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Book reviews for "Cooper,_Harold_H." sorted by average review score:

Health and Fitness Excellence: The Scientific Action Plan
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (1989)
Authors: Robert K. Cooper, Tom Ferguson, and Harold H. Boomfield
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $1.89
Collectible price: $2.38
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

Well-written and easy-read health and fitness book
I bought this book unseen after having read Brad Appleton's online book on stretching called "stretching and flexibility". Appleton highly recommends it. I understand why!!!!!!!!!! It combines every-day health topics like stress, motivation etc. in a (often but not always) sports-context. The book is though also recommended to people not interested in sports. Cooper has lots of scientific references (also for further reading) so his claims/suggestions/opinions are absolutely not "just personal meanings from somewhere". By my 9 years higher education (university) I must say I have NEVER written book so easy read and still so scientific as this one. It is a MASTERPIECE!!! You can use it as reference book or read from first page till last. I also consider it a whole life book. If you really know this book and takes the consequences of it you will be a better person. To others and yourself. And the price is a joke!!! I could easily have paid... for it!!

excellence of the synergy of health/nutrition/exercise
I have been reading books about health, nutrition, and exercise. This is the first book I have come across that deals in detail with all three topics individually, and also as a synergistic group. Plus all theories presented are published studies. For a complete overview of health, fitness and nutrition, this is a great book.

The Power of 5
Published in Audio Cassette by Audio Renaissance (1995)
Authors: Harold H., M.D. Bloomfield and Robert K., Ph.D. Cooper
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $3.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.89
Average review score:

"The Power of 5" is very informative!
I originally purchased "The Power of 5" as a guide to stress relief and weight management. I got much more than I bargained for! It contains great little tips to improve just about every aspect of your life; none of which take more than a few minutes to implement. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends!

Measures up to all it says
This is one of the greatest resource books I have ever run across. It is amazing how much you can change your life, your body, your relationships in just 5 minute (or less) increments. Anyone who says they "don't have time" needs to read this book. It gives you time. It gives you permission to do the things you want to do and you can no longer say you don't have time. It tells you how and has all the back-up to support what it says. It is laid-out well, with easy to read chapters, plus extra "information boxes" on a variety of subjects. Pick this book up and turn to any page. You will find something that you were looking for. From food prep, to muscle exercises, to meditation, to love, its all in there. Just check out the rave reviews on the book and who wrote them if you don't believe me.

How to Be Safe in an Unsafe World
Published in Audio Cassette by Audio Renaissance (1997)
Authors: Harold H. Bloomfield, Robert K. Cooper, and Sirah Vettese
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $4.74
Buy one from zShops for: $6.78
Average review score:

Very theoratical and very scholastic impractial!
I wonder if anybody could really follow up what this book tried to deliver. Obviously, this was only a book written by two white-shoe scholars who never met any realistic danger in the streets but reading dangerous happenings everyday on the newspapers. If I really bought what this books theories(only theories), and really got into trouble with some attackers or assailants and trying to use the techniques(if they are techniques), I definitely would get killed right on the spot! This was a one-way-thought-so, or think-to-be personal safety textbook, but would only get people killed. I also almost got killed by the authors' zigzagging, circling-around-at-the-same-spot writing style, and felt dizzy all the time tring very hard not to lose focus. A terrible, horrible read! By the way, if I follow what the guy said in his foreword to blindly praise this book and really giving this book to everyone I know, I may lose their friendship permanently

Outstanding roadmap to increasing inner/outer safety
This book was absolutely fascinating and filled with exceptionally practical, great advice. I didn't read the book for the physical safety part, although I felt it does a great job there. I read it for the inner, emotional safety part. It provides practical advice in a clear, concise manner on how to maintain energy, alertness and effectively handle negative emotions and negative people. It's well worth the money.

Think Safe, Be Safe: The Only Guide to Inner Peace and Outer Security
Published in Paperback by Three Rivers Press (1998)
Authors: Robert K. Cooper and Harold H. Bloomfield
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $1.84
Collectible price: $12.67
Buy one from zShops for: $1.90
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