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Book reviews for "Etchebaster,_Pierre" sorted by average review score:

Jane Brody's Good Food Book: Living the High Carbohydrate Way
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1990)
Authors: Jane E. Brody, Ray Skibinski, and Pierre Franey
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $2.75
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

The standard cookbook in our house
I love to read cookbooks, and I credit Jane Brody for that! My mother gave me this book years ago when I was trying to eat healthier and it worked. The information on nutrition in the beginning of the book is excellent and I have referred to it again and again. When I got married to a man who would almost rather eat dirt than eat "healthy" food, I won him over with recipes from this book. Now my kids love them, too. I can't say enough good things about Jane Brody - I also have her "Good Food Gourmet" - another triumph and a staple in my kitchen.

Unbeatable combination of great food and healthy advice!
I first bought this book about 12 years ago and together with Brody's subsequent book, Good Food Gourmet, it is the very core of my cooking repetoire. My mother was truly a gourmet cook, so I know great food. Brody's recipes easily combine excellent taste with nutritional value. There is no loss of flavor or meal satisfaction here!! In fact, I find that other meals are too heavy and actually prefer to eat a home-cooked Brody meal over most other versions. I particularly like her contributions to ethnic food, and my favorites are Lemon Chicken with Bulgar, Vegetable Lasagna, and Hot and Sour Soup.

I have been feeling guilty about replacing my paperbook books, which are literally in tatters, with the relatively expensive hardcover versions. Yet in reading prior reviews, other people have done exactly that! How many other cookbooks actually require replacement anyway?

Having Jane Brody's cookbooks is like being a member of an elite club. Once you own them, you realize that you know more than most people. Brody is a master. Do not miss out on this and other fine books by Brody.

This book changed my life.
Three years ago I decided to get healthy: change the way I eat, exercise, live. Jane Brody's Good Food Book was given to me as a gift and has been part of my life ever since. Her recipes are delicious. She uses lots of herbs and substitutes bad stuff in traditional recipes with good stuff. It's real cooking for real life.

The Sports Medicine Patient Advisor
Published in Paperback by SportsMed Press (15 July, 1999)
Authors: Pierre A. Rouzier, Tammy White, Tom Gilfilan, and Jane Johnson
Amazon base price: $59.95
Buy one from zShops for: $51.95
Average review score:

Must Buy
This book is an excellent overview of common sports injuries and rehabilitation programs specific to those injuries. It is written in a style that is easy for the patient to understand. It is ideal for photocopying so that patients may take home a written explanation of their injury and how to best treat it. I feel that this is a tremendous resource for any primary care physician, orthopedist, athletic trainer, physical therapist, or sports medicine specialist.

ESSENTIAL for the Primary Care Office
Our Family Practice Residents and Faculty use this resource daily in practice when confronted with the myriad of sports- and activity-related injuries. Informs the doctor as well as the patient on causes and rehabilitation of these injuries with well-designed illustrations formatted for photocopying. My Physical Therapist loves it as well. Dr. Rouzier's love of Sport's Medicine comes through in this carefully crafted work. It is the best sports medicine resource for patient education out there.

This is a great book for the sports medicine provider.
This is an outstanding book for the sports medicine provider and for the professional/amateur athlete. It is very thorough and also very practical in its orientation. It serves as a quick reference for those who see patients with sports injuries in clinical practice. Also, it is helpful for those seeking information about a particular sports injury they have sustained. The patient education hand-outs are invaluable for patient eduation re treatment of various sports injuries. This should be on the shelf of any rpovider who regularly sees sports related injuries.

Beyond Diagnosis: Case Formulation Approaches in CBT
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Son Ltd (22 April, 1999)
Authors: Michael Bruch and Frank W. Bond
Amazon base price: $60.00
Used price: $48.00
Buy one from zShops for: $95.89
Average review score:

One of the best on Arctic Exploration
If you like to read about the incredible world of Arctic exploration, this is a book you must read! Pierre Berton covers almost 100 years of man's effort to discover the Northwest Passage and the North Pole. Although it is a long read (over 600 pages) the author's wonderful storytelling style keeps you eagerly turning page after page. Each account seems to have been well researched and the facts are there for the reader to absorb. It is amazing to read how poorly the British were prepared for Arctic travel, how they refused to learn from the native people, yet how much they achieved in spite of their attitude. This book has a good message for us all. We can learn from others! Those explorers who did so, were a lot more successful in the long run. The book ends with Peary and Cook's claim to the North Pole. It is quite an account of two men who were more consumed with their image rather than the truth. Who was the greatest of the bunch? You'll have fun picking your winner. I vote for Roald Amundsen! This is a great book!

