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Book reviews for "Jordan,_Norman" sorted by average review score:

Human Mosaic: A Thematic Introduction to Cultural Geography
Published in Paperback by W H Freeman & Co. (2002)
Authors: Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov, Terry G. Jordan-Bychko, Mona Domosh, and Norman P. Grubb
Amazon base price: $101.00
Used price: $49.95
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Average review score:

informative but biased
I took courses with Dr. Lester Rowntree during 1981 and 1990 at San Jose State University. I found him to be very knowledgeable except about Islam. This textbook which is co-authored by Dr. Rowntree contains misleading or inaccurate statements about Islam. For example, It stated in page 180 and 181 (fourth edition), that Islam spread by militaristic conquests while christianity spread by contact conversion. This is not accurate. In page 185 the authors contended that, despite the Muslims belief, the black stone in the Holy Mosque in Mecca is a meteorite. In the next page the authors stated, under the picture of the Ka'aba, that pilgrims come from afar to Mecca, for they believe that the black stone was sent down from heaven by Allah, the Islamic god. The problems with this understatement are, first: Muslims believe that Allah is the personal name of God the creator and lord of all creatures not just Muslims; second: Muslims come to Mecca not for the sake of the black stone, but because they were commanded in the Holy Quran to perform Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetimes. It is also appropriate to mention that the pilgrimage was first initiated at the time of the prophets Abraham and his son Ismail who built the Holy Mosque in Mecca long before the advent of Islam. Unlike the case with Judaism in page 191 this book ignored, in pages 192-193, the fact that the Islamic taboo on eating pork meat was also decreed by devine revelation in the Holy Quran. It stated that it was a "sour grapes" reaction to the inability of the Muslim nomads to raise and own pigs. Professor Rowntree and his co-author also stated in page 193 that in the seventh century A.D., the Muslim nomads imposed their religion, complete with the pork taboo, on the farming people of the river valleys as a final "revenge". In conclusion, this is a very informative and useful book. However, on behalf of the one billion Muslims in the world today, I strongly suggest rewriting the parts dealing with the Islamic culture. Thank you in advavce.

I give it 2 "horns" up
I am currently enrolled in Professor Terry Jordan-Bychkov's Cultural Geography class, and the book is basically a culmination of his travels all over the world. The majority of the pictures in the book were personally taken by Professor Jordan himself, and it makes the class even more interesting. Professor Jordan's love for Geography emulates throughout the entire book, and it is easy to read as a result. The book is set in very vivid outlines, so it is easy to follow, and each chapter builds upon one another to form the, in words frequently used by Professor Jordan, the "Human Mosiac." The book is intersting, easy reading, and the class is even better. For those of you former, future, or current Longhorns, I HIGHLY reccommend the class; for those of you who cannot have the opportunity to learn from such a brilliant and cultured man, the book is the next best thing

Barbara Jordan: Congresswoman (Black American)
Published in Paperback by Holloway House Pub Co (01 March, 1993)
Authors: Norman Kelin and Sabra-Anne Kelin
Amazon base price: $3.95
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Agriculture and Rural Development in the Fertile Crescent: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq
Published in Paperback by Vance Bibliographies (1981)
Author: Norman Cigar
Amazon base price: $2.00
Average review score:
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Bankruptcy: Adaptable to Cases Utilizing Jordan and Warren's Casebook on Bankruptcy
Published in Paperback by Casenotes Pub Co (2002)
Authors: Norman S. Goldenberg, Warren, and Bussel
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.26
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For the Love of Norman
Published in Paperback by Samuel French (1985)
Author: Kay Jordan
Amazon base price: $
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Georgia Marriages Early to 1800
Published in Hardcover by Index (1990)
Authors: Liahona Research Staff, Inc Staff Liahona Research, Norman E. Wright, and Jordan Dodd
Amazon base price: $25.00
Average review score:
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Medieval Philosophy & Theology (1993)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Notre Dame Pr (1994)
Authors: Norman Kretzmann, Mark D. Jordan, Stephen F. Brown, and University of Notre Dame
Amazon base price: $19.50
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