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Book reviews for "Jones,_Marvin" sorted by average review score:

Marvin's Adventures
Published in Hardcover by 1stBooks Library (2001)
Author: Marsha Jones Whitaker
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $18.76
Buy one from zShops for: $18.65
Average review score:

Marvin's Adventures provides room for interaction either in an academic setting as in the classroom or at home with family. The stories are funny and fun for children because of the games and songs that are within certain stories in the book. The purpose of each story in Marvin's Adventures is to educate children about nature and to build the self-esteem in our youth. As an educator, I would highly recommend this work for all elementary school age children. It is certainly a work that will promote literacy in our youth. Finally, I will state that the book is simply great!!

Movie Buff Checklist: A History of Male Nudity in the Movies
Published in Paperback by Campfire Video (1990)
Author: Marvin Jones
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

Part Of Hollywood History
Breathtaking, is but only one word to describe this book. An informative journal of one of the most controversial topics of today. The content ranges from where to who, and why. It expresses some beauty on the topic and gives a new sense to an old topic. This is a book worthwhile of reading, it is informative and you should rush to buy this if you are male or female. This regards everyone as a whole. If you are a gentleman wanting to go into the movie business read this. I would also recommened this to a female planning on this. In fact I think this book would make any home a better place. Trust me.

Pancakes and Coffee: A Canoe Trek Through the Alaskan Wilderness
Published in Paperback by Clyde Myers @ D&C Publishing (01 March, 2000)
Authors: Gary Myers, Janice K. Marvin, and Marlene Jones
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $4.50
Average review score:

Pancakes & Coffee is almost misleading...
I was privileged to personally interview this fascinating author on two separate occasions. Gary Lee Myers is living his dream of "roaming" free in the Southeastern Alaskan wilderness. One of his treks takes him on a dangerous ocean canoe trip, and that, basically, is what this story is about. The title, Pancakes & Coffee, doesn't give a hint of the thrilling adventures experienced by the author and quite skillfully documented on every page of the book. Survival skills are also taught therein. I'd recommend this book to anyone who would enjoy reading a fast-paced, captivating true story of a well-connected, well-educated Alaskan hermit, and to those who may have the same dream of living a simple, uncomplicated life, free from worldly trappings.

modern day explorer
How many people do you know that explore unknown territory and risk their lives for adventure and freedom? How many people do you know that do not have daily conveniences like television, cell phones, grocery stores, medical doctors, medicine, electricity, etc.? How many people do you know have had encounters with bears, whales, unpredictable and unbearable weather while living in a tent, and have no one available to help for hundreds of miles? Gary Myers is a person who lives this way. There are not too many people alive today that would choose to live without modern conveniences. This book is a true adventure story about a modern day explorer. Escape the daily grind and find out what it is like to sacrifice daily conveniences for a life full of freedom and adventure.

Courageous and adventurous explorer
If you are looking for a TRUE adventure story about someone who actually fights for his life on a daily basis and records his experiences,then you will enjoy this book.How many people do you know in this modern era of technology who battle mother nature and explore areas of the world where there are no other people? If you are looking for perfect linguistics and punctuation, then this book is not for you. The auther does not seem to be the type of person who sits in a college and studies the perfect usage of the English language. He is putting his life on the line and wondering how he will survive. I doubt that there are many people today who would rough it in this way. Most people are too lazy and have too many modern conveniences. It is good to know that there is still this type of rare courageous individual in the world today.

Danger in the Big Thicket (Adventures of Sassy and Rowdy, Vol 3)
Published in Hardcover by Eakin Publications (1990)
Authors: Marvin E. Jones and Tim Czarnecki
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $11.06
Collectible price: $7.15
Average review score:
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Danger in the Big Thicket: The Adventures of Sassy & Rowdy Krackers
Published in Paperback by Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum (1989)
Authors: Marvin E. Jones and Tim Czarnecki
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $2.00
Average review score:
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The Dow Jones-Irwin Lawyer's Guide to Online Data Bases
Published in Hardcover by Richard d Irwin (1987)
Authors: William G. Harrington, Marvin Weinberger, and Dow Jones-Irwin
Amazon base price: $57.50
Used price: $156.94
Average review score:
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The Enchanted Valley (Adventures of Sassy and Rowdy, Vol 1)
Published in Hardcover by Eakin Publications (1990)
Authors: Marvin E. Jones and Tim Czarnecki
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.25
Collectible price: $10.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Enchanted Valley: The Adventures of Sassy & Rowdy Krackers
Published in Paperback by Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum (1990)
Authors: Tony Seidl, Marvin E. Jones, and Tim Czarnecki
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $1.62
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Gory Gary Strikes Back (The Adventures of Sassy and Rowdy, Vol 2)
Published in Hardcover by Panda Books Pub (1990)
Authors: Marvin E. Jones and Tim Czarnecki
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $8.99
Collectible price: $10.99
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Gory Gary Strikes Back: The Adventures of Sassy & Rowdy Krackers
Published in Paperback by Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum (1989)
Authors: Tony Seidl, Marvin E. Jones, and Tim Czarnecki
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $30.00
Average review score:
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