Would like to hear the Eskimos take on these events!
Years ago I had read an article about the discovery and autopsy of the remains of three seamen from the Franklin expedition. I was so taken by the arctic story recapitulated for that article that when I discovered Ice Blink I read it greedily, becoming a fan of arctic exploration. That find lead me to the current book, The Arctic Grail by Canadian historian Pierre Berton.

In reading Berton's book, one can hardly fail to notice the fact that most of the search for the Northwest Passage, which occupied many adventurous souls for the better part of the 19th Century, was conducted: 1) by Franklin expeditions, 2) in search of survivors of the last Franklin expedition, 3) in search of information as to the fate of the members of the last Franklin expedition, and 4) in search of relics and journals that might come from the last Franklin expedition. It also becomes apparent that almost every venture into that frozen land led to tragedy and often death. It seems that very little was learned either through the experiences of the survivors of the various expeditions or from the lifestyle of the natives of the area. One is amazed that after the disasters that followed each undertaking, yet another venture would be proposed, despite the loss of life and the evident uselessness of the pass itself. Each expedition met with nightmarish experiences, many of the men dying of starvation and exposure, and while the officers might receive promotion in rank and recognition in the history books for their discoveries, the enlisted men who did most of the work got little more than an increase in pay if they lived to get it.

Of the rush to the North Pole, all that can be honestly said is that the notoriety of superhuman effort and of the attainment of nearly impossible goals inspired some pretty disgraceful behavior on behalf of a number of, particularly American, explorers. It becomes obvious that the chicanery of ambitious men looking to make a fortune as celebrities did not start in the last half of the 20th century. Both Cook and Peary seemed driven men whose egos could sustain the possible blight of fraudulent claims disputed by the records but not of public failure. What is sad, particularly in the latter case, is that the actual attainments of the discoverer were pretty amazing as it was. No one since has achieved quite so much under the same conditions. While others have been to the pole successfully, it required air dropped supplies and a flight in or out of the area.

Throughout the entire book one is confronted with a sense of a major lack of real respect for nature by so-called civilized man. It is tempting to see this attitude as a peculiarly 20th (now 21st) century phenomenon, but it seems to have had a good start in the 19th century. The hubris that makes modern man feel that he can tame nature with his various gadgets may just be part and parcel of human nature. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.

One of the particularly distressing aspects of the explorers accounts is of the callous treatment of the native population and of the total marginalization of their contributions. It's apparent from Berton's book that the safe return of many explorers was due largely to help from the Eskimos. I think a thorough narrative of Arctic exploration from their point of view-both their own conquest of the area and their take on the European and American explorations-might make very interesting reading indeed!

All in all the book is well written and well researched. It would definitely appeal to anyone with an interest in history, in man against nature, in man in nature, in geography, ethnography, and 19th Century culture. Anyone with a reading level of 6th grade or above should be able to comprehend it, and it might make interesting reading especially for young men.

A Very Comprehensive and Interesting Book
As a resident of Barrow, Alaska, high in the Arctic, I have found Berton's book both accurate and easy to read. I'm so glad it has been reprinted. My only concern is that my old paperback version is falling apart, maybe because I have read and re-read it so much. Berton pulls together a wide variety of topics and quests, especially the quest for the North Pole and Northwest Passage. And he correctly adds a skepticism about many of these expeditions being funded in the name of science, but focusing on reaching the pole, or completing the passage, and fame instead.

The section on Edward Parry's near-completion of the Passage in 1819 is superb, as are those on the tragic Franklin Expedition, and the very flawed quest for the North Pole on the part of Cook and Peary (which was the most corrupt? A good question.)

