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Book reviews for "Kipnis,_Claude" sorted by average review score:

The Mime Book
Published in Paperback by Meriwether Pub (1990)
Author: Claude Kipnis
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $9.95
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Average review score:

The Complete How-To Mime Book
A complete book for one wanting to learn the art of mime. Profusely illustrated with student exercises, it starts by isolating individual parts of the body and showing their range of expression. It then combines body parts and actions to build a complete mime vocabulary. All the tools of the mime are explored and explained -- pressure, immobility, contact, manipulation, reaction, walks, climbs, water, and wind. Theory is kept to sidebar boxes, so the student can study them at leisure. The book finishes with chapters on improvisation and the history of mime.

Scaling Limits of Interacting Particle Systems (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, 320)
Published in Hardcover by Springer Verlag (1999)
Authors: Claude Kipnis and Claudio Landim
Amazon base price: $119.00
Used price: $74.00
Average review score:

A good idea, not quite fully realized
This book provides an excellent and thorough introduction to the limit theory of interacting particle systems; with an assumption that the reader is familiar with the basic theory as found in (for example) Liggett. The whole development is geared towards derving hydrodynamic limits, strongly based on the works of S.R.S Varadhan.

The material is however as presented much too advanced for a first graduate course on the subject because of the many dependencies on other advanced aspects of probability theory (e.g. Dirichlet forms, Large Deviations). There is a large collection (100 pages) of appendix matter covering some of these topics, but this material is better as a refresher than as an introduction!

The book is sadly marred, through the publisher's failure to copy-edit the material adequately (which in the past was most unusual for a Springer publication), and gives the impression of being a book in the "Lecture Notes in Mathematics" series, which prints straight from author's camera ready copy, without professional publishing assistance. As a result the book in its current form seems overpriced. There are numerous notational inconsistencies, spelling and grammatical error, and poor English idiom (while English is not the native language of the authors, good copy-editing should have corrected this), poor typography from tex, and worst of all, an ABSYMAL index (two pages for a 400 page book). Unfortunately a combination of these facts makes the book hard to read, since much cross referencing ends up being needed. There is plenty of hope for a second edition.

extensive converage on the subject
It covers the subject quite extensively. It would be a good reference boook. Moreover, if one wants to know about the recent developments in research on interacting particle systems, then this is the one to look for.

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