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Book reviews for "Greene,_Bert" sorted by average review score:

Greene on Greens
Published in Paperback by Workman Publishing Company (1984)
Author: Bert Greene
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $8.73
Average review score:

Outstanding Veggie Coverage + Creativity
Want to enhance your vegetable dishes with some new variety and spice? This is great resource to help.

Having sought our at times just these goals, this book has always delivered. For instance, winter squash blaws? Try Winter Squash Creme Brulee or or Spaghetti Squash Tetrazzini. Amazingly is the richness of flavor in a parsnip based dish called Pike's Peak Souffle.

Just examples to wet your interest to find and try this. Over 450 recipes, each clearly detailed to follow. Not exceptional ingredients of the hard to find category. From Artichokes to Zucchini, this is handy reference to follow.

If chance, pick up his volume, one of my favorite cookbooks, Bert Greene's Kitchen Bouquets. He's a great cook and writer!

Engaging and informative text; superb recipes.
Bert Greene's books are all terrific, but this one is my favorite. It never disappoints me; Greene himself had a warm, wise personality and a love of good food. The directions on vegetable preparation are exceptionally good. The recipes themselves are fantastic. Buy this one!

Super vegetable recipes!!
I have probably cooked 50 recipes from this book, and everything turns out great! What a broad variety of dishes. This is the book I go to when a find some fresh or interesting vegetables at the store, and need some wonderful way to cook them..This book makes me want to go cook some wonderful vegetables, and read some of Bert Green's introductory comments!!!

Bert Greene's Kitchen Bouquets
Published in Hardcover by NTC/Contemporary Publishing (1982)
Author: Bert Greene
Amazon base price: $8.98
Used price: $11.50
Collectible price: $15.00
Average review score:

I'm wearing this cookbook out!
I've turned to this ole' reliable much in the twenty some years I've had it.

It's delightful in its approach, chapters by flavor, beginning with almond to yeast, and everything in between.

For example, a chapter on coffee: from which I've gotten one of my favorite veal dishes for special occasions (due to expense of veal roasts these days) Veau A' La Normande. From the "dill" category, one that always brings accolades from the diners, "Pelmeny with Sauce Kiev" a Russian dish with the most wonderful sauce.

Find this book, you'll grow to love it. From basic to skilled, this has it all. Great intros and fine details on prep and service ideas.

Greene on Greens and Grains
Published in Hardcover by Black Dog & Leventhal Pub (1900)
Author: Bert Greene
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $7.79
Buy one from zShops for: $9.44
Average review score:

One of the best cookbooks for flavorful cuisine!
I love Bert's cookbooks! They contain some of the most interesting and savory recipes I've encountered. From "Tagine Aid El Kebir" (Moroccan Lamb Stew), in the Couscous section, to "Georgian Yogurt and Barley Soup" to "Triple-Threat Onion Pilaf" with Bulgur, I always know where to go for a tasty meal.

As an added bonus, Bert includes personal stories and anecdotes that are sure to peak your interest or have you rolling on the floor (be sure to read the introduction to the chapter on bulgur where Bert describes his first sampling in a bordello in Paris).

Many of the recipes are quite healthy, such as "Sally's Crazy Health Bread" and "Healthy Farmer's Wife's Pot-Roasted Chicken" (with wheat berries). Many others are just plain good! The health-conscious may want to consider substituting healthier ingredients for some of the ones listed in the cookbook. I use Jane Brody's excellent "Good Food Gourmet" for ideas about healthy eating and ingredient substitution. Then again, many of the recipes in "The Grains Cookbook" are Mediterranean in origin. I've read many articles delineating how this is the healthiest cuisine of all. It is the typical American fare that is unhealthy, full of processed foods and saturated fats that are the real killers. Personally, I like Bert's recipes just the way they are.

This book may be out of print. It is certainly worth tracking down and purchasing.

For those who like this book, I would also recommend "Flatbreads and Flavors" by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Dugid. This cookbook takes one on culinary odyssey from central Asia, through Europe to North America in quest of flatbreads and the flavorful dishes that accompany them.

The Grains Cookbook
Published in Hardcover by Workman Publishing Company (1989)
Authors: Bert Greene and Norman Green
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $8.00
Average review score:

Tasty and creative, but not very healthy.
This book has a wealth of creative recipes for grains, and the ones I tried were delicious. The "Four Seasons Olympic Bran Muffins" are so good, you could easily forget they're bran muffins, but like many recipes in the book, they have a very high sugar content. Low fat is definitely not a priority in this book either. In many of the recipes, the whole grain is a very minor ingredient. The book provides excellent general information about each grain and is useful for creative inspiration, but if you want healthy recipes, look elsewhere.

Bert Greene's Kitchen Bouquets: A Cookbook Celebration of Aromas and Flavors
Published in Paperback by Simon & Schuster (Paper) (1986)
Author: Bert Greene
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.98
Average review score:
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Bert Greene's Kitchen: A Book of Memories and Recipes
Published in Hardcover by Workman Publishing Company (1993)
Authors: Bert Greene, Philip Stephen Schulz, Phillip Stephen Schulz, and Phillip Stephen Schultz
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50
Average review score:
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Cooking for Giving
Published in Paperback by Irena Chalmers Cookbooks (1984)
Authors: Bert Greene, Phillip S. Schulz, and Susan Davis
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $25.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Honest American Fare
Published in Paperback by NTC/Contemporary Publishing (1984)
Author: Bert Greene
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $5.50
Collectible price: $11.00
Average review score:
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Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach/Resource Manual
Published in Hardcover by Addison-Wesley Publishing (1994)
Authors: Franklin,Waits, Bert K. Demana, Stanley R. Clemens, Margaret Greene, and Frank Demana
Amazon base price: $78.00
Used price: $11.99
Average review score:
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