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Book reviews for "Hurwitz,_Ken" sorted by average review score:

Till death us do part : a true murder mystery
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Authors: Vincent Bugliosi and Ken Hurwitz
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $6.95
Average review score:

Educational and Gripping
I have always been fascinated with the law, and this book goes into everything about how a murder trial is supposed to go. He gives you a very good lecture on the law and how it is applied, and surrounds it with a stunningly gripping narrative. It is impossible to put down, I read it in one sitting.

"Till Death Do Us Part"
A fantastic book! Though well 20 years old it still holds up. Mr. Bugliosi writes as he tried this true life case: to the point and only the facts. From the first murder all the way through to the People V. Palliko-Stockton trial. You are taken both in front of and behind the scenes of an actual murder investigation/trail. We are given excepts of actual transcripts and interviews. I learned a lot about the legal system from this book. For those of you who think that non-fiction can't be as exciting as fiction: You are wrong! All the elements are here from a classic Holywood murder mystery: Greed, lust, betrayal. The only draw back is that since the book is 20 years old you don't have an updated epilogue to what happened to the people in the book. Still, it is well worth reading.

Shadow of Cain
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1981)
Authors: Vincent Bugliosi and Ken Hurwitz
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $0.29
Collectible price: $2.12
Average review score:

I thought the book was fantastic and the writing of this book made it seem so real. I thought it was, so I got on the computer and tried to find information about Ray Lomack and could not and when I didn't have any luck doing so I realized the book must have been fiction. You see I borrowed it from my mother and she never lead me to believe that it was fiction. But I am here to tell you the way you write in the book you make it sound like it really did happen. I can almost visualize myself being there. THANK YOU

The line of David
Published in Unknown Binding by Norton ()
Author: Ken Hurwitz
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $4.79
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Marching Nowhere.
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1971)
Author: Ken. Hurwitz
Amazon base price: $6.00
Used price: $8.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Till Death Us Do Part (eBook)
Published in Digital by Barnes and Noble Digital ()
Authors: Vincent Bugliosi and Ken Hurwitz
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:
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