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Book reviews for "Alphin,_Elaine_Marie" sorted by average review score:

Simon Says
Published in School & Library Binding by Harcourt (01 May, 2002)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.48
Collectible price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

Truth in Hyperbole
This is the only book I have ever read that accurately depicted the inner life of the creative person. Is it hyperbolic? Yes - because the inner life is hyperbolic. Is it metaphoric? Yes - because psychological truth is best portrayed metaphorically. Is it uncomfortable? Damn straight. I felt as if I were watching Elaine Alphin, the author (and a personal friend; nothing less but total honesty will do in discussing this book) stand in Times Squre, douse herself in gasoline, and light a match. I have neither the courage nor the stamina to write a book like this.

Ironically, the reasons this extraordinarily honest book has been overlooked for awards and tepidly received by professional critics are clearly delineated in the book. Nobody wants to know. If you don't want it to be true, don't look at it and shoot the messenger. Heaven forfend that anyone take on the Rachel role and edit the world into something better! As the three previous reviews show, however, adolescents recognize their world. But will they do anything about it? Or will they grow up and convince themselve they were overreacting?

On bad days I'm Charles, feeling pressured to be Graeme. On amazingly excellent days I get to be Adrian. Most of the time I'm holding on, putting the inner Rachel in charge and hoping for the best.

Elaine's told us the truth. It's up to the rest of us to act on that truth.

An exceptional book for teens of all dialect
This book is by far an excellent read. Elaine really describes the charectars so that you feel almost as if your part of the story. You can't stop thinking about the book until you've read it cover to cover, and then you still have it on your mind. When my mom got this book for me i was afraid it was just another "recommended" book for teens that was fake and was stripped of content. But from the moment i opened it I knew that this book was deffinetly anything but. I recommend this book to any teen that may be experiencing any feelings of reject or feeling they just don't fit in or belong. Also, of course, i recommend it to anyone that wants a good read. This book is full of surprises and you never totally figure it out until the bitter end.

Must Read!
I couldn't believe this book! It's so TRUE! I opened it Saturday morning and I couldn't stop reading until I finished it that afternoon. It just sucked me into Charles's world. I felt like I was part Charles and part Graeme, and like I wished I could be more like Adrian even though I didn't like him at all at first. But these guys were so REAL to me!

I thought I was the only guy who had these thoughts and these fears and was struggling with these issues. But this book says it all. It's okay to be different. It's okay to tell your parents you can't be the person they expect you to be - they might even accept you as you are. Or maybe they won't. The book doesn't promise any happy endings, but it's honest.

All I can say is that every teen, whether you're into painting or writing or music, or whether you're a jock or a geek or a Goth or WHOEVER you are, you have to read this book!! I feel different after reading it, and you will too.

Tournament of Time
Published in Paperback by Bluegrass Books (01 November, 1994)
Authors: Elaine Marie Alphin and Elaine M. Alphin
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $2.25
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

Good books by Elaine Marie Alphin
This book was a great true murder mystery; I had the pleasure of meeting the author as she told about her about her past and how she becomes one with her characters. I really enjoy reading these types of books and wish for more.

Now These Ghosts Are Scary!
My teacher made us read this in class because we were studying knights and castles and the Middle Ages. But I liked it! Anyway - this book is a SCARY ghost story. I read Ghost Cadet by the same author, and that ghost wasn't scary, so I liked this book better. First the ghosts of the murdered kids get INSIDE Jess and her brothers - then the murderer's ghost starts making mean accidents happen to Jess's family, so she figures out who it is. Then she tries to take the kid ghosts home on Halloween - only Halloween in England isn't trick-or-treating, like it is here. It's called All Hallows Eve. And it's when ghosts RISE UP FROM THE DEAD to fix things. See? I said it was scary! The murderer's ghost rises up and Jess has to beat him before he locks her up inside this STONE TOMB!! If you like to be scared, read this book. And if you like knights in armor, read it too. I wish our teacher had found more scary books like this for us to read in class. Maybe next year!

Creating Characters Kids Will Love
Published in Paperback by Writers Digest Books (September, 2000)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.50
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

Love it--I'm sure you will, too!
What do you do when you don't feel like writing? You go online and review your favorite writing books on!

Creating Characters Kids Will Love is really a must-have for the wanna-be children's writer. This book and "Story Sparkers" (also available here--look for the set and save money!) are the best write-for-children guides I own, and I own nearly every one on the market!

The fun large format makes this book feel sort of like a workbook (though it really isn't), and it's easy to just flip to a section and start reading some helpful info without starting at the beginning. This is how I find myself reading this books much of the time (I get stuck writing and take a break by just reading some advice out of one of these). There's some very good stuff here, and lots and lots of recommendations for books and magazines to read, if you're the kind who'll actually go find the stuff!

