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Book reviews for "Donahue,_Don" sorted by average review score:

Dori Stories: The Complete Dori Seda
Published in Paperback by Last Gasp of San Francisco (1999)
Authors: Dori Seda, Don Donahue, Kate Kane, and Neil Gaiman
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Collectible price: $19.06
Buy one from zShops for: $13.87
Average review score:

Some of the best underground comix ever made!
Someone else describes Dori as the 'queen' of the underground comix; I don't think I'd go there, and given R. Crumb as the 'king,' you'd have to consider Aline Kominsky, among others, as the 'queen.' Dori WAS a princess, though; AND a brilliant artist, and also a very good writer. She's definitely my favorite among the underground comix artists, male OR female. Her stories are among the best, and ARE the most entertaining, of the self-examining underground comix of the 70s. There was no subject too touchy for Dori, but she applied her keen sense of humor with a wonderfully gentle touch. Her artwork is incredible. There are few with a better command of pen and ink. This collection provides most of her work in one convenient place, and however you've gotten to this review, I know you have enough interest to appreciate the book. Buy it, you'll like it!

How to Make People Like You When You Know They Don't (Help Yourself Book)
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (1982)
Authors: Bob Donahue and Marilyn Donahue
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $3.38
Collectible price: $7.93
Buy one from zShops for: $3.35
Average review score:

If you are a teenager, this book is for your age!
As stated on the back of the book, it is written for children 12-15 yrs old. Large print, 104 pages with many drawings of child-like animals and people. Not for children who are truly troubled and disturbed, young adolescents might enjoy this book for a short time. I read the whole book in about 30 minutes. It does have a positive message: You have to like yourself and project a positive image before others will like you.

Clinical Neurosurgery: Proceedings/Congress Held Toronto, Ont., Oct 1982
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (1983)
Author: Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $28.98
Average review score:
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