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Book reviews for "Lipsett,_Suzanne" sorted by average review score:

After Death : A Geography of the Journey Beyond Death
Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster (1997)
Authors: Sukie Miller and Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $23.00
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

Essential, comforting work for anyone facing death or loss
After Death is a book that can offer not only solace but meaning to anyone facing death, their own or that of a loved one. We are used to thinking of dying as an unalterably lonely experience, but with this book as a companion it need not be. There is great comfort in discovering the depth and range of how our fellow humans imagine, understand, and, in some cultures, even know the after-death.

As important as the content, to me, is the author's voice-a voice of great warmth, compassion, and intelligence. As one reads this book, one feels more and more deeply the sense of human kinship in this journey-a profound antidote to loneliness and fear. I found this to be a truly transformative work.

Breakthrough research on the dying process and beyond
Original breakthrough research that crosses the barriers of anthropology, theology, psychology and cross-cultural views of the dying process and beyond. Dr. Miller is a gifter writer and researcher who provides the entree for both the skeptic and the inquisitive to explore the most profound issues that we will all eventually confront. She accomplishes accomplishes her goal while providing the reader with extraordinary insights into alternative perceptions of life and after death. I could not put this inspirational book down until I read the final words, "we can only imagine."

fascinating and compelling look at where we go after death
This readable, page turner engages the reader from the start in asking the fundamental question of life, what begins after death? The author is widely traveled and well-versed in comparative religions and belief systems. Written in an anecdotal and open style, the author states no positions but offers different views from Native American philosophies to Brazilian religious beliefs. A must read for anyone with the smallest sense of curiosity about how our global neighbors wrestle with the place/voyage after death. Great gift for New Agers to seniors to skeptics and saints

Social Phobia: From Shyness to Stage Fright
Published in Hardcover by Basic Books (1994)
Authors: John R. Marshall and Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $23.00
Used price: $2.12
Collectible price: $7.59
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99
Average review score:

Good intro
Wanna know something? I had social phobia and the best thing i could do for myself was read about it.. over and over and over.. various materials, opinions, etc. But reading is only half the battle. the other half is getting out there and actually putting the ideas, such as the ones found in this book to use, then only will you have success. this book won't cure you but it can sure help if you have enough courage to help yourself. i recommend this book strongly.

A Comprehensive Study of Social Phobia
I have social phobia. I have undergone therapy and drug medication in its treatment. I first was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I read this work as I was coming to better understand the true nature of my disorder. If you'd like to understand what my life has been like, please read this book. Marshall's "Social Phobia" is a comprehensive study and explanation of not only the syptoms of Social Phobia, but also a synopsis of current research into the work. Not to suggest that the work is in any way esoteric. Marshall portrays the character of this disorder through numerous case-studies from his work at the Anxiety Clinic at University of Wisconsin - Madison. He first gives a very full picture of how social phobia manifests itself in peoples' lives before going into theories as to why. He is wonderful at telling these peoples' stories. From this starting point, he moves deftly into his academic knowledge of the subject, offering the reader easy access to the professional's knowledge. Marshall's book offers the real-life story of Social Phobia and an objective study of it. I found both of great value; he showed me that there are others out there like me and also helped me to better understand (and thereby recover from) Social Phobia. At the end of the book, he summarizes current treatments of this disorder, offers an Appendix which differentiates Social Phobia from the other Anxiety Disorders, and provides a suggested reading list. Marshall's work has been an enormous help in my own life, and if you wish to understand this disorder, it can be of immense value to you, too.

Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us
Published in Hardcover by Pocket Star (1993)
Authors: Robert D. Hare, Judith Regan, and Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $28.29
Collectible price: $32.82
Average review score:

read it now or pay later !
right on, to the point,and no wasted words. it's a very good book, and it could be a much better book. Hare implies that the world is divided into two camps, psychpaths and normals. In other words, he establishes a polarity between the good guys and the bad guys. After you've been around the block a few times, you realize that there are plenty of shades of grey in between. Hare gives this group the designation "sub criminal", but even that's simplistic. There are probably more people with borderline sociopathic personalities, or those who manifest some of the antisocial traits, but are far from being full tilt psychopaths. It's this in between group of personalities that Hare loses in his either/or model. Also, Hare speaks to normal parents who have psychopathic children, but he ignores the family dynamics of normal children born to psychopathic parents. What happens to them ? Still, a fine introductory book that anyone can benefit from reading. It deserves to be expanded and refined.

a thorough and fascinating portrait of the psychopath
As a person with an isatiable appetite for true crime and criminal psychology books i must give this book my highest regards. I dont think there is hardly a person alive who could not benifit from reading this book. Alot of laymen that i come across have the mistaken impression that the term "psychopath" translates into "serial killer". Although this is what might be inferred by popular media (e.g- movies like Psycho or the less known movie Psychopath) it is not the case. In this book, Hare (one of the most respected authorities on Psychopathy and aruguably the most knowledgable in the world) explains that serial murderers are the rarest expressions of psychopathic disturbance. Much more likely than encountering a serial killer he explains, is an encounter with a savvy, smooth talking con artist. One out to use charm, manipulation and agression to control and exploit his fellow man. Goals for this behavior include sex, money, material posessions or occupations. Hare explains not only why psychopaths are highly inclined to commit crimes but what makes psychopathic criminals different than thier "sane" counterparts. He also gives specific descriptions of the symtoms that define the disorder. To sum it up, this book will fascinate, shock, educate and even scare its readers. From psychology students, to liscensed practitioners, to true crime fans, to those involed in any aspect of the criminal justice system or even to those who have no previous interest in the subject this book is a must have. THESE PEOPLE LIVE AMONG US. They are out there in the millions. If we ever hope to make it out unscathed we must know our enemy. Parole boards and judges must be able to recognize the methods of deception and behavioral traits of those affected with the disorder, as indicators of psychopathy will have serious implications concerning the possibility of rehabilitation. Psychologist need to also be well aware that they too are susceptible to victimization at the hands of a psychopath. I have read many stories of well trained and expierienced clinicians dancing like a puppet for a manipulative genuis plenty adept at pushing all the right buttons. Perhaps the best use for this book however, is to educate and prepare the average citizen to distingiush the sincerely amicable soul from the exquisiteley charming individual out to destroy lives for the most trivial of gains. Enjoy this book and make yourself aware that these cold and terrifying aberrations of human beings are lurking out there, anticipating the arrival of their next victim.

In depth and thoughtful study by Dr. Hare
Anyone wanting to know more about just how the mind of a psychopath works needs to read this book. Dr. Hare hits the nail on the head in his detailed descriptions of this dangerous personality. Although, he is quick to warn the reader against diagnosing the psychopath, those who have come in contact with one will surely gain some invaluable insight regarding exactly what hit them if they have become the victim of one of these sorts. I, for one, learned much and am heeding his wise advice!

Surviving a Writer's Life
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1994)
Author: Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $0.85
Collectible price: $4.23
Buy one from zShops for: $0.03
Average review score:

Surviving a Writer's life
In Surviving a Writer's Life, Suzanne Lipsett tells the story of her life and evolution as a writer. This book is not a how-to about writing, it is one writer's story about life.
From a brief try at creative writing in high school, to an eye opening trip to Africa, to a life long love of books, to a career as an experienced editor, it was not until the age of 39 that Lipsett decided to write her first novel. Lipsett's book explores the themes of loss, struggle, and an eventual cycle of healing that begins with love and writing. Her depictions of places and situations have a quality of clarity that is enhanced by her use of detail. The reader is able to feel a connection to her writing, to understand her emotions. One of the weaker points of clarity in Lipsett's writing comes from her use of long sentences. Some of her sentences last for entire paragraphs and consist of fifty-word ideas interspersed with frequent commas and dashes. This book is not for readers seeking advice on how to improve their writing skills, but it is a book that gives hope for writers who feel that they have some sort of disadvantage in their field. Lipsett felt discouraged by her gender, her age, and her tendency to draw material straight from life. Her story is one that serves to inspire discouraged writers, to assure them that with time and effort they too can find their voice.

