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Book reviews for "Levy,_Faye" sorted by average review score:

Faye Levy's International Jewish Cookbook
Published in Hardcover by Warner Books (1991)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $9.44
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $24.00
Average review score:

faye levy's international jewish cookbook
If anyone is looking for a great recipe for potato latkes and other traditional dishes and can't find that perfect book to accomplish that end, look no further. I think that Ms. Levy has collected these recipes and tested them in her own kitchen. I have bought many other Jewish cookbooks but this is the only one that is staying in my kitchen library.

Sophisticated & Elegant Jewish Cooking
Faye Levy's cookbook is almost homage to the great "French Chef", Julia Child, who suggested that Levy write such a book. Faye Levy has sampled & studied worldwide Jewish cuisine, and fortunately for us compiled her work into this elegant, yet easy to follow cookbook with recipes from all parts of Europe and the Middle East. Not only did I become acquainted with new recipes and cooking techniques, but learned something of the Jewish tradition, as well.

Levy's culinary education is thoroughly wide ranging, running the gamut from formal studies in France & Israel, to learning various Sephardic & Ashkenazi cooking techniques from her friends & family in Israel & the United States.

Her simple instructions enabled me to produce a delicious and greatly praised French/Alsace raisin matzah kugel for our Passover seder. I plan to turn to Levy's book often for future holidays celebrations. This is a cookbook for anyone who wants to produce Jewish cuisine at its best.

Fresh from France: Vegetable Creations
Published in Paperback by E P Dutton (1989)
Authors: Faye Levy, Maureen Jensen, and Bill Westheimer
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.98
Average review score:

everything is delicious and easy to make
I have owned this cookbook for seventeen years and made at least half of the recipes in it. I'm always asked for the recipe by guests. Even my eleven year old nephew enjoyed several of the soup recipes so much, he decided to make them himself. My daughter was a vegetarian during her teens and many of the recipes that I used during that time have become part of my everyday meals. There is nothing more delicious than well prepared vegetables. The dishes in this book are inspired as well. My daughter was disappointed to find that the book is out of print and since I'm not willing to part with my copy, I was able to obtain a used edition to surprise her.

Fresh From France : Vegetable Creations
I liked this book SO much that I bought it from our local library as it was out of print and one couldn't be located at the time. I love to grow my own vegetables and each recipe I tried was better than the last. I've tried at least a dozen of the recipes so far with incredible success. The beet timbales with lemon sauce are scrumptious and I have made the cream of carrot soup at least 10 times. The recipes are not difficult to make and the instructions are specific. If the rest of Faye Levy's books are this good, I'll be ordering them one by one! In my opinion it is far and away the best vegetable cook book on the market.

30 Low-Fat Meals in 30 Minutes
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (1995)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $0.27
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.49
Average review score:

A Winner!
It's easy to see why Faye Levy won the 1994 James Beard Book Award -- these recipies are wonderful. I particularly like the way Levy presents recipes in menu groupings. The recipes are easy to prepare, and there's no more guessing what to prepare with what -- a challenge when on a low fat diet. The flavors of each recommended dish blend perfectly with one another.

1,000 Jewish Recipes
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (2000)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.37
Collectible price: $30.16
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score:

Misleading Title
I am a former kosher food columnist and was somewhat disappointed in this large and expensive tome with the promising title. Faye Levy lives in Israel and this is really a comprehensive overview of the various Israeli styles of cooking, with a few French-style (she trained in France) and Ashkenazi recipes (from her family) thrown in. Most of the recipes don't sound either particularly exciting or easy to make and her prose is, well pretty prosaic, so it's not a good armchair book either.

A better title would be 1000 Kosher Recipes, although it probably wouldn't sell as well. If you're a big fan of Israeli cuisine, you might find this book useful. If you're expecting more of the traditional East-European and American-Jewish fare, pass it up.

Great recipes for the jewish cook
This is a very large collection of Jewish recipes grouped by the holiday. I find this very helpful. Particularly helpful is the section on challah. She includes recipes and directions for three methods of bread making.There are personal tidbits about the recipes also. This is a must -have for any person who wants to make Jewish food. I am really thrilled to have it and the seller sent it quickly, right in time for the Jewish New Year! The book has no pictures.

Comprehensive and contemporary
A very comprehensive and contemporary cookbook featuring traditional kosher cuisine and new classics. Includes all types of kosher cuisine (Sephardic, Ashkenazic, European, etc.). An excellent all around cookbook to have--our family cookbook "bible". I am not generally too fond of her cake recipes, but the "My Favorite Cheesecake" is fabulous! A must for the modern kosher cook!

Jewish Cooking For Dummies®
Published in Paperback by For Dummies (2001)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $13.99
List price: $19.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.65
Collectible price: $11.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.19
Average review score:

Good Cookin'
If you've never had to make homemade Challah before (or you don't even know what that is) and always wanted to learn how, this the book for you. Jewish Cooking for Dummies is the perfect book for the novice Jewish chef. It has recipes for every major holiday, and some not so major ones, with recipes for every day of the week. Faye Levy, who has previously written other books on Jewish cooking, delivers again with a well thought out book. There are tips for keeping kosher, for substitutions, for making things faster. It's everything you need if you're just starting out in the Jewish kitchen or in a kitchen in general. The only real complaint I have is that the recipes are very basic and that there aren't enough to go around. Also, many to the recipes take longer to make than listed in the book, especially when you first start making them. You gradually improve, but plan a little bit of a cushion into your work time.

