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Book reviews for "Moberly-Bell,_Enid" sorted by average review score:

Five Go Down to the Sea
Published in Audio Cassette by Chivers Audio Books (2001)
Authors: Enid Blyton and Jan Francis
Amazon base price: $32.95
Average review score:

Growing Up With Edin Blyton's Famous Five.
I had not even heard of Enid Blyton until an aunt in Australia sent me a copy of 'Five Go Down To The Sea'. That would have been about 1955 and I was immediately captivated by Enid's pure sense of mood and adventure.
I must have re-read the book a half-dozen times in just a few weeks and got to know farmer Penruthlan, Yan, The Barnies and Clopper the horse as if they were real friends of my very own.
I relived that adventure again when I got to read a chapter or two aloud each night to my two sons when they were toddlers. They, too, were enthralled with the story. And I truly believe that the noble actions of Julian, Dick, George, Anne and Timmy helped to mould my sons' lives, as they did mine.
Even now, at the 'grand old age' of 57, I am not ashamed to admit that, seeking escape from this troubled world, I have read Five Go Down To The Sea again, by myself.
Now, I can't wait to have grandchildren, so I can read the book to them at bed-time...unless my sons beat me to it, of course!

These series are excellent!!
when i was a kid of 7 or 8 my mom got me interested in books by Enid Blyton, like Famous Five, Secret Seven, and those Adventure series. I just loved famous five and in fact have read all 21 of their regular books. In addition to that i also read their special editions, around 10 . These books are so addictive, once my father even told me u shouldnt read that much , u're studies might get affected, or i'll weaken my eyesight! haha! but in reality these really capture the imagination of a young kid and i highly recommend them to any kids new to reading novels

Extra-ordinarily interesting
I could not put it down once I started reading it. After I finished reading the book, I felt sad. I have read the book two times in two days!

The Enchanted Wood
Published in Paperback by Egmont Childrens Books (01 January, 2002)
Author: Enid Blyton
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $12.52
Buy one from zShops for: $12.52
Average review score:

Any child that reads this book will enter into a magical world......I am now 34 yrs old....I read this book as a child and still remember liking the stories.......I am originally from Guyana formally British Guiana......I grew up on all Enid Blyton books....they are a delight to read.......this is one book I suggest you get for you children.

Like the forest and the tree - these stories are enchanting
These enchanting and magical tales have delighted me since my childhood, when my mother read them aloud. My siblings and I loved them. Twenty years later, I still love them. I was fortunate enough to obtain the three-in-one volume bumper edition of 500 plus pages containing the complete text of three of the six adventures about the magical Faraway Tree: "The Enchanted Wood", "The Magic Faraway Tree" and "The Folk of the Faraway Tree." This title is only the first in the series, but do whatever it takes to get hold of it and the others!

The adventures begin when three children, Jo, Bessie and Fanny, discover an enchanted wood inhabited by brownies, talking rabbits, and other fantastic creatures in the vicinity of their new country home. In the center of this wood is the mysterious and magical Faraway Tree, home to the friendly Moonface, adorable Silky, irritable Angry Pixie, cheeky Dame Washalot, and clattery Saucepan Man. In the homes of their new friends, the children enjoy wonderful treats like magical Pop Biscuits and Toffee Shocks. And any time they want to quickly head down the tree, they grab a cushion and slide down the exciting Slippery Slip.

But best of all, at the top of a tree is a white cloud, the mysterious entrance to a magical land above the tree. In turn, magical lands - good and bad - visit the tree, giving the children opportunities for glorious adventures. There are wonderful lands that every child dreams about, such as the Land of Take-What-You-Want, the Land of Birthdays, the Land of Toys, the Land of Goodies, the Land of Presents, and the Land of Treats. But there are also dangerous lands, such as the Land of Topsy-Turvy, the Land of Tempers, the Land of Giants, and the Land of Dame Slap, all of which lead the children into terrible dangers and exciting adventures.

