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Book reviews for "Dalfiume,_Richard_Myron" sorted by average review score:

Shop in the Name of Love (Cheetah Girls, No. 2)
Published in Paperback by Hyperion Press (1999)
Author: Deborah Gregory
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.68
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Growl-Icious Book
I've read all the Cheetah Girls books and Shop in The Name of Love is by far the best. When Chanel gets hold of her mother's credit card she maxes it out and acts like she's large n in charge. She also steals and lies to her freinds and mother.
It teaches an important letter to young Divettes in Traing.
Also read Book 1- Wishing On A Star.

a cheetah certified book
i liked this book becuase it is definitely cheetah-licious!i like the fact that they have no profanities and teaches you a lesson. it makes you feel good and like a divette-in-trianing.i also liked this book because i can read it anytime and not get in trouble or feel disgusted. i'm not used to reading non-sci-fi books so this is a surprise for me.i hope whom ever reads this feels the same way i felt.

Chanel is swell!
I love that each of the cheetah girls book are in a different characters voice and that each of the five characters are so different. I'm latina, so I love the character Chanel who is dominican like me! Shop in the Name of Love is in chanel's voice and she is like a lot of chicas in my neighborhood--``adobo down'' as she says. i hope a lot of other chicas like me read the cheetah girls books. they are coolio!

The Robe of God: Reconciliation, the Believers' Church Essential
Published in Paperback by Herald Pr (2000)
Authors: Myron S. Augsburger and Richard J. Mouw
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $10.44
Average review score:

A challenging thought-provoking book
This work of a seasoned Mennonite pastor-theologian provides a panorama of theological principles making the doctrine of reconciliation the keystone for all its contents. Augsburger contends that reconciliation in Christian theology must be reassessed continually to determine how it measures up to the biblical principles endowed by the Greatest of all Reconcilers--Jesus Christ. The book is a combination of a systematic and practical theology overview. Having been influenced by the 16th century Anabaptist theological matrix, and adding the contributions of major evangelical and Neo-orthodox theologians of the twentieth century, the author discusses theological rubrics in an orderly fashion. The major objectives of the book are: (1) to remind the theological world that the Anabaptist tradition has considerable contributions to the contemporary theological landscape, (2) to influence theological thinking in the global community, and (3) to remind the free-church movement of its core values. The author achieves his desired objectives. The style of writing moves along lines of a systematic theological treatise. On occasion, few incidents of the author's ministry experiences illustrate a point and illuminate the narrative. The title of the book is taken from the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:22: "The Father said, `Bring the best robe and put it on him.'" Esther Augsburger, the author's wife, an artist, has prepared a sculpture in which a God figure is robbing a kneeling "prodigal son" figure. It has given the author a symbol for the title and it adorns the cover of the book. Augsburger relies on the thought of major 16th century Anabaptist leaders as well as of Mennonite thinkers like the late John Howard Yoder. He elucidates with clarity some major responsibilities of the free-church tradition to the world Christian community. Augsburger shows his wide knowledge of theological discourse from many sources. One interesting perspective developed in chapter nine: "A community of the third way," seeks to plead for moderation among Christians. Evangelicals have moved too far to the right, even cooperating with the government which in Anabaptist thought is anathema. Mainliners have moved too far to the left of the theological and ethical spectrum. Augusburger pleads for a uniqueness that keeps the church away from identifying with the culture and opts for the stance of "progressive evangelicals" who endorse a third way. He suggests that the writings of Jacques Ellul, Lesslie Newbigin, Jim Wallis, Ron Sider and Walter Wink can be helpful in guiding the church of the twenty first century to be more distinct from the culture while at the same time planting the seed of uniqueness that 1 Peter 2:9-12 encourages. The author reaffirms basic Mennonite tenets like non-violence, pacifism, and compassionate mission. He devotes a chapter to mission. He is open to dialogue with other world religions in the Newbigin style, maintaining the exclusivity of Christianity. This writer resonates with the contents of the book. Ministering at the United Nations amid religious pluralism and in cooperation with many religious organizations seeking peace, upholding human rights, and related issues, one is encouraged by the concept of the church as "a community of the third way." The Mennonite Central Committee has significant benevolent, courageous and effective work in regions of the world where ethnic strife, war mongering, and violations of human rights are rampant. I am convinced that the commitment to reconciliation, "a third way" approach to church identity, and an updated missiology, is worthy of greater attention not only among believers of the free-church tradition but as well among believers of the mainline tradition. David F. D'Amico representative of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship at the United Nations, New York, since 1995 was former Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY (1989-1995), and Executive Director of the Metropolitan New York

Fundamentals of Database Systems (3rd Edition)
Published in Hardcover by Addison-Wesley Publishing (1999)
Authors: Ramez A. Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe
Amazon base price: $95.00
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $7.49
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

A work unfinished
This book appears to be a first draft. No pronuciation help. Does not show how use the words. It would be worth buying if the author finishes it.

Fred Kogos does Yiddish justice.
The setup of the book makes it easy to use. The words and phrases are accurate; my native Yiddish speaking mother liked it. We were able to start talking and having fun right away. I was raised around Yiddish, but it hadn't occurred to my parents to teach it to their children. Love this book.

Americans On Everest Part 1 Of 2
Published in Audio Cassette by Books on Tape, Inc. (01 January, 1989)
Author: James Ramsey Ullman
Amazon base price: $56.00
Used price: $38.79
Collectible price: $35.55
Average review score:
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1001 Quips & Quotes for Business Speeches
Published in Paperback by Sterling Publications (1992)
Authors: Richard S. Zera and Myron Miller
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:
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Psychiatric Medications : A Guide for Mental Health Professionals
Published in Paperback by Sage Publications (1990)
Author: Kenneth J. Bender
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $74.95
Buy one from zShops for: $74.99
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Audi 4000S, 4000Cs and Coupe Gt: Official Factory Repair Manual 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987: Including Quattro and Quattro Turbo
Published in Paperback by Bentley Publishers (2003)
Author: Audi of America
Amazon base price: $129.95
Average review score:
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Confident Writer: A Norton Handbook
Published in Paperback by W. W. Norton & Company (1987)
Authors: Amy Richards, Myron C. Tuman, and Constance Gefvert
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $0.50
Average review score:
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Congenital Heart Disease Adult
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Professional (20 December, 2001)
Authors: Welton M., Md Gersony, Marlon, S., Md Rosenbaum, Myron L., MD Weisfeldt, Richard A., MD Gersony, and Kwame Anyane-Yeboa
Amazon base price: $99.00
Used price: $42.00
Buy one from zShops for: $91.08
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Dealing With Depression: Five Pastoral Interventions
Published in Paperback by Haworth (T) (1995)
Authors: Richard Dayringer, Byron Eicher, Myron C. Madden, John J. O'Hearne, H. Darby Trotter, Morton Jacobs, and Robert M. Mathews
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.55
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