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Book reviews for "Lake,_Frank" sorted by average review score:

Atlantis in Wisconsin: New Revelations About the Lost Sunken City
Published in Paperback by Galde Press, Inc. (1995)
Author: Frank Joseph
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.48
Average review score:

Enhanced with copious notes
Atlantis In Wisconsin by Frank Joseph is thoughtful and iconoclastic blend of metaphysics and archaeology, contemplating the possible former existence of the Atlantean civilization and a direct association with the area now known as the state of Wisconsin. From hints of Atlantean legend found in Native American folklore, to the mineralogical and archaeological mysteries hidden in Wisconsin's earth, Atlantis in Wisconsin offers an engaging and challenging hypothesis. Of particular note is a chronology described in a three page appendices called "A Rock Lake Time Line". Enhanced with copious notes, Atlantis In Wisconsin is provocative and thoroughly engaging reading. Also very highly recommended is Frank Joseph's earlier work iconoclastic work, Lost Pyramids Of Rock Lake: Wisconsin's Sunken Civilization.

Real Evidence
If you don't believe the real evidence presented in this book, then you don't have a logical and accepting mind.

Big Moose Lake, New York (Postcard History)
Published in Paperback by Arcadia Tempus Publishing Group, Inc. (20 June, 2000)
Authors: William Scheffler and Frank Carey
Amazon base price: $18.99
Used price: $15.65
Buy one from zShops for: $15.65
Average review score:

What a Great Tour Both Around the Lake and in Time
This book is extremely enjoyable and informative. Not only did I love seeing the history of Big Moose Lake through the wonderful collection of vintage picture post cards, but I couldn't resist comparing each picture to the corresponding snapshots I've taken over the years! It is truly amazing how little has changed geographically in this incredibly scenic area of New York State. Scheffler and Carey, however, also do a great job showing the reader how social factors -- like fashion and entertainment -- have changed in the Adirondacks in the past 100 years. A wonderful tour of photographs that transport the reader around the lake and through time.

A trip back in time
This book will be near and dear to anyone who has visited Big Moose Lake or the Adirondacks.

For the ones who have visited the region before, the book provides a trip back in time and describes how the popular vacation spot got it's start. The best thing about the book and the lake is that not many things have changed since the early 1900's. When reading or just looking at the pictures, travelers are able to take a quick trip around the lake they love whenever they please.

Clinical Theology: A Theological and Psychological Basis to Clinical Pastoral Care
Published in Hardcover by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (1987)
Authors: Frank Lake and Martin H. Yeomans
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $199.95
Average review score:

A constructive contribution to Pastoral Counselling
Frank Lake's outstanding treatise about pastoral counselling and psychology is an interdisciplinary project. It combines both pastoral psychology and contemporary psychology/psychoanalysis. Lake's "spiritual research" commences from the christian faith and outlines its importance for the nowadays man and his life within society,in view to broaden a modern understanding of the pastoral ideas of christianity. Lake does not simply work upon the authors' writings of the New Testament, but elaborates them in order to fulfil his in-depth-of-the-topic investigation: that pastoral counselling is line-to-line connected to psychology/psy-choanalysis, for inherits the foundations unto a fruitful scrutinization of the needs and expectations of the modern man, with the perspective to guide him towards psychospiritual elevation and self-realisation.

Clinical Theology is excellent, & still available in Britain
Frank Lake's book is unique. It presents a Christian alternative to Freudian psychoanalysis. Instead of relating psychiatric problems to the sex drive, he relates them to early problems in the mother child relationship, and to trauma produced by those problems. He shows how our relationship with God can replace what was lacking in the Mother child relationship. The book is out of print in the United States, but is still in print in Great Britain. It's worth the trouble of ordering from Britain.

Under the Sea (Nature Company Discoveries)
Published in Hardcover by Time Life (1999)
Authors: Linsay Knight, Frank H., Dr. Talbot, and Nature Company
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $1.00
Average review score:


For any child who is developing an interest in the marine life sciences this is the book for them.

"Under the Sea" is well structured and logically laid out. It starts with the physical environment of the oceans. The main part of the book is a systematic coverage of the various marine environments that are classified according to their depth and temperature. . The characteristic biotas that occupy each ecological niche are well described.