My only concern with these tales is that Blyton's focus on material things is not always upbuilding for children, and to dream of imaginary utopian lands of goodies and toys can result in an unwholesome form of materialism. But on the whole, Blyton takes pains to present positive moral attributes in her characters, and there are definite implicit lessons about virtues and vices. Similarly, there is a very clear conflict between good and evil.

All in all, Enid Blyton's magical world is a delight to children and will hold them spell-bound. Although written in the 1930s and 1940s, these stories have become classics that have stood the test of time, and are just as enjoyable today as ever. They are not deep, but they are enchanting, and this is the perfect book to read aloud to your children. They'll beg you to read it again and again. Come to think of it, as an adult, you'll secretly be glad of the opportunity to read it again yourself! You may outgrow childhood, but you won't quickly outgrow your enjoyment of these enchanting and magical stories!

Happy childhood
I owned the Enchanted Wood about 30 yrs ago, and I still remember the "occupants" like Moonface, Mrs Washalot and Mr Pots-n-Pans even up to today. They have filled my childhood with unimaginable happiness, brought me to so many incredible places and introduced the most amazing world of fairies and elves to me. Truly a book that will be enjoyed by both the kids and the adults, it is never too late to pick up a copy and keep by your side. I will for sure, for it is not just a story book, but a friend to be kept for life. Enjoy...

The Real Taste of Jamaica
Published in Hardcover by Craftsman House (1994)
Authors: Enid Donaldson and Ray Chen
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $123.97
Collectible price: $89.95
Average review score:

The Best Jamaican Cookbook Around
This is the best cookbook for Jamaican cuisine that I've ever seen! The author is a well-known cook in Jamaica; therefore, she's an excellent source of information. The cookbook has many wonderful photos of the finished product (a feature that is not commonly found in cookbooks that are geared towards Jamaican cooking), and the recipes are very easy to follow. I am born of Jamaican parents, and I really wanted to find a good book that could help me cook authentic Jamaican dishes in an authentic way. I've had this book for seven years and I successfully made every dish that I've tried. The book covers all types of food (appetizers, entrees, desserts, drinks), and it has a glossary to help you learn about certain foods that are not commonly found outside of Jamaica. If you are serious about learning how to cook Jamaican food, this is the book to have. If you are unable to get this book in your home country, I would suggest contacting the Jamaica Tourist Board and finding out the names of some bookstores in Kingston, Montego Bay or Ocho Rios. Contact those stores directly. If someone is going over to Jamaica, have them get this book for you (it's a great gift). I just bought a copy for someone while I was in a bookstore Ocho Rios. It was being sold in hardback for $29.95 ($60.00 less than what it was being sold for on-line). I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to make authentic Jamaican food.

Eating in Style
I first saw this book at a friend's house. And asked to borrow it. I read this book from cover to cover within a day. One of the beauties about this book is that you can read it without being a cook.

There is much to be learned about Jamaican culture and food preparation. This book talks about the development of Jamaican food history.

You will learn how the contributions of East Indians, Arawaks, Chinese, Africans and others have made Jamaican dishes so very appealing.

I have been searching for this book
I am going to Jamaica in June and can hardly wait to taste the catch of the day, bananas, paw-paw, jerk, sauces, bullas, otaheite apple pies and other foods found in this book. Photographs by Ray Chen, are inspiring and fresh. Recipes are easy to follow with many color photos. After trying some of the recipes, I know I'll want to explore more of the different Jamacian foods. This was a gift from my wonderful friend Joy, from Jamaica.

The Encyclopedia of Sauces for Your Pasta
Published in Paperback by Marcus Kimberly Pub (1995)
Authors: Charles A. Bellissino, Enid Wingate, and Eleanor Dedic-Aievoli
Amazon base price: $22.75
List price: $32.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.89
Collectible price: $19.06
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score:

Mamma Mia .... atts a goooood book ...
If you can't find a sauce in this book that you will love then, my friend, you must want to have sauces made with crushed flies!

