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Book reviews for "Manheim,_Camryn" sorted by average review score:

Wake Up, I'm Fat
Published in Audio Cassette by Soundelux Audio Pub (1999)
Author: Camryn Manheim
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $2.75
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Average review score:

Like the author, Wake Up, I'm Fat! is a knockout.
As one of the lucky few who has had the privilege of reading an advanced copy of Ms. Manheim's memoir I enthusiastically join the reviewers at Entertainment Weekly and Publishers' Weekly in raving about this book. While most of her fans know her as the buttoned-down and often humorless Ellenor Frutt from ABC's The Practice, Manheim is in fact a free-spirited motorcycle-ridin' mama with a razor wit. In this biography, Camryn lets us jump on the back of her Honda CB650 and ride along, feeling what it's like to be fat in America and in the acting community. Given her experience, she has every right to be bitter and angry... but through it all she has maintained her sense of humor and sense of self. Not only is this book a great read, it is a text for living right and loving yourself. If anyone you know has been down on themselves, do them a favor and buy them this book. It will change their lives. Manheim is a national treasure and her memoir is pure gold.

Heartwarming, entertaining, the best read in a long time!!
I was a bit skeptical when I purchased this book. I wasn't sure if Camryn, who is such a fantastic actress, could really write a book. Well, all I can say now is that it's the best book I've read in a long time! And, Camryn, if you're reading this, please don't put your pen down and do get busy on Wake Up, I'm still Fat or whatever your next book will be because I can't wait to read more about you!

This is so cleverly and poignantly written. For anyone that is or has been overweight, knows that this author speaks from the heart. I laughed so many times at her humor and also cried some tears at some of the difficult things she went through.

I am so glad I read it and recommend it to anyone that is overweight or is related to someone that is overweight (gee, isn't that everyone in the world!!). Buy it, read it, and you'll love it!!

Manheim inspires to tell your inner demons," Get Lost!"
I loved this book. I started reading it at one in the morning on a Saturday night and I was finished within twenty-four hours. It is such an enjoyable read, and it grabs you on so many levels. I opened my heart up to this woman as I felt her pain, her joy, and her exasperation. She really does find a channel through which to speak to all of us. It doesn't matter whether you're fat or thin, if there was ever a time when you felt judged or unaccepted, you will understand Camryn Manheim, and she will uplift you. By the time I finished the book, I felt liberated and ready to take on the world. That is her greatest triumph in writing this, that not only does she embrace the reader, but encourages the pursuit of honesty and love of oneself. She can inspire us all to greatness.

Mustang Man (The Gunsmith, No 124)
Published in Paperback by Jove Pubns (1992)
Authors: J. R. Roberts, Barbara Cartland, and Camryn Manheim
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.63
Collectible price: $3.49
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