The Arctic is a fascinating place. My wife Chris and I have lived in Barrow for over two decades, and we still get a thrill when we see the Arctic Ocean on our drives or walks around town. but the Arctic is often misunderstood. Berton sets the record straight, about the explorers, the Native people who had so much to teach the outsiders, and the fascinating, but fragile, part of our globe. buy this new edition before it gets out of print. Earl Finkler

Is Paris Burning?
Published in Hardcover by Castle (2000)
Authors: Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre, and Dominique La Pierre
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $4.85
Collectible price: $4.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.08
Average review score:

Is Paris Burning?
Puts flesh on the bones of a remarkable group, including Generals Patton, Bradley, Eisenhower and Von Coltitz, writers Hemingway and Sartre, and political figures Roosevelt, Hitler and DeGaulle. Numerous anecdotes from the occupation and liberation brings history to life. Tales of moonlit parachute drops, secret codes and Molotov cocktails remain with the reader, long after the book is completed. Like the last Metro train before curfew for Parisians under Nazi rule, this book is not be missed.

Well written account of Paris' Liberation by Well known auth
The book is very well written, as have been their previous books, like Freedom at midnight. It covers fairly objectively aspects of the city's liberation very well. It makes you fall in love with Paris, if not anything else. Any student of military history and french history must not miss it. Well done lads

A journey back in time
This excellent book not only describes the events that happened in Paris during her liberation in 1945, it also describes the emotions felt by the different people living those events. Few books have made me feel a bizarre mixture of feelings like this one did. From one page to the next I found myself feeling happy, angry, surprised, sad, worried (yes, worried... even though I'm able to see every day that the city was not destroyed). This book has given me new eyes to see my own city. Paris is full of little plates with the dates and the names of the persons who died for her liberation. I didn't use to pay attention to these things. Today, I look at them with new interest and gratitude. There's only one little detail I would criticize about the book: its continuous repetition about Paris being the most beautiful city in the world. Even though I agree with the authors about this fact, I think their use of this remark was a little exaggerated and sometimes you loose the real context with so many repetitions. But well, no book is perfect and at the end, this is a very negligible thing compared to the interesting stories the authors share with the reader. They did a marvelous job researching the existing documents and interviewing the different intervening persons. I can't imagine the enormous amount of work this represented....

Microsoft Windows Nt Workstation Resource Kit (Microsoft Professional Editions)
Published in Paperback by Microsoft Press (1996)
Authors: Microsoft Corporation and Microsoft Press
Amazon base price: $69.95
Average review score:

highly entertaining
The first time I read this book was in 3rd grade, and I still enjoy reading it again, just for fun. This is a funny and well-written children's story with plenty to laugh at. The marvelous, underground world of Og is comical yet dangerous. This book would be great for reading out loud to children.

From a Reader in Columbus Indiana
I haven't even bought this book yet, but like one of reviewers, I also have been looking for this book for years! I read it when I was a child and it had a way of pulling you into the action of the story - very magical. I look forward to reacquainting myself with the story and sharing it with my own 10 year old. Right up there with MacDonald's books - The Princess and Curdi and the Princess and the Goblins (forgive my spelling and correct titling)and all of the Lloyd Alexander books (10x better than the Harry Potter books).

I read this book when I was 10 years old and the story was unbelievable! It is a book that when you are finished you are sad because you feel that you have left something behind. The story was so vivid that it was burned into my memory, though unfortunately there must not have been enough room for the title. I have spent many years trying to remember the name of the book so I could buy it for my daughter who is now 10 years old. I would recommend this book to all, young and old alike.

Jambalaya, Crawfish Pie, Fil Gumbo: Cajun and Creole Cuisine
Published in Paperback by (2000)
Author: Todd-Michael St.Pierre
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

This Book Delivers!
This is a really good choice when it comes to New Orleans cookbooks, you can't go wrong with these easy to follow and delicious recipes. The author suggests other ingredients/substitutes if a particular food item is unavailable in your area. The Mardi Gras King Cake is outstanding.

A Real Taste of Louisiana
I had read a review of this book in a popular cooking magazine recently & wanted to check it out for myself, so I ordered it with high hopes & sure enough it surpassed my expectations & then some! If you're looking for a book that has traditional & innovative Cajun & Creole Cuisine, this would be it!

An Authentic New Orleans Experience
I first discovered this book while on vacation at Mardi Gras, it has 7 different recipes for Gumbo, humorous Cajun Poetry & a wealth of historical information. Personally I liked the Shrimp Creole, The Zydeco Chicken & The Mardi Gras King Cake Best; Great Choice!