The book is divided into 26 chapters based on the main ingredient for the sauces that you may be lloking for. ie. sauces made from buttur/olive oil; cream and meat or seafood;cream;;nutmeats;tomatoes;tomatoes and meat;uncooked cheese ;vegetrables ... ecte ect

Each of the recepies is clear cut SUPER FAST in most cases ( except the simmering for some sauces) and, MOST IMPORTANT, the author gives us a full list of the ingredient options.

I just made the four cheese sauce and if you can't find the Fontina, Bel Paeze or Gorgonzola cheese the recipie calls for he gives us a list of other cheeses to replace the ones asked for in the ITALIAN recepie. WOW .... you know there are very very few cookbooks with that kind of simple foresight...

I think the book must weigh in at over 500 pages ... has NO pictures (a disadvantage in my book) is all written in large capital lettesr and leaves a section for you to write when you tried the recepie and if you loved it or hated it ...

If you like pasta dishes this book is a MUST buy .........

A sauce for every occasion and then some.......
I have given this cookbook as a gift over and over since the sauces in this book are delicious and most are simple to make. Whenever I have some extra ingrediants I don't want to go to waste, I can always find a sauce to use them in and I have never been disappointed! It is "the greatest collection of pasta sauces ever in one book."

Great Book...
This book is very good for the new cook or the old pro. I got it as a wedding gift but I didn't cook at the time. As I got used to the idea of being in a kitchen this book really helped me out a lot. I know use it a lot and find myself wanting to give it to all new cooks!

Fire in My Heart, Ice in My Veins: A Journal for Teenagers Experiencing a Loss
Published in Paperback by Centering Corporation (1992)
Authors: Enid Samuel Traisman and Ben Sieff
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score:

Creative approach to dealing with grief
I work in an Alternative HS and have found that my students who most would think the book looks "corney" have requested copies of the book after looking through it. I like the fact that it addresses issues of anger that the adolescent may have (or may not even realize they have) towards the deceased. I work with high-risk youth and the family dynamics are always so complex. I also like the fact that it addresses changes that the adolescent will have to make and doesn't "sugar coat" things. But, it pays respect to the deceased in a tasteful way, and it is way for the adolescent to write memories/stories he/she might forget.

My only complaint is that the book is pink. My guys who have been the ones who really have gotten a lot of use from this book (especially dealing with the death of a parent) are turned off at first from even looking at it.

A great book
This is a wonderful Journal for kids. On my first read through I felt it was geared a little more toward 9 to 13 year olds, rather than older teens. However, the content is excellent and the ideas and exercises will really help grieving teens work through the difficult grief process.

An excellent choice for ANYONE suffering a loss.
I ordered this journal for my two teen-aged daughters,both of whom were suffering greatly with the loss of my mother, their grandmother. The book is a wonderful aid in helping them express all the things they were afraid to vocalize. It allows them to write down their thoughts and feelings on such subjects as what they were doing when they found out the person had died, unresolved issues with the person who died and how they would like them to be resolved now, where they believe their loved one is now, and how the future will be without the person they love. It allows the teen to see that they are not alone in their grief, that others have the same thoughts as they do. I highly reccommend this book to ANYONE who is experiencing loss in their life. It leads you gently through the entire grieving process-I can't say enough about how it helped us through a very difficult time in our lives.

Adventures of Mr. Pinkwhistle
Published in Paperback by Bloomsbury Pub Ltd (2000)
Author: Enid Blyton
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.53
Average review score:

Fantastic Book
I read this when I was 8 or 9 years old, that was close to 25 years ago. I can still remember this book and how much I enjoyed it back then. I am now buying this for my niece. Highly recommended, fun stories for children.

Great book for kids!!!!!!
A gerat fantasy book for kids, with a few ideas on how to behave!! Mr. Pinkwhistle was part-elf/part-man and was often invisible. He was part of the 'fairfolk' who were often guardians of children and good at dispensing with injustice!!

