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Book reviews for "Dommeyer,_Frederick_Charles" sorted by average review score:

The Battle for Christmas
Published in Paperback by Vintage Books (1997)
Author: Stephen Nissenbaum
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Finally, A Book That Exposes The Tactics Of Communists
Dr. Fred C.Schwarz has finally done it. At least, there is a scholarly book that exposes and indicts those who are willingly followers in the ambit of American Communism. Every policy-maker should have a copy of "Beating The Unbeatable Foe," because it is a critical look at how Communism has evolved into a major threat, and it provides facts on how Red China is using their thesis of dialectical materialism to take over the world. Indeed, in Dr. Schwarz's book, we find out how our American universities have transformed into Marrxist re-education camps and how the hard-core Communists are using religion to further their plans for world conquest. Dr. Schwarz and his Christian Anti-Communism Crusade deserves every American's attention. Indeed, with the help of patriotic men like Dr. Schwarz and Ronald Reagan, we have finally beaten "The Unbeatable Foe."

a convincing and insightful life story
In writing this autobiography, Dr. Fred Schwarz seeks to fulfill his life motto: THAT TRUTH MAY PREVAIL. This book is a must read for anyone interested in either politics or religion. But don't expect a tedious collection of essays on why communism doesn't work. Most of us in the United States basically agree on that point. Instead, Dr. Schwarz's monumental book is a detailed history of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, which he founded in 1953. In a compelling manner, the Australian native explains clearly the reasons for starting the Crusade, and why it received such enthusiastic support amoung the American people. As a committed Christian, Dr. Schwarz also defends the Christian name of his group, showing how communism's self-stated goal was to eliminate God from the human mind. Then he covers and carefully refutes the vicious (and invariably false) character attacks aimed at him by the left-wing press and communist dupes around the world. If you're a big Ronald Reagan fanatic, you'll love this book. Even if you're a dedicated communist, you'll still enjoy the book for its great stories and amazing details about how you lost the cold war. The cost of this book is far less than the cost of not knowing this great slice of history

The Book of the Pearl: The History, Art, Science and Industry
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (2001)
Authors: George Frederick Frederick, Charles Hugh Stevenson, and George Frederick Kunz
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

The most complete and accurate book on the Pearl
This book is the best single reference on humanity's long-love affair with this unique gem: the pearl. Information on the pearl is given by time period (up to the early 20th Century) and by pearl producing region/country.
If you love pearls (or are in the process of knowing about them), this book is definitely a must have. It has it all: scientific facts, pearl oyster biology and history. Incredibly well written.

Exhaustive Resource
This book has everything that one would want to know about pearls. It includes the pearl's cultural and natural history, commerce, industrial and medical uses, methods of pearl gathering, lists of famous pearls, ancient legends about pearls, (black and white) pictures of pearls, and portraits of royalty with their pearls.

Since this book was written in 1906, the values of pearls are outdated, and the pre-metric measurements used are confusing.

This is the best and most useful resource on pearls that I have discovered.

A History of Philosophy: Hobbes to Hume
Published in Hardcover by Hyperion Books (1994)
Authors: Frederick Compleston and Frederick Charles Copleston
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:

A good beginning series
This is series is a good way to get involved in the thought of the world. You'll want to go further than what is discussed in the book but it is a very good start.

This volume is facinating
At one point I went throught a British Empiricist phase. This book was an invaluable resource. I've never noticed any misinterpretations of the author's original texts in this volume.

Published in Paperback by Viking Press (1956)
Author: Frederick Charles Copleston
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Aquinas is an excellent introduction to Thomas's thought.
Father Copleston's book is an excellent introduction to the philosophy of St. Thomas. A man of great intellectual depth, Copleston's lucid style makes Aquinas good reading for both academic study and personal philosophical/spiritual enjoyment.

