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Book reviews for "Miklowitz,_Gloria_D." sorted by average review score:

Masada: The Last Fortress
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (1999)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $8.00
Used price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.86
Average review score:

Another winner by Miklowitz
Though I wouldn't recommend this book for younger audiences because of the violence and references to camp harlots, it was a compelling drama. Besides the political and religious aspects of the story, there is the underlying love story of unrequited love between Simon and Deborah, who is pledged to his best friend, John. It is the story of courage and hope despite overwhelming odds. By writing from the Roman general's point of view also, we get a look at his insights into the situation as well as political greed, corruption, honor, and cruelty. The themes in this novel are universal.

Compelling story of the last Jewish stronghold of Judea
Gloria Miklowitz has written an interesting work of historical fiction, that will leave young readers awed at the Zealots courage, and disgusted with the Roman resolve to conquer all. The author uses several devices to keep young adults both male and female reading including the friendship/conflict between the young narrator and John, the rising military leader for the Jews and their struggles in loving the same young woman. Alternating voices of the young Jewish narrator and the commander of Roman forces are easily distinguished and insightful. Adults and young adults will have plenty to discuss and think about. Not recommended for ages ten and under, for the mass suicide at the end would be both frightening and difficult for younger children to comprehend.

Fascinating historical novel told from Roman & Jewish viewpt
This book held my interest from the first pages. It's told from the Roman commander's viewpoint and the son of the Jewish leader who wants to be a physican and succeeds just at the time when he must kill those he loves. The last chapters had me in tears. It really brings alive the people and problems of the period. Imagine the Romans, surrounding the fortress, having to haul in water and supplies for months in the desert heat, and the Jews - trying to stop the building of the ramp which would let the Romans use their battering ram to break into their fortress. Don't have to be Jewish to find the book fascinating

After the Bomb
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (1987)
Authors: Gloria D. Milkowitz, Gloria D. Milklowitz, and Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $2.64
Collectible price: $2.12
Average review score:

Great for young adults
I first read this book when I was 7th grade, that was 7 years ago. That has got to be one of the best books I have ever read in my life. I'm now 18 and to this day I still remember reading that book and it's sequel. The book is about a boy who get's stuck in the basement/bomb shelter and is there when a nuclear bomb is accidently fired at california (where he live's), and after the explosion he goes off to find his family. I think it's the kind of book a kid should read at that age, it show's bravery, and courage, and how beliving in yourself can get you far.

Great Action Packed Book!
This book shows what a life would be like after a Nuclear Bomb. It shows how the world would be switched. Total Choas. This shows it from the point a of a teenager, who has to struggle to save his mother, his friends, and himself. The book is action packed. A best-seller in my opinion.

After the Bomb: Week One (Point Paperback)
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (1987)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $2.50
Used price: $1.48
Average review score:

After the Bomb: Week One is a great action packed story.
This book is one of the many books that should get more attention than they really get. It is a great book, and I love how the author keeps the story going with plot twists and a surprise ending. After every chapter it makes you want to read it even more. You'll get so envolved in this book that it will seem like your in another world!

The Enemy Has a Face
Published in Hardcover by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (2003)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.79
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $10.94
Average review score:

A Gripping Story for Adults and Children
This gripping story is the account of the Hofman family recently moved from Israel to Los Angeles. Their seventeen year old son Adam was in high school and fourteen year old daughter Netta in middle school. Adam quickly found friends and began enjoying the new school while Netta did not really feel at home. The family was panic stricken when Adam failed to come home one night. The story from there on is a description of the search for the missing Adam. Because of the bitter feeling between people in Israel and those in Palestine, the Hofmans were sure that Adam was the victim of Palestinian Terrorists. Netta took some risks in her effort to find out her brother's fate and who was responsible. In the process she learned to value people as individuals rather than as part of a group. This timely well-written story of a family in grief is especially important now in the present world situation. The book is directed to ages 12 and up but is also excellent for adults because it helps them see the struggle through the eyes of a young person experiencing the emotional impact of the crisis situation in Israel.

Good-Bye Tomorrow
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (1987)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $18.00
Collectible price: $3.95
Average review score:

AIDS and Teens
Almost similar to real-life Ryan White's case, this novel deals with a teenaged suburban boy who caught AIDS infection from a blood transfusion received as a result of an auto accident just months before testing blood supplies became available(and mandatory) in March,1985. The controversy that happens after the fictional character's positive HIV status becomes known is just as real as that of real-life AIDS carries in the 1980's, especially since FDA blood screening became available.