Adventures of Mr Pinkwhistle
I read this book about 30 years ago and was so delighted by it that I now want to get it for my niece. It is a totally magical book full of mischief and fun while also, if memory serves me well having a few moral ideas for the young. I absolutely loved the book and would recommend it highly. As each chapter tells of a new adventure it makes it easy to read especially at night. Bedtime stories would not be a chore with this.

Happy reading.

Bittersweet Journey: A Modestly Erotic Novel of Love, Longing, and Chocolate
Published in Hardcover by Viking Press (1998)
Author: Enid Futterman
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $2.07
Collectible price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

A delight for all the senses.
The photography, the story, the knowledge of chocolate -- altogether Enid Futterman's Bittersweet Journey is a delight for all the senses. Perhaps the first of its kind, it is a visual novel, and it is just beautiful. In this deliciously rich and psychologically profound piece of work, the photography is every bit as evocative as the narrative.

It is the story of a woman sprung loose from her marriage who begins an obsessive journey to find the right man via the great capitals of chocolate. Sampling love the way she samples truffles, Charlotte scours Vienna, Munich, Zurich, Brussels, London, Paris, Hawaii, New York and New Hapshire (where the most delicious real ganache is housed in the unlikely bodies of chocolate mice) finding bad boys and beautiful chocolates to arouse her.

But most significantly, Bittersweet Journey is the story of journey into the interior of a woman, a dark tour of the female psyche where longing and love are indistinguishable. Enid Futterman writes in a sharp, spare, deeply poetic way that is reminiscent of Jean Rhys and Marguerite Duras, and comes up with something that will resonate in the heart, mind and palate for a long time to come.

Absolutely superb, the most sensual tale of chocolate ever
I read this book over a year ago & found it to be enticing, exciting, & sensual. I learned about chocolates that I never knew existed like Valhrona. It also read as a journey that you could partake in - vivid & clear enough to allow the reader to actually see where they were & describing the chocolate to the point that you could almost taste it and feel it on your tongue. It truely MOVED ME in ways I never expected. I highly recommend it to anyone who truely loves chocolate (and if you don't out because you may just become a believer!!!!) I give it 10 stars!!!!!!

This is both a thought-provoking and very enjoyable read.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book about a woman's journey for self-discovery and for chocolate. It was an engaging story that dealt with heavy issues while also teaching a lot about love and chocolate! The main character was well developed and it was fun to follow her on her travels around the world. The writing at times was quite sensual, full of romantic imagry. However, the book also deals with issues of substance such as the search for love and longing and what is ultimately satisfying. I highly recommend this book.

The famous five
Published in Unknown Binding by Edito-Service ()
Author: Enid Blyton
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Enid Blyton RULES
When I was younger I used to be mad on Enid Blyton books. The way she told the stories and the way she made me feel that all the fairies and witches are for real was unbelievable. All of her books are a must read for the younger generation.

I love this series!! They are the BEST!!
These books are wonderful mild mysteries that I enjoy reading over and over again!! They give you a chance to expierence an adventure in another country with 4 loveable kids and one amazing dog! I suggest everyone read them some time!! They are the absolute BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!! =-)

My childhood inspiration
I grew up reading Enid Blyton's books. Her books are books I'd be glad to have in my personal library collection. I probably wouldn't read them anymore now that I'm 23, but I'd definitely want my nieces and nephews to read them! My favorites are The Famous Five (I have the whole collection) and The Secret Seven, short, but plenty amusing. Other "mystery" favorite series include the Adventurous Four, a Famous Five-like series, and the Five Find-outers (sp?).

