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Book reviews for "Kaplan,_Steven_M." sorted by average review score:

Wiley's Chemistry Dictionary: English/Spanish - Spanish/English
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1998)
Author: Steven M. Kaplan
Amazon base price: $110.00
Used price: $91.92
Buy one from zShops for: $91.92
Average review score:

I am a chemistry professor involved in myriad research projects, and this dictionary has all the terms that I or any of my research assistants or students ever need. A snap to use, and complete with absolute precision, as is needed in chemistry. A must in all academic, research, and industrial settings.

Diccionario jurídico español/inglés - inglés/español: Aspen's English/Spanish Spanish/English Legal Dictionary
Published in Hardcover by Aspen Publishers, Inc. (1997)
Author: Steven M. Kaplan
Amazon base price: $95.00
Used price: $76.00
Buy one from zShops for: $93.10
Average review score:

Good Dictionary, useful for translating legal documents
I find this dictionary useful as it contains many terms that aren't found in other Sp<>Eng legal dictionaries. I give it 4 stars rather than 5 because it contains numerous basic translations (tio = uncle, ciclo =cycle, doctor = doctor, error =error, grupo = group, guerra = war, posible = possible, silencio = silence; etc.) that in my opinion don't belong in a specialized dictionary. Also, I purchased this after reading another reader's review, which stated that the dictionary contains translations of entire phrases, which is not entirely true.
One to five-word terms are translated, but very few phrases (I've found two in the Sp->Eng section). Most of the entries are for 1-3 word terms. It's a good dictionary, but not the end-all of legal dictionaries.

Excellent Content
As a professional translator and interpreter, I have used this book for translating legal documents and contracts and found it extremely well put together. The best part about it is that it takes short legal phrases and translates the entire phrase so that you get an exact translation of the entire phrase as found in your legal documents; you don't have to look for each word in a difficult phrase individually and then hope the result has the same affect in the translation; This book was very easy to use and understand. Awesome tool for anyone wanting to accurately translate or interpret legal terminology. Worth the investment; a good addition to any law library.

Wiley's English-Spanish, Spanish-English Business Dictionary
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1996)
Author: Steven M. Kaplan
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $55.70
Buy one from zShops for: $54.82
Average review score:

Excellent business dictionary
I find this book to be an excellent guide when you need to conduct transactions in Spanish. Every term I needed was available, accurate and easy to understand. Terrific book.

A masterpiece!
I am back here at the site to buy a third copy of this dictionary! I keep having to get more copies as my colleagues at the translation firm I work at keep taking it for days at a time. The reason for this is quite simple. If you need a term in English or Spanish in business and related areas, this is where you need to look if you want to find it fast and accurate! So complete and easy to use!

My business companion.
I make about three business trips to Central and South America each month, and while flying I review the contracts and other documents that will be pertinent to my travel. I usually have only my two carry-ons, so space is at a premium when I pack. My notebook computer carrying case has just enough room for the papers I need and this dictionary. All three are equally important to me. My computer and documents for obvious reasons, and this dictionary because I can truly and conceptually understand all the Spanish language business terms I encounter. Not only do I save time by finding what I need in a single book, but I also make better use of my meetings by being fully familiar with the terminology of whatever is being dealt with, whether it is in English or Spanish. Think of it this way, if I am already very busy and have taken the time to tell you this, it's good advice!

Revolutionary News: The Press in France, 1789-1799 (Bicentennial Reflections on the French Revolutions)
Published in Paperback by Duke Univ Pr (Txt) (1990)
Authors: Jeremy Popkin, Steven L. Kaplan, and Keith M. Baker
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $7.67
Collectible price: $5.25
Average review score:

Very good!
It is one of the best book about the history of the press I ever read. And very good book about the French Revolution. I read this non-Marxist, modern and elegantly written text with greatest pleasure. The portraits of Marat and Heber are innovative and objective at once. It's a pity, that Mr. Popkin doesn't analyze the works of Desmoulins as well.