Great little book!
No, "Surviving a Writer's Life" is not about how to write. It's about a writer's life. And the author does a great job at giving potential or even established writers a glimpse into her world -- and I honestly would love to read more about her. Her life is interesting in itself, and her literary life is even more interesting.

This book is inspiring on many levels to me -- I get to see a person's world as a worker in the publishing world and as a writer, and how one person deals with life as it's happening as well as the past. I really enjoyed reading about Lipsett's college and after college years. She's experience quite a lot and has been through several if not many tragedies, yet she seems to keep a pointed focus in telling her tale that the reader never feels sorry for her. In fact, I really don't think she wants you to. She's almost too subtle in some areas, so much so, that I had to go back and re-read in order to understand what happened to her.

All in all, this was a great little find. I love her sense of humor and her honesty, and I'm also interested in her work (author, editor, ghost writer, etc.) so that's just an added bonus. If you're a writer or an aspiring one, and you're just plain interested in interesting people, then you should read this book.

Meant To Be
Overcoming adversity is something everyone has to face at one point in his or her lives. How one handles these struggles determines the way an individual goes about their daily lives. Suzanne Lipsett writes of her own personal struggles in her novel, Surviving a Writer's Life. Through the trails and tribulations of her life Lipsett is continually trying to find herself as a writer. Trying to find the time and energy to write is Lipsett's biggest problem. She is married and a mother of two young boys, which take up a large portion of her time. She works as an editor of manuscripts to make ends meet while she pursues her writing career on the side. Waking up at 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. to write for a few hours before the rest of the family gets up is what she had to do to keep her writing career going. The first half of this novel Lipsett writes about how she became interested in writing and some of the struggles she encounters along the way. I enjoyed how she described her troubled relationship with her father. A relationship in which he would never release the secrets of her mothers death in order to protect her from the pain. Lipsett also reaches deep inside her to write on the painful memories of two cases of rape, which she was, the victim off. Cancer was the third major obstacle Lipsett was to overcome on her way to becoming a successful writer. The first half to three-quarters of this novel really kept me interested in the story and her a person. In the end she trails off and starts talking about all these women's groups and how they helped her through everything. All in all I enjoyed the novel and would suggest this piece to anyone.

Xicano Progeny: Investigative Agents, Executive Council, and Other Representatives from the Sovereign State of Aztlan
Published in Paperback by Mexican Museum (1996)
Authors: Armando Rascon, Mexican Museum, Inmaculada Guiu, and Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $5.95
Average review score:

Reaches for Orion, must go further than that.
The writer pulls deep within the cavity to reveal the heart, but must remember that the arteries and veins of the reader(s) soul must be a part of this rapture. Exciting and provocative--exceptional for the sensual senses. (Captures a valley girl's mind--sharon was enthralled in El Cajon)

After Death: How People Around the World Map the Journey after We Die
Published in Paperback by Touchstone Books (1998)
Authors: Sukie Miller and Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.43
Buy one from zShops for: $7.20
Average review score:
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Coming Back Up
Published in Hardcover by Scribner (1985)
Author: Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $1.07
Average review score:
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Eat for Health: A Do-It-Yourself Nutrition Guide for Solving Common Medical Problems
Published in Paperback by HJ Kramer (1988)
Authors: William Manahan and Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $3.60
Buy one from zShops for: $4.50
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No Time to Wait: A Complete Guide to Treating, Managing, and Living With HIV Infection
Published in Paperback by Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd Pap) (1993)
Authors: Nick Siano and Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $0.01
Buy one from zShops for: $0.01
Average review score:
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Out of Danger
Published in Hardcover by Atheneum (1987)
Author: Suzanne Lipsett
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $4.20
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:
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