The Land of Far Beyond (Enid Byton, Religious Stories)
Published in Hardcover by Harper Collins - UK (1998)
Authors: Enid Blyton, Mary Kuper, and John Pilgrim's Progress Bunyan
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $17.50
Collectible price: $69.14
Buy one from zShops for: $34.95
Average review score:

The Land of Far Beyond
The story starts in the City of Turmoil where Peter,Anna and Patience lived. It is a great noisy,dirty places where all the people are cruel,greedy and selfish.Sometime later, they see a stranger.They are fascinated because they have never meet someone so beautiful kind who has the smiling face and eyes. So,begins the journey of a small companions who must face all the danger along the way.Along the journey they meet very nice people as well as very nasty ones.And the nice ones more than make up for the nasty ones.Eventually the reach the Land of Far Beyond, only to discover they can't enter the City of Happiness because no-one wearing a burden may enter.For anyone carrying a load of badness can't be truly happy,and so has no place in the city.They're saved by meeting a stranger who has the kindest nad wisest face that they had ever seen. The Stranger is Prince of Peace who carries the burdens of the whole world.The Prince is pity and understanding enough.....,enough faith and love to save the whole world.

The Land of Far-Beyond
The Land of Far-Beyond is a great book!!If you are looking for a good Christian book, this is for you!!Parents, this is a great gift!!

P.S. Really!!!!

The Land of Far Beyond
My earliest childhood memories are of reading every Enid Blyton book I could get hold of. Secret 7 and Mallory Towers were prime favourites. I think I was about 7 or 8 when I stumbled upon "The land of Far Beyond" and initially thought it a very strange departure from the usual adventure stuff. The story is about some children who meet a stranger and then depart on a long journey, on route having to contend with certain challenges,some seemingly insurmountable. However as I read I got more absorbed into this fairly dark tale of a long ardous journey involving some lovable and some not-so loveable characters.The end I shouldn't reveal but will promise to please all. I would like to say that this story so amazingly written moves the reader either young or old between incredible depths of despair, hope and joy and at the same time giving valuable insight into our attempts to achieve moral character as we grow older. EB is a true genius - she makes the reader feel every single human emotion created,the only fault being that the book has an end.Anybody with a ounce of curiousity regarding the why and how of good vs evil should have a go at this. Enough said.

Published in Paperback by Dynamism Pubns (1997)
Author: Enid Vien
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $7.75
Buy one from zShops for: $11.00
Average review score:

Finally some answers
I stumbled on this book by accident and I am glad I did. This book shows you what to look for destructive behaviour in others and what to do in order to prevent any feelings of guilt shame or inadequacy from manifesting itself in you. I have been affected by a convert wounded bird for years taking the blame and suddenly after reading the insights in this book I freed myself from feelings of guilt and shame that I should not have felt.

The only drawback of the book is that it does not go into great detail as to how to deal with any of the manifestations that may exist within yourself. The book builds you up for that but only leaves you with one short chapter on the topic near the end. Also the book would be better if it gave more effective strategies for dealing with the various forms of these manifestations in others and how to help them.

Otherwise a great book for recognizing those that may be of great harm to you. It's a must if your life depends on dealing with people.

See life differently.....
This book helped me on identifying positive and negative characteristics in other people around me. . I've learned what a "wounded bird really is and know now how to keep them out of my life as they do more harm than good. The book is easy to read and understand with real life examples of behaviors. This is a must read for anyone who interacts with other people! If your tired of the rollercoaster of life and how it has you move up one day and down another then this book is for you --you'll learn how to have some real balance.

I'm in a good mood now forever
The reason I like this work is that it is perfect timing for forward thinkers who are up on EQ (Emotional Intelligence) that know that resourcing your contacts and connections are becoming oh so more important these days. It's a road map to yourself and others and you will find yourself in this book no matter who you are. It is a perfect preamble to enid Vien's other books that are equally enlightening such as Healing Spirit and Soul Mates. I recommend her books to readers who are up to challenging themselves to further personal and spiritual growth and who are ready to begin a staircase towards enlightenment.

If you have difficulty with others and are wanting a good road map to locomote a better relationship to - then these books are for you. If you are simply interested in getting to know others better and relate a pattern of interaction with them so that you can experience further reality don't miss out.

Mood Swings is a grand edition to my company's training program and I recommend it to any human services adminstrator or professional - it's more than cutting edge. It's cool ferocious.

Ken Payne, Columbus Group LLC - Personeer. The Best at match-making the Best with the Best.

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