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Book reviews for "Miller,_Jon_Gordon" sorted by average review score:

Foundations of Powerbuilder 5.0 Programming
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (19 August, 1996)
Authors: Brian J. Smith, Gordon W. Schaad, Richard Castler, Jon E. Bruce, Azita Gandjei, and John Miller
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $3.16
Average review score:

The book which will teach you from a to Z
Throughout many books available for PowerBuilder today this one is more deeply and carefully covers all the details you will need from day to day operations. I've red over dozens of books and I think that this one the only one that is not tells you where to click, but teaches you how to build an application and logical design. I do hope that authors of the book (B. Smith and G. Schaad) will issue a newer version that will cover features implemented with PB 6.x and PB 7

Exemplary treatment of a difficult subject
This is by far the easiest-to-read and -understand book I have read on PowerBuilder. It is very well edited also, with no grammatical or spelling errors that I could discern. This is a far better book on PowerBuilder than I have read by any other author. Bravo!

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