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Book reviews for "Lazar,_Zachary" sorted by average review score:

Aaron Approximately
Published in Paperback by Spike (08 June, 1999)
Author: Zachary Lazar
Amazon base price: $13.50
Used price: $0.85
Collectible price: $10.59
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Average review score:

Aaron, Approximately-Touching, Somewhat
As much as I empathized with Aaron, I found the book just a little trite. At times it read like "Catcher in the Rye"-relating Aaron's adventures in urbania in a manner similar to Salinger's treatment of Holden Caulfield. However, I enjoyed some of the humor-however morose it might be. The plot seems rather thin at times, but picks up enjoyably in the prose. All together, this is not a visionary masterpiece, but it is a solid debut by Lazar. It might even be read as a complement to "CITR", but only as a supplement to Salinger.

Great writer with a lesser-abled editor
I meet this guy at a party and he has a book published, so I figure I'll read it. The first chapter ended with my turning to my wife and saying, "Oh man, I don't want to read this book." From the second chapter on I couldn't put the thing down. Near the end I found myself slowing down and reading it less often - Our relationship (the book and I) had grown and I knew it would end soon. So I tried to prolong it. I thought it was terrifically well-written. The first and last chapters seemed off somehow. A wonderful sandwich on stale bread. But who am I to critique: I don't have a book publshed. Read this book - but don't look too closely at the cover photo - it will detract from the image you form of Aaron in your mind's eye.

I can only wait for the next novel of his!
"Aaron, Approxiamtely" is one of the most poignant novels I've read thus far. Lazar does an incredible job buidling a deep, almost unnerving sense of loss in his character, which seems to jump from the page and into the reader's heart as well. I finished this book tears, but at the same time feeling calm, as if a cool and comforting breeze was running over me. I anxiously anticipate Lazar's next novel!

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