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Book reviews for "Miller,_M._Hughes" sorted by average review score:

SQL Server DTS
Published in Paperback by Que (27 August, 2001)
Authors: Steve Hughes, Steve Miller, Jim Samuelson, Marcelino Santos, Brian Sullivan, M. Santos, and B. Sullivan
Amazon base price: $31.49
List price: $44.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.74
Buy one from zShops for: $9.71
Average review score:

Where's the Beef?
This one is strictly for amateurs. Perhaps the last section on customized Visual Basic programming is better. The first 4/5 ths of the book are Very Superficial. No details at all. I cannot believe a team of "high-powered Sql Server experts" came up with this cotton candy. Okay for an introduction if nothing else.

Hard To Follow and has Errors
Catherine is right. I tried to work through Chapter 2 which was touted as buildig a "simple" package. The package was simple but I spent hours on it trying to follow poorly laid out directions and missing parts. Chapter 2 needs a redo so that one heads into the rest of the book with confidence in the authors.

Although useful, the book needs a revision.
This book does not provide examples of sufficient quality and number. Examples lack in the explanation of the master plan and the end result, as well as the specifics of the data models involved.In fact, those examples that are there, have errors, especially Chapter 2.
Although useful, the book needs a revision.

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