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Book reviews for "Harrington,_Harold_David" sorted by average review score:

How to Identify Grasses & Grasslike Plants: Sedges and Rushes
Published in Paperback by Ohio Univ Pr (Txt) (1997)
Authors: Harold David Harrington and Ann Steely
Amazon base price: $11.95
Collectible price: $13.76
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Average review score:

Best glossary
Not especially useful for beginner grass identification because concentrates on structural detail rather than overall appearance of growth. However, I recommend it for its excellent illustrated glossary.

Excellent manual on morphology of these difficult groups.
As a former student of the late Dr. Harrington who taught me much about plant classification, I highly recommend this book. It is similar to his How to Identify Plants, but the diagrams are much better. It is a very thorough review of the morphology and terminology specific to sedges, rushes, and grasses. These are all very difficult families to identify and there are few books that so thoroughly describe the critical and unique morphology of these plants. This is a knowledge that is critical to the identification of these fascinating and important plants. Dr. Harrington also includes a section on the vegetative characteristics, especially of grasses. For field ecologists like myself, being able to identify plants without the flowers, especially grasses, is critical when doing quantitative sampling. If you are just a beginner in your pursuit of these difficult plants, this is an excellent and valuable resource. But for even the plant scientist this book provides an excellent reference to refresh your memory regarding the unique and important mophology of grasses, sedges, and rushes.

How to Identify Grasses & Grasslike Plants
This book is practical and systematic. The topic is difficult, at best, and the author gives all the tools and understanding needed to build up your skills. As a consultant that works with native plant materials, I have found this book to be a useful field reference in separating out invasive species.

How to Identify Plants
Published in Paperback by Ohio Univ Pr (Txt) (1997)
Authors: L.W. Durrell and Harold David Harrington
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $11.00
Average review score:

Does the job -- but there are better books available
From the copyright date, this book was written in the fifties. The quality of the black and white photos is consistent with this guess, as is the rather pedantic style. There are also chapters on the structure of the nomenclature system, which is probably already well-known by most of the likely readers, and on how to collect plants, which may not be a good idea these days, at least for the rarer species.

For $6 more, I'd go for the similar book by James/Melinda Harris. More focussed; better illustrations; less pedantic style.

Manual of the plants of Colorado, for the identification of the ferns and flowering plants of the state
Published in Unknown Binding by University Microfilms International ()
Author: Harold David Harrington
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $99.00
Average review score:
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Western Edible Wild Plants,
Published in Paperback by University of New Mexico Press (1977)
Author: Harold David Harrington
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $4.99
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.25
Average review score:
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