Excerpted from Fullerton News Tribune 3-29-01
From Faye Levy, internationally renowned cooking authority and author of over 20 cookbooks, comes "Jewish Cooking for Dummies" (IDG Books Worldwide, $19.99), everything you ever wanted to know about Jewish cooking, complete with cartoons, from the holidays to kashrut (kosher laws), with tips from her toolbelt on everything from peeling a tomato to quartering a whole chicken. Her motto: "Have fun and be confident." "Lots of people want to celebrate with Jewish food but don't know how," says Levy, "converts, nonJews married to Jews, even those who grew up Jewish but never had the traditional foods." The Passover section (subtitle: "What Happened When the Bread Didn't Rise") demystifies the complexity of preparing for the seder, offering such must-try recipes as Garlic Roast Lamb, Asparagus and Carrots with a tangy Lemon Dressing and her luscious Passover Pecan Chocolate Cake...Levy stresses that Jewish cuisine does not have to be high in fat and calories. "Check any health food catalogue and you'll notice how many of the foods are labeled organic and kosher."

The Low-Fat Jewish Cookbook: 225 Traditional and Contemporary Gourmet Kosher Recipes for Holidays and Every Day
Published in Hardcover by Clarkson N. Potter (1997)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $8.46
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $14.98
Average review score:

This is a very good cookbook with some unfortunate errors
The recipes in this book are very good and sophisticated (particularly for a Jewish cookbook). I am already looking forward to making over half of them.

Unfortunately, Ms. Levy makes some errors in her descriptions of kosher standards. Two prominent errors include: 1) Ms. Levy states that the symbol "K" on a food product indicates that it is kosher. The kosher consumer does not rely on a "K" symbol because it does not represent any particular reputable kosher certifying agency. 2) Ms. Levy states that the "P" symbol on a food product indicates that the product is parve (suitable for use with milk or meat). This is incorrect. The "P" symbol next to reputable kosher certification indicates that the product is kosher for Passover (as well as year round). A food product that is certified as parve must have "parve" written out on the label. These errors are particularly unfortunate because Jewish consumers often rely on kosher cookbooks as a guide to keeping kosher.

Wonderful recipes but please read review if you KEEP KOSHER
I'm not the only reviewer who noticed that the Kosher standards (and definitions of what the K and P letters mean on packages) are not necessarily correct in this book - but it bears repeating in case someone keeps Kosher and can't use recipes which are inaccurate as to Kosher standards. If you don't keep Kosher, the definitions may not mean that much to you and you may be pleased to find plenty of low-fat recipes which have roots in Jewish cooking and meals - including many you can use for special holidays, with full menus. The recipes are indeed tasty, although there are times you can tell that the fat is missing. The "mouth appeal" isn't quite the same, as they say in the food business. Still, if you're watching your fat content and you are looking for traditional foods that are tasty, this book will do nicely. I LOVED the spicy Turkey burgers with Cumin, coriander and cilantro - I made it both with and without the Cilantro (we have a Cilantro hater in our family) and it was still quite good.

fabulous for that special occasion
This book of recipies actually combines wonderful flavors that you really connot find in other kosher cookbooks. The author, Faye Levy, has a remarkable way of creating delicious combinations that the ordinary person cannot. The Sephardic Stuffed Peppers and the Sweet Potato Pancakes are amazing. The Veal Chop Pipperade is also delicious. The book is great.

The New Casserole
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (15 August, 1997)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $2.24
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

a disappointment
I was eager to try this cookbook but have been very disappointed with the recipes I've tried. Most have had little flavor; some have been downright horrible. I don't know if I had the wrong technique, but I've had much better success with other books. I threw this one away.

The New Casserole -- Interesting and Fun
I have had this book for several years and find the recipes interesting and healthy. As in any book, there are a few that we aren't using regularly, but as a whole, the book is filled with modern, up-dated casserole recipes that are easy to prepare and fun to eat. I especially like her vegetarian recipes and their creative use of ingredients. Don't be afraid of these recipes and enjoy them!

Great for those who want to plan their own but need help
Great book that has France broken down by areas that one can easily tour in short 3-5 day trips. Lists major sites to see along suggested routes. Gives clear directions and small, well detailed maps. Highlights walks, special sites, and recommendations for children. No wineries, hotels, or restaurants.

30 Low-Fat Vegetarian Meals in 30 Minutes
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (1997)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.30
Collectible price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.98
Average review score:
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A Bridge to Our Tradition: Pirkei Avot; Teacher's Guide
Published in Paperback by UAHC Press (2001)
Authors: Nachama Skolnik Moskowitz, Joseph Cooper, and Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $22.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Chocolate Sensations
Published in Hardcover by H.P. Books (1991)
Author: Faye Levy
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $2.22
Collectible price: $12.50
Average review score:
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