Some readers may find this approach formulaic but a rigorous scientific methodology is necessary if the information it contains is to be comprehensible and of real value.

The illustrations accompanying the text are bright, accurate but definitely not garish. The pictures and their captions provide good support to the text.

This book is an ideal companion to another book by the "Nature Company Discoveries" title "Mammals" which is edited by George McKay

This book provides an ideal launching pad for those children who are keen to learn about the natural world. This book is definitely out of the ordinary.


Informative, very well illustrated
This book is very educational, no matter how old you are. I am a student at UWF and I used this book as part of my sea life lesson plan. The children loved looking at the bright illustrations. I recommend it to everyone.

The Yankee Encyclopedia
Published in Hardcover by Sports Publishing, Inc. (1996)
Authors: Mark Gallagher, Frank D. Smith, and Russ K. Lake
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $52.94
Average review score:

A Great Reference For The Ultimate Yankees Fan
The updates get better and better every year. And why not so does the team. Have a question about the Bronx Bombers? Well if it can be answered here it can't be answered anywhere. Highly recommended by The Official Website of the Yankees Fan.

Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place
Published in Hardcover by Pantheon Books (1900)
Authors: Terry Tempest Williams and Dan Frank
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $9.00
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.90
Average review score:

The perfect marraige of nature and family life. . .
Last year, I had the pleasure of meeting and attending a reading by Terry Tempest Williams, author of Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place. At the time, I was unfamiliar with her work, but I was nevertheless astounded by her presentation. Immediately, I bought two of her novels-- one of which was Refuge. When I read it a few months after meeting her, I was amazed at the tone and emotion in the text. Williams' book can be a source of peace or healing to many whether you have experienced cancer, a loss, or just adore nature. The language is rich yet gentle. The structure of the narrative is such that, during reading and after, a reader feels she has experiences a unique marriage of nature and family issues. The way in which Williams weaves the Great Salt Lake and its inhabitants with her own family's suffering is not only amazing but especially touching as well. Just as the waterfowl and other creatures are evicted from their home during the great rise and flood of Salt Lake, so does William's mother fight for the domicile and dominance in her own cancerous body.
This is a must read. A wonderful story of love, hardships, and more love, REFUGE is a truly breathtaking piece of art.

A refuge becomes a sanctuary
As the Great Salt Lake rose to submerge and destroy the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, grief rose and submerged Terry Tempest William's spirit with the destruction of her mother and grandmother by cancer. The gradual regeneration of the Refuge with the subsiding of the lake parallels the regeneration of her spirit and the subsiding of her grief. But the pain and the scars remain and transform. Terry is no longer an accepting trusting Mormon daughter but a searching questioning activist after her tumultuous emotional experience. One wonders if the gifts of awareness and sensitivity are worth the price of the pain endured. The Refuge becomes a sanctuary for the returning birds and Terry's returning spirit. No more moving piece has been written about the folly and ultimate tragedy of human intervention in the environment. From the nuclear testing of the 1950s to the manipulation of the level of the Great Salt Lake, there is much to learn about the long term consquences of our short sighted acts. Everyone should read and reread and pass on this book.

Powerful, intimate, important storytelling
An intimate telling of family and loss, courage and humor, honest confrontations with mortality, a deeply spiritual tone, and chapter titles introducing us to over thirty different birds, this beautifully descriptive and authentic tale leaves us with tears and a search for binoculars and a bird guidebook. Terry Tempest Williams weaves with great detail the heart breaking and life affirming events of the simultaneous devastation of her mother's body and the migratory bird sanctuary that has been her refuge. She skillfully keeps from dramatizing this innately powerful story. Williams had me deeply attached to pages I knew would be increasingly painful to read. Yet, as it became more painful, I would never describe it as depressing. I am struck by the powerful way she honors her mother, their family's reverent yet human journey through a particularly virulent cancer, and the ultimate power of nature, and equally important, humanity's thoughtless interference with nature, to turn one's life into a personal desert that used to be called home. She is a master storyteller and a poweful activist. This must read challenges the reader to enter a world where solutions are not simple, and life is exposed at its most vulnerable while courage and passion abound.

