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Book reviews for "Dippel,_John_Van_Houten" sorted by average review score:

Bound upon a Wheel of Fire: Why So Many German Jews Made the Tragic Decision to Remain in Nazi Germany
Published in Hardcover by Basic Books (1996)
Author: John Van Houten Dippel
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $16.68
Collectible price: $25.36
Buy one from zShops for: $14.99
Average review score:

good representation of a concerned Jewish community
This book gives a good representation of what happened in the Jewish community as Hitler grew in power. This shows the transformation from a community that had little regard for a Jewish identity to being bonded together by that mere fact alone. Dippel shows the unfortunate internal struggles that prevented any full Jewish unity (from assimilation, emigration, & fighting back to denial and prejdice). It allows you to see just what was felt during a confusing time in Germany & what was being done about it.

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