This book concentrates on character development, with some how-tos on plot structure and conflict (as they relate to character development!) thrown in. Also, if you're interested in writing true stories or maybe historical fiction, there are chapters for you. All in all, it's really a good read. Even if you don't relate to the author's own examples of writing, you'll come away with a better idea of what kids (and publishers) expect in your manuscript. Good luck!

The Proving Ground
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company (01 October, 1992)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.63
Collectible price: $3.69
Average review score:

Different Twist on Terrorism?
I got hooked on this author by reading some of her other books, like Counterfeit Son (wow!) and Simon Says (a must read!). But The Proving Ground really blew me away because we've got all this terrorist scare going on right now, and this book was written ten years ago and it reminds you that terrorism isn't all outside. Sometimes it's a lot closer to home. People get scared for a lot of reasons and do violent things, and you've got to decide if you're going to stand up to them or turn away like it's not your responsibility. What could be more timely?

I liked the message that facing up to the fact that you've got to stand up for what you believe is as hard as actually doing it, and there may be repercussions, but you have to do it anyway. I think kids should read this book and try to figure out what they would do, whether they face terrorists from another country, or people who act like terrorists a lot closer to home.

Vacuum Cleaners (Household History Series)
Published in Library Binding by Carolrhoda Books (May, 2003)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $22.60
Used price: $10.46
Buy one from zShops for: $18.92
Average review score:

this is a story about a boy and he lives by above this other boy . they are friends untl they were seperated when they had to move . It is an interesting book and I think that any body will like it

Counterfeit Son
Published in Hardcover by Harcourt (September, 2000)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.80
Collectible price: $17.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.81
Average review score:

Great Read
Cameron Miller is the son of an abusive father that is killed by the police. He claims that he is the son of the Lacey family but his "sister" and a detective are soon on his tracks. He tries to change who he is to be more like Neil Lacey. After a brawl with his father's accomplice, Cougar, this book takes a twisted turn... This book is a great read. It will keep you glued to every page and when you're done it will leave you yearning for more.

--After Cameron Miller's father, a man who abducted and killed many young boys, dies, Cameron takes on the identity of one of his father's victims, Neil Lacey, because he likes the sound of them and especially because of their sailboats, for some unknown reason. After joining their family in hope of finding happiness, Cameron finds out that several of his father's friends have discovered his plans and are after him. --I loved this book; it was very emotional and nicely written. It wasn't too disturbing although there is some mention of physical and sexual abuse, there aren't too many details. It worked its way up to a great climax extremely well. --Marisa

One of the Best Books I've Read
Children's or adult's! Counterfeit Son is riveting from beginning to end. I admire the way the author makes it clear that Cameron has been through so much horror, yet is never explicit about those horrors. She focuses on Cameron's reactions, instead ("it was because I was bad," Pop said). She very well captures the low self-esteem and self-blaming of the victim (actually, one of many victims) here.

I kept thinking Cameron's identity would have to come out in the end, and tried to imagine how this would come about. I couldn't outguess it! One reviewer didn't like the ending, but I have to say I thought it was brilliant!

Ghost Soldier
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (August, 2001)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.75
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $11.22
Average review score:

A Good Book
Ghost Soldier is a perrty good book. If you like ghost stories. The book deals with the Civil War. Ghost Soldier is not the best story to read. I think the book could of been longer. That is the only thing I don`t like about the book. The story takes place in North Carolina. the main person in the story is Alexander. I like the story just because, it deals with ghost. It all depends on what you like to read. You may like reading Ghost Soldieror you may notlike it.

Ghost Soldier
I read the book Ghost Soldier. It was a good book at some points. At other points it was confusing did I did not know what they were talking about. The book is about a boy who's mother ran out on him and his father when was ten. Know his father has fallen in love with this lady from North Carolina. The boy's name is Alexander. He still thinks that his mother is coming back and they should not move down to North Carolina. I don't want to tell you the whole story but the last thing I can tell you is that Alexander mets a ghost and gets caught up with what is holding the ghost back from resting in peace.

Ghost Soldier
A boy named Alexander, from Indiana, took a vacation with his dad to Duke University in South Carolina. His father is a computer programmer and doesn't plan on just staying for spring break.
Alex has a family secret that he inherited from his mother who left him when he was about ten years old. This secret allowed him to to see ghosts. When he meets Rich, a ghost, he discovers an exciting yet dangerous way to explore history. To hear more about this book read Ghost Soldier by Elaine Marie Alphin, and see if you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Ghost Cadet
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 1999)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $9.72
List price: $12.15 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

