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Book reviews for "Miller,_Olga_Komarkova" sorted by average review score:

If I Forget Thee...: The Destruction of the Shtetl Butrimantz
Published in Paperback by Remembrance Books (1999)
Authors: Riva Lozansky, Dvora Reznik, Victoria Golombewski, Tevle Sheinker, Eva Tverskoy, Olga Zabludoff, and Lily Poritz Miller
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $193.74
Average review score:

The Compelling Human Face of Systematic Destruction
This account of the ordered destruction of a Jewish community takes dry statistics and puts real faces and names on people that could have been grandparents and relatives. The hardest part to comprehend is that the murders were carried out by former neighbors and friends, not the Germans. Originally read for family history research, but after finding stories and faces of what once were just names on a genealogical chart, has personalized the Holocaust as never before experienced. This book is an honor to the memory of those who perished and a testimony to those who survived under unbelieveable odds and to now have the courage to tell this story. A must read to understand what went on outside of the walls of the concentration camps throughout Europe.

V puti: Russian Grammar in Context
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall (10 August, 1995)
Authors: Olga Kagan and Frank J. Miller
Amazon base price: $70.00
Used price: $35.00
Collectible price: $58.19
Buy one from zShops for: $64.40
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An Excellent Start to Learning Intermediate Russian
This is a great tool to help you learn Russian, and is even more helpful when used in conjunction with the workbook that goes along with it. After reading this book (and doing the workbook excercises) you will have a fairly good ability to communicate in Russian about common subjects. A good thing about this book is that its author, Olga Kagan, (who I studied under at UCLA) adheres to the philosophy that learning a language shouldn't be done through mere translation (this-English-word=that-Russian-word), but should be approached by taking the words in context and by seeing how Russian phrases/words are used, and not just what they mean. The only thing lacking from this book is that there aren't enough oral exercises, but overall, if you already know basic Russian and want to move to the next level, this is an excellent way to do it.

Black Holes/Black Stockings
Published in Hardcover by Wesleyan Univ Pr (1985)
Authors: Olga Broumas and Jane Miller
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $6.84
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Average review score:
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Genealogical Research for Czech and Slovak Americans
Published in Hardcover by Gale Group (1978)
Author: Olga K. Miller
Amazon base price: $68.00
Average review score:
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Lab/Workbook With Readings
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall College Div (1999)
Authors: Olga Kagan and Frank J. Miller
Amazon base price: $44.00
Used price: $31.62
Average review score:
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Migration, Emigration, Immigration: Principally to the United States and in the United States Volume 2
Published in Paperback by Everton Publishers (1981)
Author: Olga Katzin Miller
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:
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Zagatsurvey 1997 Update: New York City Marketplace Survey
Published in Paperback by Zagat Survey, LLC (1999)
Authors: Barbara Costikyan, Olga Boikess, Sarah Belk King, Bryan Miller, Mireille Miller, and Richard V. Nalley
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $2.99
Average review score:
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