Craig Claiborne's the New New York Times Cookbook
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Pub (1995)
Authors: Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $22.75
Average review score:

Confused, what is so special about this cookbook?
I have this cookbook in my possession. It has not really stood out for me as being anything special. I have consulted it occassionally and the recipes are not my cup of tea.

I feel like I'm missing out.

Next week I plan to sell my copy on ebay, as I feel it is taking up space in my bookshelf where a cookbook that better inspires me can go.

Several of you have raved and are looking for it. Well, I have it and it's yours if you want to bid on ebay for it.

I also NEED this cookbook.
My copy has fallen apart and I still use it. So many of the recipes have become holiday favorites that are requested year in and year out. Have you tried the recipe for RICE GRETE, the best rice pudding on the planet?


The New York Times 60 Minute Gourmet
Published in Hardcover by Times Books (1979)
Authors: Pierre Franey and Craig Claiborne
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $0.69
Collectible price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00
Average review score:

Fabulous flavor; easy for beginners
I have had this for 20+ years and I rank it my #1 favorite cookbook tied with Cook's Illustrated "Best Recipe". The recipes are truly simple, easy, fast, & delicious. And elegant.

These are not "low cal" recipes but are so packed with flavor that you could pair the main meat or seafood dishes which will probably include cream & butter, with low-cal, low-fat sides.

This is a very instructive book & is great for beginners, which I was when I first bought it. Basically each recipe calls for fresh, high-quality cut of fish/meat/poultry which is then cooked with several complementary herbs, spices, aromatic veges, & that's it.

I have found that this may not be the best everyday family type cookbook because the high quality may be expensive. But I think many of the recipes are transferable to other more available fish, etc.

Best Cookbook Ever
This is the second time I am purchasing this book. My original book is falling apart and covered in food stains from so much use. I've shared recipes from this book with everyone. The recipes are easy and delicious. You will use this book often, buy two!

Excellent, easy, fast & flawless
Really, you just can't go wrong. There are no 'vanity' recipes in here (you know the ones, with 87 ingredients and impossible-to-find spices), only simple and flawless dishes that have been proven over time to be winners. I first got this book on the recommendation of a professional chef, and was very suspicious that it would be completely beyond my meager abilities. I was pleased to discover that everything about this book is straightforward, and no matter what your cooking level is you CAN make EVERY SINGLE RECIPE even if you are a cooking novice. It's a little heavy on the cream in some recipes, so I recommend more for special occasions and weekends than every day cooking - although there are quite a few healthier recipes in there as well.

Favorite recipes? Chicken Scarpariello (took me all of 25 minutes, start to finish), Shell Steak in Vinager & Cream sauce (will impress big-time).

Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Vs. the Mecha-Monkeys from Mars: The Fourth Robot Adventure Novel (Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot, (Paper))
Published in Paperback by Blue Sky Press (2002)
Authors: Dav Pilkey and Martin Ontiveros
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $2.45
Buy one from zShops for: $2.77
Average review score:

Intimate Memories, Labor-intensive Recipes
Do get this book if you are a big Frida Kahlo fan. Her step-daughter's memories are somewhat interesting; it's a good read that sits with dignity on either a bedroom night stand or the coffee table or the cookbook shelf.

Don't get this book if you want to start to learn Mexican cooking. It's not a beginner's cookbook!

Do get this book if you have kitchen help and/or if you have some experience with Mexican ingredients (and access to them) and Mexican recipes/dishes. In Asia I have succeeded in making the smothered pork sandwiches (associated with a baptism Frida attended) and some of the other simpler recipes.

If you like the format of Like Water For Chocolate, you'll like this special book. Nicely illustrated with photos of all the food in beautifully styled presentation.

Bonus for art lovers: the cover and some of the illustrations are re-creations of paintings by Frida... tour de force still-life photography!

¡Que aprovechen!
If you are looking for a great Mexican traditional cookbook, look no further. These mouth-watering recipes are grouped by occasions for which they are served, so the reader will also learn about the traditional Mexican fiestas celebrated all year round. What gives the book another dimension, is that these are the recipes that were prepared in Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera' "Casa Azul" in Coyoacán! The numerous anecdotes and the extensive selection of pictures also featured in the book make it an excellent choice, whether you are solely interested in Mexican cooking, or looking to read about the fascinating couple Rivera and Kahlo were and continue to be. If you are considering this book for a gift, beware! You will end up keeping it for yourself...