Revolutionary news--revolutionary approach and insights
In 1837, historian Thomas Carlyle, in regards to journalism during the French Revolution, wrote: One Sansculottic bough that cannot fail to flourish is Journalism. The voice of the people being the voice of God, shall not such divine voice make itself heard? Is not every Able Editor a Ruler of the World . . .? They made the walls of Paris didactic, suasive [sic], with an ever-fresh periodical literature. . .To-day swallowing Yesterday, and then being in its turn swallowed of Tomorrow. . . . [periodical literature] circulate on street and highway, universally; with results! A Fourth Estate, of Able Editors, springs up; increases and multiplies; irrepressible and incalculable. In this energetic summation of the Revolutionary periodical press, Carlyle touches upon many of the issues which present-day historians of the period, in a wave of publications coinciding with the Bicentennial celebration, have addressed. The reasons for the upsurge in print studies of this age are many: new structural and discursive theories, an emphasis on politics and culture, the use of literary genre for historical insight, and the shift away from the classical Marxist interpretation of the French Revolution. Nineteenth-century historians relied heavily upon newspapers as source materials in their chronological narrative of events. Recent studies of the revolutionary-era press, however, surpass the use of newsprint as a methodological tool, and instead, make the tool the object of investigation. For Jeremy Popkin, author of Revolutionary News, newspapers serve not "as simple reflections of politics, [but] rather as one of the forces shaping the course of the Revolution."(10) Popkin thus assigns a central role to the press, and validates newspapers and journals as indispensable to scholars rather than of interest only to those who Carlyle described as "bibliomaniac pearl divers." Popkin's work stands amongst an interpretation of the revolution which stresses the importance of discourse. In focusing on the medium (the press) for transmitting the new political culture to the people, Popkin arrives at the same interpretation as Lynn Hunt, albeit by a different path. Popkin describes the journalists, editors, and readers, the operations and technology of the press, and the differences and similarities of the Old Regime and Revolutionary-era presses. The author demonstrates that only a medium as pervasive and persuasive, could capture the frenetic spirit of events and make them intelligible for its readers. Popkin claims that newspapers functioned as the heart of representative democratic politics not only by relaying the speeches in the Assembly, but in making them public.(2) The press served as a vital link or virtual representative for the people, ensuring the openness of proceedings and in the process sanctifying the sovereignty of the government. The press presumed to represent public opinion for citizens lacking an operable public sphere.(4) Thus the press, as a commercial enterprise at the nexus of government and the citizenry, "molded the dispersed and fragmentary events . . . into intelligible form, labeled them, and validated their results by presenting them as public manifestations of the public's will."(5) However, Popkin also reveals that "politics and calculations of marketability were rarely separated in the revolutionary press."(8) Though the Revolutionaries called for freedom of the press, a lack of a definitive program meant that "the new press for the new era dawning in France . . .would be shaped by the initiatives of journalists, publishers and politicians," rather than the citizen readers.(27) This reality stands in sharp contrast to the "utopian vision of a press . . .as a modern version of the agora of Athens"-the classical public space of political communion.(28) Popkin takes the reader into the press shops, where men worked late into the night to supply an expanding readership albeit in an increasingly competitive market. On the whole the industry was characterized by "cut-throat competition" as noted by Popkin, which parallels the political struggles in the Assembly upon which the papers reported.(71) However, the lack of technological improvements restricted the number of copies, and prevented the press from attaining the level of mass-medium which could reach the sum of adult readers.(85) The focus of the author's insights into the industry, the journalists, and the readers, converge to support the thesis of an emerging political culture. The papers did not merely reflect political ideology, they were affirmations of political choices. Newspapers facilitated the goals of the Revolution-collectivity and simultaneity. The author writes that "newspapers organized their readers into a cohesive collectivity, capable of reacting to the same events at the same time."(94-95) The speeches of the day were not for the most part relayed without commentary. Instead writers cast speakers in the familiar roles of heroes and villains according to the corresponding political script.(114) This act amplified the rhetoric and helped to define the parties. Popkin valorizes the journalists, publishers, and editors, as "pioneers" in constructing a "democratic political culture" by involving the lower classes in debates and providing both a language and a forum for the debates.(146) While the author's work is suggestive of new areas of inquiry,to his credit, Popkin always reigns in his passion for the subject and does not assign a role of strict determinism to the press-an admirable position and nod towards objectivity quite uncharacteristic of the field of French Revolution history. Perhaps his greatest ability comes in interpreting and relating the polemics of the press without adopting its intoxicating language of advocacy. The only discernible (and quite trivial flaw) is the use of publisher terms such as "octavo" and "quarto" whose meaning may escape the general reader. As an enterprise, both commercial and political, at the convergence of the government and the public wills, the press represents "a collective creation of a society searching for new ways to govern itself."(39) As Popkin demonstrates, in the course of this political search for identity (in an age with a manic tendency for the new, the novel, the deconstruction of the past in favor of a utopian future), politics was revolutionized, but news was revolutionized as well. San Jose State University

English-Spanish, Spanish-English Electrical and Computer Engineering Dictionary
Published in Paperback by Wiley-Interscience (21 April, 2000)
Author: Steven M. Kaplan
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $46.96
Buy one from zShops for: $46.96
Average review score:

English-Spanish, Spanish-English Electrical and Computer Eng
A good resource although it does lack acronyms.

Delivers what is promised.
It delivers exactly what it says, electrical and computer engineering terms. Its approach is straightforward, but rather technical. Most any imaginable term in these fields is here, but there is not a sufficient emphasis on the elementary terms in computers. However, most of the omitted terms are of such a general nature that these can be easily found elsewhere. This dictionary is for those whose do serious research or translations. There are other dictionaries for the more general terminology.

