. Plus, out of the way beaches, hard-to-find ruins, centotes, you name it. They're covered. Don't borrow you'r friend's old dog-eared copy of the 3rd of 4th edition. Spend the money on the latest edition, because price info is almost always out of date within months after printing, and an older edition is usually hopelessly out of date. I found myself disregarding their accommodations recommendations, because once a place finds its way into the LP Guide, their visitor traffic usually increases exponentially, the staff gets surly, and prices go up. If you're just going to Cancun, Mazatlan, etc, skip this book, but if you're not afraid to venture out into the 'real mexico', grab it.

You can't go wrong with a Lonely Planet guide
I have just returned to Norway after backpacking around in Latin America for a year (of course accompanied by the Lonely Planet book). I do not claim to be an expert, but I do know what I am looking for in a travel guide.

The Mexico guide is a good, complete guide. Filled with information, history and beautiful pictures about almost every corner of this gorgeous country. Reading the whole book gives you a good update on your history and geography knowledge! (Something to do if you are trekking around by bus like I did!)

I have always been satisfied with the LP guides. The information given is good, just what you need to get around. The only negative with this book (and the reason I give it 4 and not 5 stars) is that it was completely outdated on prices etc. Another thing (that goes for most of the travel guides) is that many of the hotels that are listed in the book has gotten so much (too much?) business so that the service is down to a minimum. This we found especially in Isla Mujeres where the price was the double of what the book said, and really lousy customer service, if any.

Corsair: The Life of J. Pierpont Morgan
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown & Company (1981)
Author: Andrew Sinclair
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $3.49
Collectible price: $3.84
Average review score:
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Multiple Classification Analysis: A Report on a Computer Program for Multiple Regression Using Categorical Predictions (An Institute for Social Research Publication)
Published in Hardcover by University of Michigan Press (1997)
Authors: Frank M. Andrews, Laura Klem, James N. Morgan, and John A. Sonquist
Amazon base price: $21.95
Average review score:
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The Open Championship: St Andrews: 1995
Published in Hardcover by Transworld Publishers Ltd (01 October, 1995)
Authors: John Hopkins, Michael William, Michael McDonnell, et al, Lawrence Levy, Michael Cohen, and Brian Morgan
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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