"Viva La Vida"
In this beautiful, lavishly photographed book, the celebratory life of Frida Kahlo is recreated month by month. Each chapter covers a joyous cause for festivity beginning with the month in which Frida and Diego Rivera were wed in August. Prior to the chronoligical following of a month in the life of Frida, the daughter of Diego invites you and entices you to join her in her recollections of the joyous side of Frida's life. Guadalupe Rivera, professor of law and also a writer under the name Guadalupe Martin recounts her life experiences and memories based on her early years as a witness to life in the Kahlo/Rivera household. The unabashed sunny account sets the table, so to speak, for the culinary delights. The reading is insightful and for the most part not a rehash of other accounts available , most notably the definitive(now with Selma Hayek on the cover) Hayden Herrera biography or the nearly as compelling book by Martha Zamora entitled The Brush of Anguish. The writing is concise and gives a glimpse into the life of Frida based on short vignettes providing you with an intimate portrait. You will find the stories delightful and complimentary to the fabulous photographs. The full color pictures are works of art. It is not just the colorful plates and settings but the entirety of the photographs. Each is magnificent, the design and layout of each picture is a testament to Mexican photographer Ignacio Urquiza, whose works have illustrated several cookbooks. The sumptous and exotic dishes are only part of the beauty. The settings and location of the photographs are visually stunning. You are allowed to take a peak into the house in Coyoacan, complete with antiques and recreated table settings. You can also see some of the places Frida enjoyed visiting such as the floating gardens of Xochimilco. All in all this is super book with fantastic recipes and easy to follow directions to create your own festive occasion. It is an excellent cookbook . Highly recommended for your culinary delights. This book will help you celebrate with cuisine from Mexico and give joy as Frida entitled her last painting, "Viva La Vida."

Boulder & Maui Babies
Published in VHS Tape by Tapeworm (10 November, 1998)
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $6.76
Average review score:

A decent book, but it strays widely from its title
This book seem to focus far more on two other topics, NDEs (near death experiences) and saints, than it does on its title subject of angels. The whole angel theme seems in fact to be kind of an incidental inclusion, like a thread of only secondary importance. The tenuous angel theme thread ties the other two themes together, themes which form the actual substance of the book.
I would recommend this book to those interested in NDEs; I would also recommend this book to those who are interested in the mortification, stigmatic, and pain aspects of Catholicism, which are dwelled on quite extensively in this book. I'd also recommend this book to anyone interested in saints. But to someone purely interested in angels, I regret I have to advise you to look elsewhere for real substance on that subject.

Definitely a keeper.
This book is more than I ever expected; the honest, investigative research style of Pierre will turn any "skeptic" into a believer in the existence of angels. His bibliography and "permissions list" were also worth the price of the book; they opened up a new world for me. I sincerely hope he will write another book. Thanks to Amazon for making these 5 star books available used.

A wonderful book, a classic.
This book is written with humor, eloquence, journalistic perspective/restraint, and passion. After an inexplicable escape from what might have been a fatal shooting on the L.A. freeway, Mr. Jovanovic began on a journey to investigate whether angels do in fact exist. He approaches it with the experience and restraint of a professional journalist, which he is. He looks at Near Death Experiences (the famous tunnel with light at the end etc.), interviews the woman who made famous the 'stages of dying', and Georgette Faniel, a stigmatist who some believe is a living saint; the book explores such diverse topics as Medjugorje, Padre Pio, apparitions of angels and The Virgin Mary; and yet never gets syrupy or precious. In fact, it manages to be all the more powerful reading due to its step back from the topics. Friends gave me a copy of this book and I was amazed by it; it's very quiet in tone, yet not without humor, and explains itself very well. The reader goes on the journey to discover whether angels exist, right along with the author, yet at the end you don't feel pushed toward any conclusion but your own. I highly recommend this book to everyone, not just those who already believe in such things as these. (Oh ! PS, if you net-search on this book title you will find its author's own website, which has more about the book, including a the first chapter available to read online for free).

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