Love Story Take Three
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1986)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $3.99
Average review score:

Love Story, Take Three
Okay...ummmm this was a really really good book. I had to do this project where you turn a book into a movie...and well, I wanted something to do with acting. Then this book came up! It is really good if you're into acting also. And some of it is based on a true story. I will say that it is one of the best books that I've ever read. I really think you should read it. Well, later.

Secrets in the House of Delgado
Published in Hardcover by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (2001)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.45
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50
Average review score:

Secrets in the House of Delgado
This young adult novel plops the reader into Spain of 1492: not the Spain of Columbus and his travels to the Americas, sponsored by the King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, but the Spain of the Inquisition. One experiences the Spain that drove out the Moors and mandated conversion to Catholicism by all Jews who chose to remain. Maria, a fourteen-year-old orphaned,peasant girl, gains employment in the home of wealthy Conversos (Jews who converted to Catholicism) via the intervention of a priest. He mentions that she must look for signs of heresy; she readily agrees hoping for a roof over her head and, perhaps, even a welcoming home. Built into the plot are accurate historical descriptions of daily life and background explanations outlining the complicated history of the Jews in Spain. Maria has some personal and ethical decisions to make and the reader, too, becomes swept up in the conflict, ironically similar to issues of religious tolerance debated today. Though at times the characters need more development, and the plot is predictable, I found the novel made history feel real. It would be a great addition to a humanities class studying anything from the Crusades, the "discovery" of America, Spain and the Inquistion or the history of religious conflict.

One girl's difficult choice during the Spanish Inquisition.
The year is 1492, the place is Spain, and fourteen-year-old Maria is on her own. Her parents and little brother are dead. She hasn't seen her only living relative, her uncle, who is a sea captain, in years. Desperate, she goes to the church her family attended to ask for help. The church helps her to get a position as a maid to a wealthy family, the Delgados. The Delgados are Conversos. They are Catholic now, but in the past, the family was Jewish. The church has placed her in the Delgado home as nothing more than a spy to find out if the family is secretly practicing their old religion. At first Maria is repulsed by the idea of working for a family that was once Jewish, but she comes to see that the Jews are not the evil villains the church has portrayed them as. When suspicion of heresy falls on the Delgados, she is forced to make a difficult choice. I highly reccomend this well-written and fascinating historical novel.

Past Forgiving
Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (1995)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $10.80
Average review score:

Too Many Forgivings
Past Forgiving is a book about a 15 year old girl named Alex. She has finally found out that she is in a troubling relationship with her boyfriend, Cliff. She has forgiven him one too many times for what he has done to her! Cliff is abusive, and he has a very bad temper. Everyday of her summer life she is trying to work, while keeping her family, best friend, and Cliff happy! I personally think that this book is great. The characters are great and the story is awesome. I would recomend this book to young readers. To find out what happens between Cliff and Alex read this book!

This Womans Opinion
I personally loved this book. I read it in high school. It gives you a clear view in how controlling abusive men go about peeking there prey. This books touchings on alot of things young woman should look out for when dating a male. It shows how jealouse and little acts can really develope into a seriouse problem. I would recomend this book to young woman everywhere. This might even help them realize they are in a extremely seriousely troubled relationship, and that there is help for them. All and all this book is terrific in my opinion.

Great book that all teens and their parents should read
This book was emotional and powerful. The story about Alex and her boyfriend Cliff is one that many teens can relate to. It's the typical situation in which the guy pressures the girl to have sex, and she doesn't want to, and ends up raping her. On top of all that, he's possessive and controlling, and abusive. I think this happens in real life more than people think. This is how it usually happens too--the girl looks past all the abuse and wrong-doing, because she doesn't want to lose the guy. She is just so blind to reality because the relationship is so important to her. At least the girl in this book finally figured it out--many teens in real life today never figure it out.

Anything to Win
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (1989)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $21.13
Collectible price: $6.00
Average review score:

anything to win review
this book is about a quarterback tying to get a scolership but he has to gain 30 pounds before the high school season is over,he hers about kids takeing steirods and puting on pounds fast so he wonders if he should take them so he can get on the football scholarship. I would recomed this book if you are someone thinking about takeing sreiods but you dont no every thing about what thety can do this would be an execlent book for you. it is also about a girl that dosent like jocks because there to in to there body and that is the girl that the quarterback likes.

anything to win
I thougt it was a very good book because it gave you a lot of information about steroids and how they can really mess up your body.

Desperate Pursuit
Published in Paperback by Starfire (1992)
Author: Gloria D. Miklowitz
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.50
Average review score:

this book was very intentionally dramatic
Well reviewing is tough,but the book was almost what I thought it would be. Michael should have been committed.

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