The River
Published in DVD by Universal Studios (07 January, 2003)
Amazon base price: $13.48
List price: $14.98 (that's 10% off!)
Average review score:

Highly Recommended!
Frederick Carder and Steuben Glass by Thomas P. Dimitroff is a monumental book. The photographs are fully documented with dates, shape numbers, descriptions, measurements, etc. The text is complete with footnotes. It is a beautiful coffee table book as well as a scholarly text. Information relating to identification and the relative rarity of the various types of glass Carder designed is examined in detail making it a "must have" for collectors, appraisers, or anyone with an interest in Steuben glass.

A General Theory of Crime
Published in Paperback by Stanford Univ Pr (1990)
Authors: Michael R. Gottfredson, Travis Hirschi, and Michael R. Gottfred
Amazon base price: $15.37
List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

The Geology of Ore Deposits
This book, by Guilbert and Park, is the "Bible" for any economic geologist on ore deposits. As a graduate student in geology, I am constantly using it as a reference and use it more frequently than any other book I have. We used another textbook for my economic geology course, but all of us referred to "The Geology of Ore Deposits" when some info was needed. It is also on several professers shelves as well. Well organized and easy to find specific info.

Harvest of Barren Regress: The Army Career of Frederick William Benteen, 1834-1898 (Frontier Military Series, 12)
Published in Hardcover by Arthur H Clark (1985)
Author: Charles K. Mills
Amazon base price: $35.00
Average review score:

Harvest of Barren Regrets
In his poignant biography of the man whom many believe to be George Armstrong Custer's "Brutus", Mills paints a stirring portrait of an enigma of the Indian Wars, Frederick W. Benteen. If you're a follower of Custeriana or a whimsical student of Custer's Last Stand, you'll find this to be a fascinating character portrayal of a man maybe not so different from you and me. Benteen, a renowned cavalryman and survivor of the Battle of the Little Big Horn, rose to the rank of brevet colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War before joining the Seventh Cavalry at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1867. His story is one of life on America's frontier, a tapestry of the hardship and brotherhood common to the campaigning cavalryman on the Great Plains. "Harvest of Barren Regrets" is an epic tale of a forgotten warrior, one of the last of a lost breed of American frontiersmen, and a book well worth the time and investment.

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step
Published in Paperback by Microsoft Press (23 January, 2002)
Author: Michael Halvorson
Amazon base price: $27.99
List price: $39.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A Marvelous Introductory Resource
In this book, one finds access to the world of medieval philosophy. The book does a great job of hitting the key ideas of numerous figures within medieval Christian philosophy and provides worthwhile chapters on philosphers from the Islamic and Judaic traditions as well. Additionally, the survey provides biographical sketches and historical background for the treatments of the key figures and periods.

Novell(r)'s Guide to NetWare 6 Networks
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (01 March, 2002)
Authors: Jeffrey F. Hughes and Blair W. Thomas
Amazon base price: $55.99
List price: $79.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A dangerous book--capable of igniting a spiritual fire!
This book is what got my passion for prayer ignited. Before I am too ashamed to admit how much I prayed. I am indebted to this book to my call to intercede for couples and marriage (revival)in America. A well-worn saying among book reviews, but it certainly applies to this one, this devotional needs in the hands of every believer!!! If you are reading this review, this means you!

Thompson Chain Reference Bible New International Version (Order #833)
Published in Hardcover by B.B. Kirkbride Bible Company (1988)
Authors: Frank Charles Thompson, G. Frederick Owen, and Kirkbride Bible & Technology
Amazon base price: $27.29
List price: $38.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Excellent in all respects
I purchased my first Thompson Chain Reference Bible as a new believer back in the 70's. It was and continues to be the best study Bible for those who desire to search out the Word for themselves and compare scripture with scripture. And, the extensive Bible study helps in the back of the Bible do add a rich dimension in addition to the topical chain references.

I was a little concerned about the "new" TCR's as several reviewers mentioned degradations in quality and I certainly didn't like the thin glossy paper I saw in the hardbacks in the bookstore. I was delighted today when I received my large print deluxe leather edition Bible.

The Bible I received has excellent flat, opaque Bible paper perfect for note-taking. And, the binding appears to have stitching in addition to the glue, so I'd say the quality of the binding is fine and should serve one well for years.