Eyewitness: Ocean
Published in Hardcover by DK Publishing (01 June, 2000)
Authors: Miranda, Dr Macquitty and Frank Greenaway
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.41
Buy one from zShops for: $9.88
Average review score:

An Intresting book but doesn't focus on anything.
If you want to see sharks look at eyewitness SHARK. If you want to see Whales look at Eyewitness WHALE. This book has both whales and sharks, but doesn't focus on them. This book is good because it has a little bit of everything from the Ocean, but if really love sharks or whales, for example, then you would proubuly soak up a whole lot more imformation then this book. But that doensn't mean this book is bad. Like I said, this book has a little bit of everything from the ocean. You should buy this book!

Excellent Educationl Text
I'm a teacher and I find the Eyewitness books highly educational. I like the way the concepts are presented in a form without backgrounds. This gives clear facts to the reader without over taxing the attention span. The books are highly informative, presenting difficult concepts in comprehendable chunks that stimulate interest. I have almost the whole collection for my own children and they LOVE them!

Frank Lloyd Wright Field Guide: Upper Great Lakes; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1997)
Author: Thomas A. Heinz
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $31.00
Buy one from zShops for: $36.38
Average review score:

An excellent guide book-good photos & maps, but....
As tour coordinator at the H.F. Johnson House, Wingspread, I've met many Wright enthusiasts who rely on this guide when visiting the Midwest. The following incorrect information has been brought to my attention several times and we have notified the publisher in case the book is re-printed. I would still recommend the book as an excellent guide. Just be aware that the information on page 88 about "accessibility" to the Herbert F. Johnson House, Wingspread is incorrect. Wingspread is a Conference Center today and when conferences or meetings are not in session it is available for self-guided tours M-F, 9am to 4pm. Call the Wingspread Tour Coordinator(414)681-3353 to check availability.

Excellent reference for "Wright-Sighters"
An excellent reference book for Wright enthusiasts who enjoy hunting for his built works. Contains color pictures, addresses, local maps and even GPS coordinates to help travelers find Wright-designed buildings. Also contains several paragraphs of information plus a rating for each site. Aids travelers with limited amounts of time to focus on the best sites.

Raymond Chandler : Later Novels and Other Writings : The Lady in the Lake / The Little Sister / The Long Goodbye / Playback /Double Indemnity / Selected Essays and Letters (Library of America)
Published in Hardcover by Library of America (1995)
Authors: Raymond Chandler, Frank McShane, and Frank MacShane
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.98
Collectible price: $16.89
Buy one from zShops for: $23.00
Average review score:

"The Simple Art of Editing" Part 1: The Best Value
This volume is bursting at the seams with Chandler's writings and it is an astonishing value even at the retail price. It even comes wrapped in plastic!!! Alas I do have one complaint, you can buy Double Indemnity on it's own in a seperate volume that is very much in print. The editors at LOA must be aware of this. If so, they must also be aware that "The Blue Dahlia" is no longer in print and has not been since 1976. Wouldn't it have made more since to eliminate "Double Indemnity" since it is readily available in another volume and replace it with "Blue Dahlia"? Couldn't an argument be made that in addition to it's scarcity "The Blue Dahlia" is also a better representation of Chandler's screenwriting talent because it his only produced solo effort and the fact that it garnered him an Oscar nomination?

Bottom line: LOA has redeemed itself for it's blatant lies on the Dust Jacket of "Stories and Early Novels" (see my review "Incomplete and Misleading")By the way, no one has ever explained why they neglected to include Chandler's last complete Marlowe story, "The Pencil".
I will be writing other reviews of Chandler collections undwe the clever title of "The Simple Art of Editing" and let me assure you that they do not hold up as well as this LOA masterpiece.

Excellent binding, excellent content
Contained in this volume are the last four (of seven) Marlowe novels, the Double Indemnity script co-written with Billy Wilder (including lines that were cut), his famous essay on "The Simple Art of Murder", one on "Writers in Hollywood", another titled "Twelve Notes on the Mystery Story", and finally "Notes (very brief, please) on English and American Style". Couple these with thoroughly entertaining and sometimes revealing letters to friends and fans, and you can't miss.

In one of these letters he even discusses fellow hardboiled writer Ross Macdonald's (here called John, as he hadn't changed his name yet) The Moving Target, which cribbed some ideas from The Big Sleep and Dashiell Hammett's The Thin Man.

