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Book reviews for "Curry,_George_Edward" sorted by average review score:

Edward R. Stettinus Jr.: Nineteen Forty-Four to Nineteen Forty-Five and James F. Byrnes, Nineteen Forty-Five to Ninteen Forty-Seven (American secreta
Published in Textbook Binding by Cooper Square Press (1965)
Authors: Richard L. Walker and George Curry
Amazon base price: $24.50
Used price: $12.00
Average review score:

For all the office workers of the world. A MUST HAVE !!
Gotta have it. If you are at all interested in the origins of all the photocopier art passsed around from desk to desk and generation to generation...

An American Treasure of humor
This book is a MUST HAVE for the office worker who enjoys handing out XEROX copies of great humor. Not only is this book extremely funny, it has captured an "almost lost history" of American folklore. Nowhere else can you get the ultimate source of good humor, that has detailed explainations of what and how each joke (or story) have come to being. Good information to educate the younger generation who don't quite understand the true humor of the past. Get a copy of this genuine relic of great writings of people like you and me. A modest collection of pamphlets, cartoons, stories, limmericks, "Top Ten", racial, religious, nationality, poems. etc... some of which you may have seen passed around the office at one time or another. Probably the best "bathroom book" you'll ever get your hands on.

White-collar frustration gets white-hot
White-collar frustration gets white-hot in this hilarious look into the minds of America's hardest working jokers. Water-cooler not included.

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