One caveat in regard to the large print edition--It is LARGE! Not the print (it's 9 point instead of the regular 8), but the Bible itself. It's not so unwieldy that I would think twice about using it, but if size is an issue for you, check the dimensions and choose accordingly.

I can't say enough good things about this Bible. It has my highest recommendation; you won't be sorry in choosing this Bible.

Chained to Thompson's!
I have owned one version or another of the Chain Reference Bible since I was a teenager in the seventies. My 'standard' Bible has been the large print KJV for many, many years and it remains the first Bible I pick up. I purchased the NIV Chain Reference, but just didn't like the translation, it just didn't 'read' right for me. I've enjoyed the NAS translation, but it is awfully dry reading when the heart desires poetry. So, I ended up purchasing the NKJV. It has been a real pleasure to read, combining the elegance of the KJV with a modern and accurate adaptation.

As for the chain reference system used by Thompson, it's such a part of my Bible reading and study that I'd have a really hard time switching to another system. Some of the illustrations and charts have been revised from my older KJV, but not to an extreme. The Thompson system remains, for me, the quickest and easiest way to study a topic through the Bible, or just through either the New or Old Testament. The Bible also includes an excellent concordance; for someone new to chain reference study they can start with the traditional concordance and work their way into the Thompson system. Also included are excellent maps, revised from the earlier versions, and a historical dictionary with photos of significant Biblical locations, with explanations.

I agree with another reviewer that Nelson Bibles are, in general, not made for people with serious intentions on daily Bible use. They are constructed down to a price, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as these can provide a very inexpensive introduction to the Bible. However, when one is ready to use a Bible in a serious, daily way, a better Bible will easily pay for its higher price.

Though this Bible is well-made, it is NOT as well made as my older, large print KJV. My older Bible has whipstitching clearly seen in front and back, with pages secured as well today as when I bought it. This newer Bible appears to have pages that are glued in like cheaper ones. Additionally, the paper is comletely different than my older edition, and thinner. The older paper had almost an eggshell texture, whereas the newer paper is much slicker and thinner. In first use it's really quite difficult to get the pages apart. However, it's still a very well-made Bible, just not up to the standard of the older ones. That should in no way deter someone from buying it, though.

As a one-volume Biblical library, I haven't seen anything to beat the Thompson's. As another reviewer noted, it's also refreshingly free of editorial bias, which certainly can't be said of all its competitors. Most of all, each of us needs to find a Bible they can live with daily, and any Bible available is better than none at all! Thompson Bibles aren't inexpensive but they will last twice as long as cheaper Bibles, particularly if kept in a cover. Also, the supplemental atlases and historical additions might well save purchase of other books to accompany Biblical study. Highly recommended!

The best Study Bible
I love the New King James Version, put out by Thomas Nelson, but I loath Thomas Nelson Bibles. This is how I happened upon the Thompson a few years ago as I was relieved to find a NKJV not made by T.N. I first bought an NKJV in bonded leather. After 2 years of very heavy use, I bought an NKJV in genuine leather, and later a handy size KJV in genuine. All three of these Bibles are wonderful in every way.

The Thompson Study system is very helpful and they've graciously spared us from a myriad of religious cliche and personal opinion. The page layout is smart. The Bible text actually fills the page and all study helps and references are relegated to the side margins. There are so many ways to use the studies and references, I am unable to number them here. The concordance is as extensive as any I've seen. The 14 maps are colorful and very well done. Simply put, it's a complete, Jesus-exalting study Bible designed with excellence.

The construction of these Bibles is equally impressive. The paper is just right--not too thick, not too thin. The print is dark and sharp. Their font is subtil and very appropriate for the Bible, if you ask me. The red words of Jesus are RED. They're not muddy brown; they're not pink; they're bright, deep, beautiful red. They are printed consistantly page to page, not some pages lighter or misprinted, as the Thomas Nelson folks are plagued by.

Now that I own three Thompsons, I feel about them the way a good ol' boy down in the South feels about shotguns. "I have more than I need, but not as many as I want!"

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