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Book reviews for "Low,_Ann_Marie" sorted by average review score:

Dust Bowl Diary
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (1984)
Author: Ann Marie Low
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $5.95
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:

Great Reading!
Wonderful narrative of a difficult time in America. Such perspective of events from close to home. I recommend this to anyone who appreciates history unrevised and truthful.
T. Addison

An experience to read
This book is based on a diary which the author began in 1927, when she was 15 and a farm girl in North Dakota, and covers the years from 1927 ro 1937. She worked very hard and lived in grinding poverty. She went to college and then taught school and fended off marriage proposals, and never in the book says a good word for the man she married--who was courting her thru the last years she was keeping her diary. This I found to be quite a book, unpretentious as it holds itself out to be. A most moving account of a time and place one seldom hears about. I recommend it unreservedly.

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