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Book reviews for "Haley,_William_John" sorted by average review score:

The Wizard of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History
Published in Hardcover by Warner Books (1989)
Authors: John Fricke, Jay Scarfone, William Stillman, and Jack Haley
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $26.99
Collectible price: $30.00
Average review score:

Great book
This book was excellent, a few pages were torn out when I read it in a local liobrary in Australia but I was still able to understand it. I love the Wizard of Oz and this books was absolutely thrilling it was extremely enjoyable. This book explains how the producers cast all the actors and includes information on the films and books. It is a great book.

A Look Back At a Movie Classic!
There have been a few books that have given us all a look into the making of MGM's movie version of "The Wizard Of Oz!"? But The Jay Scarfone,John Fricke manuscript surpasses all of the other books.Because it's filled with wonderful photos and info that takes us beyound the making of the film and gives us a look into the continuing popularity of the Oz characters.Using rare photos,extensive research and interviews from the people.Who were involved with the project.Messers Scarfone And Fricke.Show us the early stages of the making of the film.From the many drafts of the the problems with the changes in cast,storylines,music,mishaps with props and special effects.To the promotions of the film on radio(NBC Radio's "MaxwellHouse Coffeetime")and at stage shows to the many other interpretations of the story that appeared on tv,in the movies,on radio, in the theater and at parades and theme parks.The book even gives some more biographical info about the cast and crew and some more insight into the man.Who created this legendary tale:Mr.Lyman Frank Baum.For the fans of this classic story.Who want to know the full extent of it's geniss? This is the one book to have.Kevin S.Butler.

Pictorial History That Still Works For The 63rd Anniversary
There are many, many books out there about the making of everyone's favorite film, "The Wizard of Oz". There aren't any I've seen that I wouldn't recommend, but if you are looking for pictures, pictures, and more pictures, this beautiful coffee table size book is a great place to start. Pictures, both in color and black and white, of every aspect of the making of the movie fill this attractive volume from cover to cover, and the text, by Oz authority John Fricke is all-encompassing. Although released for the 50th Anniversary of the film's 1939 release, it is still relevant 13 years later, and a great book for the collector or casual researcher. It has yet to be topped.

An English Diplomat in the Low Countries: Sir William Temple and John De Witt, 1665-1672
Published in Hardcover by Clarendon Pr (1995)
Author: Kenneth Harold Dobson Haley
Amazon base price: $65.00
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