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Book reviews for "Espinosa,_Maria" sorted by average review score:

Dark Plums
Published in Paperback by Arte Publico Pr (1995)
Author: Maria Espinosa
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $595.26
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Average review score:

Deep Pearl
This book will upset some people. The first few chapters - though quite well-written - describe an emotionally lost young woman engaging in graphic, desperate, depressing sexual scenes. But the book is so authentic and richly woven that it quickly draws the reader into the lives of the people portrayed. Anyone who has a history of being abused will relate to Adrianne's angst-filled actions and mental state, the self-speak that she uses to rationalize her partnership with an alternately rageaholic/controlling and charismatic mate. The relationships she develops demonstrate her redirecting and reclaiming her life, escalating to a fascinating encounter in the desert and a triumphant ending. A very thoughtful and moving book.

Israeli Cookbook
Published in Hardcover by Crown Pub (1988)
Author: Molly L. Bar-David
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $7.99
Collectible price: $14.95
Average review score:

I truely enjoyed the novel. It is a subject that has long been forgotten and tucked is a history lesson of great is the truimpt of the human amass of lycrical dialouge, the readers finds themselves set in the 14th-16th century with a love story,a story of family,culture and religious hate.
Maria takes her readers to the Spanish Inquistion with all her heart body and soul...We feel the energy of the writer's passion for her work. It is well researched and documented. I loved the novel, it has opened up another dark side of world history and the human struggle for religious and cultural freedoms. A book for all times and all people to read. This is not just a book of Jewish history. It is much,much more. I would be rank it with Angela's Ashes.

Irene of Berkeley

Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (1976)
Author: Victor Hugo
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.39
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Book Lacks Characters with Redeeming Value
I could not relate to any of the characters in this story, and felt no sympathy for them. Espinosa's characters managed to infuriate me with their poor life choices and apparent idiocy, not to mention the complete lack of any morality. Perhaps if the reader had been given a better history and/or descriptions of Rosa's childhood, her actions could be better understood. Her background development was sketchy at best.

A Slow Crescendo
Very well-done character study which chronicles the partnership and evolution of two people from different cultures. Rosa's turmoil, gradual independence and developmental realizations are painful and ultimately relieving to witness. Just when the reader has developed an escalating repulsion for Antonio for his acts of violence and abuse, a very subtle and complex shift occurs as his humanity emerges, so that by the end of the book compassion for the struggles we all grow through provides material for consideration. The other characters, particularly Rosa's mother and father, are complicated as well, evoking conflicting feelings that force the reader to reexamine preconceptions. The backdrop of France, the east coast and the San Francisco Bay Area provides an interesting palette upon which the characters' lives are played out, and anyone who has lived in these regions will appreciate the cultural authenticity presented. Overall, a very human story and emotionally provocative experience.

Excellent psychological fiction
This is one of the best psychological fiction novels I have ever read. The character development is not static- the personalities of the characters unfold and change in the course of the novel, which is not common in most fiction. This book is highly complicated, and may offend some individuals. If you like Paul Auster- read this book.

Bible Humor : Top Seven Lists
Published in Paperback by Word Publishing (1999)
Author: Rich Anderson
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $3.48
Buy one from zShops for: $5.37
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Aventura 2: Teacher's Book (Aventura)
Published in Spiral-bound by Hodder & Stoughton Educational Division (02 March, 1998)
Authors: Martyn Ellis, Rosa Maria Martin, and Rafael Espinosa
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $959.95
Buy one from zShops for: $959.95
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Cuentos De Maricaslana
Published in Hardcover by Timun Mas (2002)
Authors: Cardenosa, Concha Cardenoso, Maria Fe Quesada, and Aurelio M. Espinosa
Amazon base price: $18.95
Average review score:
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Dictadura y dividendo : el discreto negocio de la burguesía vasca (1937-1950)
Published in Unknown Binding by Universidad de Deusto ()
Author: José María Lorenzo Espinosa
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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A din amica da raz%7Eao na filosofia de Espinosa
Published in Unknown Binding by Junta Nacional de Investigaðc%7Eao Cientâifica e Tecnolâogica : Fundaðc%7Eao Calouste Gulbenkian ()
Author: Maria Luisa Ribeiro Ferreira
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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El seminario de el escorial en tiempos de San Antonio María Claret (1861-1868)
Published in Unknown Binding by EUNSA, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra ()
Author: José Miguel Espinosa Sarmiento
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Gudari, una pasión útil : vida y obra de Eli Gallastegi (1892-1974)
Published in Unknown Binding by Txalaparta ()
Author: José María Lorenzo Espinosa
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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