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Book reviews for "Mellor,_John_Leigh" sorted by average review score:

Ray Bradbury Presents Dinosaur Empire: A Novel
Published in Paperback by Avon (1995)
Authors: Stephen Leigh and John J. Miller
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.01
Average review score:

Miller is what does it
I've noticed that the two books miller co-wrote are better than the rest of the series. Perhaps Leigh should have stepped off of this project and allowed miller to take over. (Kind of makes me wonder why Leigh brought him in to begin with)

Ray Bradbury Presents: Dinosaur Samurai: A Novel
Published in Paperback by Avon (1993)
Authors: Stephen Leigh, John J. Miller, and Brian Franczak
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.85
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

the series is improving
Well, after the third book i can rate the book one higher. Maybe it was John Miller or maybe I'm just getting into the character, or maybe i've invested so much time i'm curious as to how the story will end. I think the reason I like this book better was the samurai world. Leigh never makes the mutata or the gairk understandable to the reader, at least with the samuria, we alreardy have an idea what they are like. I hope the last three books in the series Leigh spends time making the mutata understandable.

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