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Book reviews for "Castaneda,_Omar_S." sorted by average review score:

Abuela's Weave
Published in Hardcover by Lee & Low Books (1993)
Authors: Omar S. Castaneda, Enrique O. Sanchez, and Omar S. Castaaneda
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.02
Average review score:

Woven with Love
A beautifully illustrated book written by Omar S. Castaneda who was born in Guatemala and teaches writing at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. The artist, Enrique O. Sanchez was born in the Dominican Republic and has worked as a graphic artist for Sesame Street. Together they create magic.

Esperanza is a girl who is learning to weave with her grandmother, Abuela. On the day of the Fiesta de Pueblos in Guate, they decide to reveal their work to the world.

"Esperanza, however, wore her favorite huipil: it was a white blouse with red, blue and green threads in the rectangular collar. Under that, the colors bled into silver and blue, and hidden within the intricate designs of the blouse were tiny quetzals flying freely in the threads the way they once flew in the great forests of Guatemala."

They have to take a bus and then finally they arrive in the city. Once Esperanza starts to hang up her work, people start to look at the elaborate weavings and some even take pictures. She sells all the items and her grandmother is very proud of her.

A loving story that follows in the tradition of Guatemala's legendary artisans.

excellent intergenerational sensitivity
Buy it! For a delightful experience of a grandmother and granddaughter and how they grow closer through sharing of talent and love, you should read this one.

A touching story about family, responsibility, and Guatemala
After returning from a solo trip to Guatemala, I was looking for a way to give my children a sense of what the country is like - not just what I saw there, but what I felt, being among the Maya. This book provided me with the tool I was looking for. This touching story weaves the importance and closeness of Mayan family, the responsibility that Mayan children must assume early in life, and a bit of the mystery surrounding the people into a wonderful tale. Reading Abuela's Weave to my children was one of the only times I have ever cried over a children's book.

The kids liked it, too.

Among the Volcanoes
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Omar S. Castaneda
Amazon base price: $12.15
Average review score:

Can you say Soap Opera?
Oh my god, this book was exactly like a soap opera. I mean, Isabel loves Lucas, but she's talking to Allen Waters, a doctor, and Lucas thinks she likes him. Isabel's "best friend" Teresa, still likes Lucas, they used to date so she tells Lucas a pack of lies, and at the end...guess what??? .... I highly reccomend it for people who like sappy love stories. The plot's ok, Isabel wants to be a teacher, but her mom, Manuela, is dying so she can't go to school. You figure it out.

A 6th grade teacher in Rhode Island
This is a book with a good, believable story that helps give the reader an inside look at life in a Guatemalan village. However, the author spends a good deal of time and a good deal of figurative language attending to the setting and feelings of the character. Since it is set in a place that is unfamiliar to many U.S. readers, this may be necessary, but for my younger readers, it meant the story moved along a bit too slowly. For many of them, reading the book became a painful process.

Omar, You are with us always
I was a friend of Omar's when he was teaching out at Western Washington University in Bellingham USA back in 1994. His testimony and love for the Guatemalan people and MAYA was always present in his daily life. His family and friends hold him dear to our hearts. I miss you Omar. Maybe in the next life we will be able to meet down in La Libertad, Cuscatlan and get some beers. READ THIS BOOK!

Published in Hardcover by Pineapple Pr (1987)
Author: Omar S. Castaneda
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.88
Average review score:
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El Tapiz De Abuela
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Omar S. Castaneda and Enrique O. Sanchez
Amazon base price: $10.54
List price: $15.05 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Imagining Isabel
Published in Hardcover by Lodestar Books (1994)
Authors: Omar S. Castaneda and Omar S. Castaaneda
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $16.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Naranjo the Muse: A Collection of Stories
Published in Paperback by Arte Publico Pr (1997)
Authors: Omar S. Castaneda and Omar S. Castaaneda
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.75
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Omar S. Castaneda's "Among the Volcanoes": A Study Guide from Gale's "Literature of Developing Nations for Students"
Published in Digital by The Gale Group (28 March, 2003)
Amazon base price: $3.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Remembering to Say 'Mouth' or 'Face'
Published in Hardcover by FC2 (1993)
Authors: Omar S. Castaneda and Omar S. Castaaneda
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $22.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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