Too big!
It's got any term you need in computer and electrical engineering, but it also has an extra 50,000 terms! It is very accurate, and can save the day frequently, but there should also be an abbreviated version for those who only need the main terminology.

The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution (Bicentennial Reflections on the French Revolutions)
Published in Paperback by Duke Univ Pr (Txt) (1991)
Authors: Roger Chartier, Steven L. Kaplan, and Keith M. Baker
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
Average review score:

Too hard for me.
After I have read more about the French Revolution I will try to read the book again. I have read The Comming of the French Revolution by George Lefebvre and enjoyed it.

An Interesting Idea
M. Chartier has written an intellectual, tightly argued work that has been greatly beneficial to my understanding of the revolution in France. His notion that the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced revolutionary thought indirectly through a "demystification" of the monarchy is very intriguing. This book did much to make me question some of my long-held presumptions about the French Revolution.

Wiley's English-Spanish Spanish-English Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1997)
Author: Steven M. Kaplan
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $27.67
Buy one from zShops for: $26.55
Average review score:

I recently translated a document about pscyhology from Spanish to English and found this book to be utterly useless. For example, under "psicopedagogia" it gives "psychopedgagogy," which is just a silly literal transation. The word actually means "educational psychology." It did not contain the term "psicologia evolutiva," which means "developmental psychology." Instead, under "developmental psychology," it simply gives another literal translation: psicologia del desarrollo. In short, the book is full wrong, literal translations. It will not be of use to any serious translator. I'd stay away from it.

This is a BILINGUAL dictionary.
This book is (obviously) a BILINGUAL dictionary. Like all the millions of bilingual dictionaries, this book gives the Spanish equivalents of English words and the English equivalents of Spanish words. If you just want to know the definition of a word in your own langauge, then any old normal dictionary will do. If however you want to know how to say a word in another language, then you need a BILINGUAL dictionary. So this dictionary must be great for any student who wants to improve his or her psychology vocabulary in Spanish (or in English for native-spanish speakers). Of course, a monolingual person who never bothered to study a foreign language and has no interest in doing so, would not understand the usefulness of a bilingual dictionary, and so would of course just send it back. He should have first looked up the spansish word "tonto".

You will have to see for yourself.
I am an English/Spanish translator who until recently had no way to fill a void most of us encounter: accurate terminology in psychology and psychiatry. Before this book was published, there were a couple of very limited glossaries with a few hundred terms. This dictionary has over 60,000, which pretty much covers any term you could ever encounter in these fields. 100% of the time I have looked up a term it has been there. It seems that a couple of the reviewers here are not knowledgeable concerning bilingual dictionaries of this nature. Neither definitions nor gender of terms are given in this, or any dictionary like it. It is unnecessary, as monolingual dictionaries provide that.

The purpose of buying this dictionary is to bridge between the two languages. It is not meant to supplant textbook, treatises, manuals, or journals. What it does do is allow you to know with complete confidence that any term in English or Spanish in psychology and psychiatry will be there, along with its equivalent. No wasted time, just accurate equivalents.

Some people think that because a term like "habituated response" has the equivalent: "respuesta habituada", that this dictionary has "literal" translations. The fact is that in these fields many terms have such "obvious" equivalents. Any professional in these fields in English and Spanish is aware of this. On the other hand, terms like "inbreeding" whose equivalent is "reproducción consanguínea" will not be found accurately translated in any other dictionary.

Another unique feature of this dictionary is that it only gives equivalents that work in all Spanish-speaking countries, and not only some. "Psicología evolotiva" is not used uniformly throughout the Spanish-speaking world, whereas "psicología del desarrollo" is understood in all Spanish-speaking countries as "developmental psychology."

Anyway, to me the dictionary is the only source of this terminology, and it is completely accurate and current, and a breeze to use not just for professionals, but for students and others who wish to enrich their knowledge of the bilingual terminology of these fields. I give it a 5 out of 5!

Food and Gender: Identity and Power (Food in History and Culture)
Published in Hardcover by Routledge (1998)
Authors: Carole M. Counihan and Steven L. Kaplan
Amazon base price: $60.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Soldiers of the French Revolution (Bicentennial Reflections on the French Revolution)
Published in Paperback by Duke Univ Pr (Txt) (1990)
Authors: Alan Forest, Alan Forrest, Steven L. Kaplan, and Keith M. Baker
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $11.65
Buy one from zShops for: $16.04
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Wiley English-Spanish Spanish-English Legal Dictionary
Published in Hardcover by Aspen Publishers, Inc. (15 January, 1997)
Authors: Steven M. Kaplan and Fernando Pombo
Amazon base price: $65.00
Average review score:
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