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Book reviews for "Kaelbling,_Rudolf" sorted by average review score:

Thailand : The Beautiful Cookbook
Published in Hardcover by Collins Pub San Francisco (1992)
Author: Panurat Poladitmontr
Amazon base price: $38.50
List price: $55.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $24.59
Collectible price: $45.00
Buy one from zShops for: $28.00
Average review score:

A Must Have for the Thai food lover
Having lived in Thailand, I was very impressed with the beauty of this book. My daughter is a gourmet cook, so I bought a copy for her. But after looking at all the recipes, I knew I had to have a copy for myself. This is the only "coffee-table book" I've ever had that lives in the kitchen! (Except when someone has borrowed it to look up a special recipe.) I've not found a Thai cookery book that is even close to this one. I heartily recommend it to both the new and the experienced cook. And it is the ideal gift for anyone who loves Thai food.

I've eaten over 4000 meals in Thailand and LOVE this book.
I had the great fortune to live in Thailand for seven years. I never learned to cook because the food was too good and cheap in the markets. When I returned to the US I was given this cookbook and was, I'll admit, skeptical, because it's so big and glossy....'Just didn't look like a real cookbook.

It is an EXCELLENT cookbook for three reasons: First, everything I've made in it tastes authentic. Secondly, the photographic glossary clearly shows what different ingredients look like. Finally, almost every dish is pictured.

It is the only Thai cookbook I'll ever need.

Great book, but there's still one better
This is definitely a great book to have, both because of the recipes and the beautiful pictures, but the best Thai food I've ever made is from True Thai by Victor Sodsook. However, this book doesn't have any pictures and is for people who like it spicy. It does go into more detail about Thai cooking tips but has less about the culture of Thailand. Both are great to have and I use them both often.

France : The Beautiful Cookbook
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1989)
Author: Sisters Scotto
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.86
Collectible price: $28.00
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score:

The Best Cookbook Ever
This is easily the greatest French cookbook I've ever seen and one of the best cookbooks overall. I've been to France many times and the same food is in this cookbook as is in France. The recipes are easy to understand, the food is great, and the photographs just make you more and more hungry. I am a 16 year old boy who has a hard time cooking and filling myself, but this cookbook remedies both of these problems. The meals are simple, yet elegant, not to mention delicious, filling, and scrumptious. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cooking and would like cooking to become a passion.

A Gourmet's Delight
This is an absolutely wonderful cookbook. There are so many divine recipes in this book, I don't know that, in my lifetime, I will be able to cook all the dishes I want to try. The photographs are as appealing as the recipes. This is, without a doubt, the best French cuisine cookbook I have seen.

A memorable gastronomic experience
A great collection of the recipes that gave French cuisine its international fame is awaiting you in this book. Don't allow yourself to be intimidated by the excellent pictures, and try some of these traditional dishes. The vast majority of the ingredients can be found in the United States. Just make sure you take your time to enjoy this wonderful food, as the French take theirs to make meal taking an amazing experience.

Jane's Gem Combat Aircraft
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1999)
Authors: Bob Munro and Christopher Chant
Amazon base price: $8.00
List price: $10.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.98
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $6.60
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