The novels themselves? Classic Chandler - enough said. If you'd like to know why you should expect the best in hardboiled detective fiction, well, read 'em all, or at least one. (If you're planning on that course of action, try the first in the series, The Big Sleep, included in a similar volume called Stories and Early Novels: Pulp Stories/The Big Sleep/Farewell, My Lovely/The High Window.)

Bottom line, this is required reading for anyone who won't read just anything but at the same time doesn't limit themself to Anna Karenina.

Emerson Lake and Palmer: The Show That Never Ends
Published in Paperback by Helter Skelter Publishing (2001)
Authors: George Forrester, Martyn Hanson, and Frank Askew
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $28.00
Average review score:

Not the best, but it's all ELP fans have to date
As the only extant full-length bio of ELP, "Welcome Back My Friends" serves the purpose of telling their story in as straightforward a manner as possible, going year-by-year and covering all of the high and low points with a fair amount of detail and research. It could be much more detailed, and as mentioned it is somewhat of a whitewash, since the authors are so clearly in love with the band that even low points like "Love Beach" and "In The Hot Seat" are given positive spins.(Ironically, one of ELP's best projects, the "Pictures At An Exhibition" film from 1971, is one of the few things that is harshly criticized here).

As a basic resource and information manual, the book does its job by providing in-depth song analyses, a very complete discography and complete concert date list. The song analyses are interesting, although some tracks are reviewed in much greater detail than others. The information on the bandmembers' personal lives if perhaps the weakest, although there is as much as could be gleaned from interviews. Until Emerson's elusive autobiography is released, this is the best way for ELP fans, both old and new, to read up on as much info as is currently available on the group. However, the best rock bios tend to put the artist in question against an overview of the era they influenced and were influenced by, and this is largely ignored outside of passing references to other prog acts, making it seem unusually insular.

This Book Belongs in Your Collection
Once I began reading this book it was hard to put down. This is the definitive, end-all story, from beginning to end, of ELP. Its all here: the early days of E, L, and P, the formation of the "Show That Never Ends", the hits, the misses, the fights, the breakups, the reconciliations, more fights, more reconciliations and tours, etc. etc. Also, there is plenty of trivia, behind the scenes information, and analysis of the music, instruments and people connected with the band. This book is laid out very logically, in a chronological order and represents the first time a publication has been available which tells the entire story, in a professional manner, from beginning to end. George Forrester and company are to be commended on being factual without being opinionated or judgmental. ELP had plenty of "wrong turns" and less than successful changes in musical direction through the years, but those events are all reported in a factual manner rather than a condescending one. One of the hidden gems of this book is the information provided in the back. George Forrester gives us a piece by piece analysis of all the major album tracks. Even more valuable is a chronological listing of EVERY concert ever played by the guys, from the beginning all the way through recent years, along with radio broadcasts and interviews. There's even internet sources listed for staying current on the band's activities. This is one of those must-own items if you are, or ever were a fan of the greatest band in rock n roll.

Come Inside The Show's About To Start......
At long last a book on the greatest band ever to ever exist.This book will not be a disappointment for ELP fans.It digs deep into the band's creativity and what drove them to make the best music possible.It also delves into the personal histories of the band;upbringing,musical influences, earlier bands and musical projects outside of ELP.The book also includes an excellent analysis of their music album by album.This section alone is worth the price of admission.It explains in great detail how ideas for songs came about and how they developed as well as paying great attention to technical detail.Also included are tour dates and a discography unlike any other seen before.Make no mistake,this band produced the most creative music ever heard.They defied traditional rock music by combining it with elements of folk,jazz and of course the classics.As individuals they excelled: Keith Emerson,who single-handedly brought keyboards to the forefront and is a master composer.Then there's Greg Lake,whose voice and lyrics-some written with King Crimson bandmate Pete Sinfield-were the perfect compliment for Emerson's adventurous music.Also notwithstanding are his skills as a bassist,guitarist and producer.Last but by no means least is Carl Palmer,quite simply the greatest drummer in rock history.This is a book that belongs on every fan's bookshelf.It is a complete and thorough history and it will not disappoint.As a longtime fan,I thank the authors for a job well done and highly recommend this book

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