Battle Replay
Picture soldiers marching in from all directions with large guns, or in this case muskets. Would you want to be there? Would you want everything you're used to vanishing? Well at least you have nothing keeping you there. Benjy, the main character in Elaine Marie Alpfins historical fiction book, Ghost Cadet, was lead into a repetition of the battle of New Market searching for a friend. Benjy comes to his conclusion by deciding to help Hugh and make a ghostly friend.
Hugh, a soldier who died, has become friends with Benjy. Hugh haunts the battlefield in search of a goldwatch that he lost when he died. He leads Benjy into the repetition of this battle hoping to rediscover the watch. Will they suceed?
As they enter the battlefield Hugh leaves to find his regiment and also leaves Benjy to find that all modern things vanish. Soon the grass sways and ghost soldiers come marching in from all directions. Guns fire and soon Hugh falls down dead (again). Trembling while watching his ghostly friend die, will Benjy see the watch?
Hugh went to VMI college long ago. During this battle, Hugh lost his family's pride, a very old gold watch. Now, will Benjy rediscover it and make a new friend? Most important will he get it restored to Hughs family in time for Hugh to join his ghostly regiment in the parade?
6th Grade student ay OHES

A Determined Hugh
Ghost Cadet
Imagine a fifteen-year-old cadet, struggling to survive on a battlefield. He's just barely alive when he hides his grandfather's watch in a hole. Hugh is now dead, but everyday he struggles to find his watch. In this book, Ghost Cadet, by Elaine Marie Alphin, brings back a real story and gives Hugh an adventure.
Hugh's hope turns all around when he meets Benjy. Not only is he a human (which means he can dig for things and do normal things you and I can do), he is willing to help Hugh. Because of Benjy, they don't only become friends, but they might find the watch before the ceremony in which the cadets come together in pride for serving get called (As you can see Hugh would feel dishonored without a relative having the watch. That's one reason why he needs the watch before the ceremony.) .
Hugh makes Benjy search everyday on the New Market Battlefield. Hugh even makes Benjy dig by old buildings on the field. As Hugh and Benjy get closer to the day of the ceremony, Hugh tells Benjy about the BATTLE!
Do you think that Hugh's watch will be found in time? Read Ghost Cadet, and I guarantee you'll find out!

6th grade student from OHES

Sometimes, It Takes a Ghost to Teach you Life Lessons
Suddenly, it becomes dark, and ghostly soldiers materialize in front of you. The Battle of New Market has begun, and you are there, in the field. Worst of all, you have no idea what is going to happen.
Ghost Cadet, by Elaine Marie Alphin, is a thought provoking book about a cadet who fought in the Civil War. William Hugh McDowell, our ghost cadet, hid a gold watch between two rocks, from the Yankees, over one hundred years ago. This book is all about recovering the watch.
Benjy Stark is just a kid who can't do anything right, can't make friends, can't understand why his older sister, Fran, just won't play with him anymore. He is teased, and no one likes
him-- until Hugh. Hugh needs a living person to help him find the watch, because he can't handle solid objects. So, after Benjy, who is currently on vacation, listens to Hugh's story, he feels obligated to help Hugh find his grandfather's watch. Benjy could never imagine valuing as strongly about his family honor as Hugh values his own, and Benjy understands Hugh's mission. So the two boys begin to search the field. Soon, the Battle of New Market begins to "relive," and Benjy is pulled into a ghostly world filled with war, fear, hope, courage, and death.
By the end of the book, Benjy has learned a few things. He is going to be a much more social person. You can tell. But the most important is that friendship is forever.
Oh, and I'm not going to tell you how they find the watch-- that is IF they find the Watch. You have to read it for yourself. You'll get more out it that way. Much more.
- Sixth Grader at OHES

A Bear for Miguel
Published in Paperback by HarperTrophy (May, 1997)
Authors: Elaine Marie Alphin and Joan Sandin
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $1.95
Buy one from zShops for: $2.75
Average review score:

Un Osito Para Miguelito
If you believe that war, poverty and brutality are appropriate topics for third-graders, this is the book for you. And there may very well be Salvadoran parents who wish to introduce the subject of that country's civil war to their children. The book is nicely illustrated, and I can't take issue with the writing on any technical basis. But seriously, the disclosure that Miguel was "hurt by soldiers. Now he can't run and play anymore," is a bit much for an eight-year-old, in my opinion.

Helped 4 year-old to understand sacrificial giving, Spanish
This is an engaging story that spoke to my little girl's heart. After she read this book (with minimal help), we discussed the concepts. It changed her heart. She finally became receptive to the idea of giving away some of her toys to poor children.

My daughter also learned some Spanish words, which were beautifully integrated into the text of the story. She has retained the words and their meanings very well after only a few readings. She began to understand the concept of a foreign language because the words were presented in context first in Spanish then in English. This was far more effective than her Spanish picture dictionary.

In short, this is a beautiful book that has the potential to expand your child's horizons and change his/her heart. Children can relate well to the love that the main character has for her favorite - and only - toy, which makes the climax of the story easy to understand. A child who learns even one or two of the Spanish words and phrases could possibly make new friends at the playground. I highly recommend this lovingly written, educational book.

Davy Crockett (History Maker Bios)
Published in Hardcover by Lerner Publications Company (April, 2003)
Author: Elaine Marie Alphin
Amazon base price: $23.93
Average review score:
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